Acnologia x Reader AU: Metallic Kisses

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A/N: Heads up, Acnologia is a Yandere.


      The news was filled with cop cars, the loud sirens blared and their lights were flashing. There had been another murder. So many news anchors were at the scene; each were trying to be the first to report on the tragedy. These murders weren't new, they'd been going just a little longer than (Y/N) and Acnologia had been dating.

       (Y/N) was sitting on her couch in her shared apartment with Acnologia. She was glued to the TV, watching as the anchorman on Magnolia's number one news station explained all the details that were released to the public so far. Aaron Bellotti was the first, of course, to charm the police for an interview for the news station Griffin Pit.

"You okay?" (Y/N) jumped at the sudden voice, but relaxed as Acnologia embraced, "Hey, calm down. It's just me."

(Y/N) shook her head, "Sorry. It's just, the murders are getting more brutal. It's a little nerve wracking, it's been going on for so long."

Acnologia stroked (Y/N)'s hair, while still hugging her. The two stayed like that for a long time, the Television flashing in front of them. Aaron Bellotti started the interview.

      "I hear that this is the work of the 'Dark Dragon' killer. Is that true?"

"Sadly, we believe it is. The victim had his signature on it. It was also mangled up."

       "Do you think that this could be a threat to any viewers?"

"Yes. Stay close to the people you know are safe. Don't let any strangers lead you any place."

      "So you think the killings are random?"

"No, but we could be wrong. Just keep your eyes open."

       "Have you successfully identified the victim? If so, can we have a name?"

"The victim was Mest Gryder.'"

      "That's all we have time for this hour, folks. Stay tuned for updates on the killings, and always remember- Once again, that is the news from the Griffin Pit."

       The TV turned black and (Y/N) put her head in her hands. Mest had been one (Y/N)'s best friends. The two knew each other ever since their mothers had book club meetings at their houses, Zeref was also at those meetings- but he wasn't the dead one.

"He was such a good person, who would do these?" (Y/N) was crying when her phone rang; she let it ring a good four times before she finally calmed down enough to pick it up. "Hello? Zeref! It's you, did you hear? My god this is terrible. I'm sorry, I can't right now. I just can't. Yeah, I will. Bye."


        That night, under the light of the moon, a cloaked figured moved across the streets in an inhuman speed. With a meat cleaver in his hand, he stalked the next person on his lists. It was an owner of a 7-11, who had looked at (Y/N), and assisted her when she went to buy a drink and a candy bar the other day. (Y/N) might not have noticed, but that man was definitely flirting with her. The man's name was Kenley Adams.

       He approached the store, being sure to keep out of all the cameras, and located Kenely. In a deep, gruff voice Acnologia stated, "You looked at my girl. Now the Dark Dragon with take you." With that, the store owner had no time to do anything, before he got chopped up into a pile of flesh separated from bones and organs.


       It didn't take long for an autopsy of Mest to take place and the funeral for him was four days later. Zeref had picked up (Y/N), both of them were dressed in black. They were the closest he had to family. Acnologia arrived later, however, he put on a good show pretending to grieve the loss of one of his 'rivals.'

       "Come on (Y/N), we've got to go home. It's been two hours since they buried him. And look, it's starting to rain." Acnologia looked up at the sky and shifted between his feet. "We can't have you getting sick, you're far too precious."

       (Y/N) declined, "You go on home without me, I think Zeref and I will stay up all night. This loss was a little much for us. You know, Mest was like a brother to us. Especially since Zeref lost his younger brother Natsu so long ago."

"(Y/N)," Acnologia spoke in a voice that gave much warning, it lingered in the air longer than expected, "You will not stay with this trash."


"NO!" with that the crazy and unstable man took out a knife from his coat, laughing like a maniac, he walked towards Zeref.

Zeref froze, and looked to (Y/N), she nodded and he bolted off, to get help.

"Looks like he ran to protect himself my dear." Acnologia lunged at (Y/N) binding her hands with a cloth. He gagged her mouth, and then started walking her to a cabin in the cemetery's center, the place where he had planned all of the murders. He tied her to a chair once they got there.

Acnologia laughed, and traced his finger along (Y/N)'s face. "Fifty-Seven. That's how many people I've killed for you. You know, I'd do anything for you, but now you know my secret. You're scared of me. You'll turn me in the first chance you get, and Zeref is doing that now, isn't he? He'll never love you as much as I do. Anyone in the way between our love must die!"

"Now that you know, I'm afraid I'll have to kill you to. But it's okay, we'll be together forever. The gods will grant me your soul." Acnologia plunged his knife into (Y/N)'s chest, "I love you, but now we'll always be together. Always."

(Y/N) spit up blood, and Acnologia pressed his lips to hers for one last metallic kiss.


       It wasn't long after (Y/N) had died when the police dogs found the scent trail. Zeref was horrified at the scene, (Y/N) had been stabbed Fifty-Eight times in the chest. Now that Acnologia was arrested, and (Y/N) was dead, Zeref had no other friends. He dedicated his life to taking down all murderers.

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