Jellal x Reader: Light

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      It was years since (Y/N) had last seen her brother Gray. First they got separated when Deliora destroyed their village and killed their parents. Then, (Y/N) ran into the ice dragon, her adoptive mother, Frostina. After that, she had gotten kidnapped and put to work in the Tower of Heaven, meeting Erza and Jellal there. Back then, she hadn't known Gray was out in the world, alive. If she had, she would have gone to Fairy Tail with Erza; instead she stayed with Jellal.

     Years past by, and each day she lost more and more hope that Gray was alive. Despite Jellal's plans to finish the R-System, he still treasured every day he had with (Y/N). Jellal assured (Y/N) that Gray was alive, and that one day they would reunite. They trusted each other, even if one was on the dark side and the other on the light, it didn't matter, because they loved each other.

     Sho, Simon, and Millianna went off to find Erza and bring her home. Little did they know, when they got Erza, they would have a group of Fairy Tail wizards after them. Gray was apart of the group that traveled to the Tower to get Erza, he never would have expected to find his sister there.

     It was a happy day when the Tower was destroyed. (Y/N) was overjoyed to join Fairy Tail to be with her brother and her best friend. Still, in all the happiness, (Y/N) was sad. Jellal was hurt, in a coma-like state. Yes, he was a terrible person but not a completely terrible person. He'd been there for her for many years, supporting her.

     That's why it was so difficult now while Jellal was standing in front of her. He had a blank stare when he asked her, "Do you know who I am? I don't remember anything."

      "Jellal Fernandes. You've done terrible things to my friends, ruined countless jobs. Even in all of those things, you managed to make me fall in love with you. You supported me in ways I can never thank you enough for." (Y/N) smiled a weak smile and looked to Erza, who was standing to her right, the ice dragon slayer's eyes were tearing up.

Erza held (Y/N)'s hand, "It's okay (Y/N).

      "I," Jellal said blankly, "was a horrible person. The world must be rid of criminals like me. I'm sorry." With that, he cast some sort of self-destruction spell on himself and the Nirvana.

     "You're taking the coward's way out." Erza spoke with her eyes shut, "You should atone for your sins, live and take down other evils of the world. Dying won't do any good. It will hurt (Y/N), it will hurt me. You don't want to hurt more people. Repent and relive, Jellal. You will remember one day!"


     It was killing (Y/N) to see Jellal so messed up. His memories gone, he was depressed. All he wanted to do was help (Y/N) and Erza, atone, and do more good. The three were fighting against Midnight.

"(Nickname)! Watch out!" Jellal called with worry dripping from his voice.

      (Nickname)? Jellal and Erza used to call her that in the Tower of Heaven, and Jellal didn't have his memories anymore. He was starting to remember (Y/N), all of the time the two spent together was coming back to Jellal. He'd lost his memories not his love for (Y/N). Love was too strong for amnesia to effect.

     "Ack!" (Y/N) forgot to heed Jellal's warning, she was too distracted by hearing her nickname. She became infuriated at Midnight "Oh, I'll show you! Ice Dragon Secret Art: Frostbite!" Midnight's body froze into a human icicle as he fell to the ground. (Y/N) was gravely injured from his previous attack, there was a gaping hole in her stomach. She too sank to her knees.

     "(Nickname)!" Jellal ran over to the girl. His eyes showed nothing but concern, "No. Don't even think of closing those beautiful eyes. I remember you, I couldn't live if you died. You're my best friend, the one I loved, through darkness and light. If you were to die, this whole world would be a darker place for anyone you've ever crossed paths with. You're the light of my life, the only one for me. I know if I have you to talk with, you would help my memories return."

"Jellal." (Y/N) began to cry.

     Jellal continued his mindless babble to keep (Y/N) conscious until Erza got back with Wendy, "Hey, there's no need to shed tears (Y/N). You'll make it through this I swear. You have changed me for the better, without you I wouldn't be myself. What would Gray do? You're brother would cry, so would your friends. Fairy Tail, your guild, they love you (Y/N). Just please hold on for me until the others get back. There's so much life ahead of you."


    The battle had ended and (Y/N) couldn't fight for awhile. Wendy healed her some, but (Y/N) was on strict rest duty until she got back to the guild. Jellal was helping Gray to be a human pair of crutches for (Y/N).

    Slowly, the group heading back to the rendezvous place realized they were surrounded by a rune. Lahar and the magic council appear before them. "Jellal Fernandes, you are hereby being arrested for your crimes." Jellal nods and walks forward, first making sure that (Y/N) is steady on her feet with just Gray.

Gray is the first to snap out of shock, "No way! He helped defeat the Oracion Seis! That should count for it!"

    "Yeah," Natsu shouts, "Gray, we can take these council cronies!" The allied wizards one by one start defending Jellal.

     (Y/N) and Erza were the only ones who remained silent. (Y/N) had tears streaming down her face, while Erza was getting ready to yell at the mages. "Enough! You may take him. He must repent. I hate to see him go, but he has to," her voice cracking at the end.

    Before Jellal passed the doors he looked back to (Y/N), "Don't be sad, (Nickname). You light my life, I'll love you until the day I die, never give up."

(Y/N) half-heartedly let out a tearful laugh, "I'll be waiting for the day when you get out, Jellal."

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