Gray x Reader: Just Because

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(Y/N) had just came home from a mission on a cold mountain. Since her magic type didn't go well with the cold, she got sick. The poor mage was physically drained from her mission.

She decided to take a warm bath. (Y/N) started running her water until it was the perfect temperature. Once the tub was filled, she stepped in. (Y/N) was perfectly relaxed until, she heard a loud noise.

'Don't tell me it's....' She thought.

"(Y/N)! I heard you got home from your mission!"

'It is.'

"Where are you at?"

"Wai-!" Before (Y/N) could respond, Gray opened the bathroom door.

He turned bright red, "I- ahh...sorry?"

"The problem isn't that you're in my bathroom," (Y/N) sighed, this happens more often than you would think, "It's that you're naked in my bathroom!"

Gray looked down, "No! You've got it all wrong!"

"Oh really?" She replied sarcastically.

"Yeah! I was naked before I got here."

She stared at Gray for a minute, until kicking him out of the room. Gray was surprised, usually (Y/N) kicked him out more viscously. He was almost worried- but keeping in mind that this is Gray, we can rule that out.

Once (Y/N) got out of her bath and dried off, she changed into warm clothes. She opened the door, releasing a ton of steam and sat on her sofa with a fluffy blanket. By this time, she thought that Gray would have left, but he walked into room.

"(Y/N) are you feeling okay?" Gray asked.

She shivered and flashed a weak smile, "I just have a cold, it's nothing."

Gray walked across the room and felt (Y/N)'s forehead and frowned, "You have a fever. Stay here and rest, I'll make some soup."

"Nggghh," (Y/N) whined, "I have a headache." She was honestly shocked at Gray's sudden nice actions. (Y/N) decided not to think of it much of it. She drifted off to sleep, hoping to get better soon.


Meanwhile, Gray was in the kitchen. He was confused, since he doesn't cook much. The last time Gray cooked was when Juvia and Lyon had decided he needed to learn basic life lessons. In that day, he had learned how to cook, and clean. He also learned that Juvia and Lyon were dating.

"Okay," Gray said to himself, "I need some broth, chicken, and noodles. Do I need anything else?" The ice wizard frantically tried to remember the soup portion of that lesson.

'Come on stupid!' He thought, 'This has to be perfect. (Y/N) is sick! I can't have her sick, I hate to see her suffer. She's like...I don't know, I just love her!'


(Y/N) awoke to the smell of fresh soup and tea. She was surprised, since she didn't think Gray could actually cook. (Y/N) sat up slowly as her headache came back. Gray had gotten a bowl and spoon out for here. She reached for the bowl, but Gray stopped her.

"Here, let me." Gray then spoon-fed (Y/N) the soup and then handed her a cup of tea.

(Y/N) sighed, "Gray, why are you here? Why are you helping me? Honestly, even Laxus seems more caring than you. And that's saying something."

"Well," Gray sat down next to (Y/N) and put an arm around her, "you've always been a mysterious member of the guild, and I guess when Natsu forced you to join our team, you opened up."


"No, I'm not done. I wanted to tell you that I liked you, but I was afraid about Juvia, and when she told me that her and Lyon were together I was excited. You left the guild on that year mission, and I couldn't tell you. So, I'll do that now, (Y/N) (L/N) I love you." Gray nuzzled his face on her neck.

"You might get sick," (Y/N) warned.

Gray shushed her, "I don't care.."


The silence lasted a little longer, until (Y/N) spoke up, "Gray, I'm cold.."

Gray hugged (Y/N), "I may not be a fire wizard like Natsu, or a muscle man like Laxus, but it doesn't mean I can't help you lose this cold. Just because I'm an ice wizard, doesn't mean I can't help you warm."

"I love you, Gray," (Y/N) muttered as she fell asleep in Gray's arms.

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