Gray x Reader: Back

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      (Y/N) sunk into a warm bath in her apartment, it was a nice change. She'd been on a mission for months, years even, and Gray had patiently awaited his girlfriend's return. (Y/N) had made a pit stop at her house, to drop off her luggage and she was drawn to the thought of her own bath. It had been forever since she relaxed like this. Still, in the back of her mind she wanted to hurry up and get to Gray.

    Once she was done, she slipped on her knee-length boots, grabbed a long sweater and umbrella, and went on her way to the guild. The rain poured down against her umbrella, and it puddled on the streets. The scent of the wet ground radiated in the air, and the brisk weather was the perfect fall day. It reminded her of Gray, only making her happier to be seeing him in a few minutes.

     She busted into the guild doors, only to be greeted with an unusual silence. Everyone was staring in her direction, almost like they were all frozen in time. Natsu broke the silence, "Look who wandered in off the streets, you're back!"

     "Damn right I am, pinkie. How's it been?" (Y/N) put her hands on her hips and grinned, despite Gray and Natsu's ongoing feud he and (Y/N) were the best of friends.

     "Well, for starters, we've gotten so many new members," Natsu started counting on his fingers, "let's see, we have Wendy, Carla, Juvia, Gajeel, and Pantherlily."

     A blonde girl appeared behind Natsu with an irritated look on her face, "Forgetting someone?"

      "That's rude Lucy, Laxus isn't new."

     "Seriously?" Lucy raised her eyebrow, then turned to (Y/N), "I'm Lucy Heartfilia, a celestial wizard."

     (Y/N) snorted at Natsu's idiocy, "Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." As the two got acquainted, Natsu was thinking hard to try and remember the new member he had forgotten.


     (Y/N) had been at the guild for over a hour when it dawn upon her- she had yet to see Gray. She gazed across the hall to see if she had missed him, but sure enough, there was no Gray. He wasn't the only one missing, (Y/N) also had yet to meet Juvia, all of the others had been introduced to her. She decided to ask Mira if she had any idea where he was.

     "I think he and Juvia took a small mission earlier this morning, they should be back soon. I'm sure Gray will be happy to see you again. Speaking of the devil, there they are!"

    (Y/N) turned her head to the doors where the girl and Gray stood. As soon as he saw her, Gray's eyes lit up. "(Y/N)! You're back!" He hurried over to her and embraced her in a hug. "Do you have any idea how much I've missed you? It was a lot, like a lot a lot."

     "Shush, Gray. Everyone is staring."

   "Do you think I care? I'm too glad you made it back in one piece. That mission must have been hell."

     Elfman shouted out to Gray, "A real man would kiss her right now!" Mira shot a glare at her brother, it seemed to be telling him to stop ruining the moment or else.


      The next day, (Y/N) woke up early and went to the guild, the way she always used to before the mission. It was one of the ways to have real talk with Mira and Erza before the more loud and obnoxious members like Gray and Natsu woke up. Ironic, really. She entered the guild to be greeted by the usual early risers, Laxus, Erza, Mira, Freed, and the two new members Juvia and Gajeel, along with his cat. Mira was occupied with Laxus and Freed, while Erza was having a conversation with the cat.

     "You." Juvia instantly came into (Y/N)'s vision, "What affliction do you have to Gray Fullbuster?"

     "Gray? Well he's my significant other, my boyfriend, my lover, my sweetheart if you will."

     A fleck of disappointment flashed in Juvia's eyes, then they became stone cold again, "My beloved is dating a thesaurus," she muttered. "I need you to end your relationship."

     Well, this one was rather blunt, "Excuse me?" (Y/N) raised her eyebrow, "I don't need to do anything for you."

      The insanity in the blue haired woman's eyes intense as she slapped (Y/N) across the face multiple, "My darling needs someone who won't randomly leave on ten year long missions! He needs me, not a bland girl like you!"

     Juvia's hand was about to strike (Y/N)'s face again when a new hand grabbed it. It was the shirtless man, Gray, and he had the nastiest look he could muster on his face. "Just what do you think you're doing? I finally get (Y/N) back, and you do this!"

     Juvia became flustered, "My d-dear! I-I, um."

     "I will not let you treat the love of my life like this. Get out of my sight." She proceeded to try to an explain, "Bug off!" Juvia scattered as Gray turned to face (Y/N), who had a bloody nose, a swollen eye, and bruised cheeks, his eyes were filled with worry, " Are you okay, love?" Gray pressed his lips upon (Y/N)'s, and mumbled, "infirmary."

      Once in the infirmary, Gray asks, "Why did you let her-"

    "Gray, Fairy Tail is my home. I'm not going to hit my family, even if it is the psychotic third cousin twice removed. I love you all too much, especially you."

     Gray chuckled, "I love you too. Maybe tonight we can," he wiggled his eyebrows.

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