Bickslow x Reader: I Think I Love Her

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       He walked in the shop today, carrying a bag of what (Y/N) assumed was his 'babies'. She leaned on the counter as he walked stiffly, "Hard mission again, love?" She asked.

       Bickslow nodded, he always had (Y/N) fix or replace his broken 'soul holders'. He seemed tense this time around, "They're in the bag if they're salvageable, I can't believe how brutal this one was. It was some kind of mythological monster that was mega powerful. They would have held up if you had made them, but Laxus was rushing to get on a second mission after the last, and we just had Laki repair them- which was a terrible mistake. Never again will I let Laxus convince me that a mission is more important than proper repairs."

      "Aw, I'm flattered," (Y/N) took the bag and poured out the contents. It was kind of like a routine, Bickslow goes on a mission, and when he comes in for repairs he tells her all about his experiences. It had been this way forever. "I don't think any of this is going to be saved, hun."

       She grabbed a new block of wood, and a carving knife and perched on her bar stool behind the counter. Bickslow took a seat across from her on the other side. When he first came to the wood carvers here, he thought it was strange that (Y/N) would randomly call people names like 'hun', 'bud', and 'love', but now he would never question it. He watched her face change with every carve she made in the wood. "Any plans for Valentine's Day? I hear that's coming up again." She commented flatly.

  "Nah, normally I would go to the guild hall, but all of my friends have dates. I wouldn't want to interrupt them. You have anything? Maybe we could do something, I enjoy these talks we have, why don't we ever hang out outside of the shop?" He replied with curiosity.

      "I don't know why. What if, I'm afraid of meeting all of your mage friends. I guess since I don't have powers, I'm scared of what they might think of me. If it's just us, why not, I'd love to hang out with you, bud." Bickslow was shocked, that's why she never hung out with him outside of work? That certainly was a silly reason, his friends wouldn't do that. They might wonder if they could teach her magic, but they would never laugh at her.

    Bickslow thought then, he'd invited (Y/N) to do something, but he hadn't thought of what he would do with her. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day, almost everything was all booked up. They could just stay at his house, but then they could also see if anything wasn't booked. He pondered for awhile and then decided that they would stay home. He'd try cooking something, and then they could bake a dessert.

"Come over to my house at six o'clock tomorrow night."

     "Mhm," she hummed in response, lost in her art. Bickslow was mesmerized by her, she was amazing, and he had successfully planned a date with her. He never thought that it was a possibility that one day they could be a thing, but now, that future felt bright. "Wait, so is this like, a date? Or is it like two friends hanging out?" Her voice dropped at the second statement.

      "It's a date." Bickslow grabbed one of the two finished babies and grabbed a paintbrush to add the painted details to it. Honestly, neither of them knew it, but they acted like an old married couple. Whenever his team got back from a mission, Bickslow would run off to (Y/N)'s shop. Sometimes, Evergreen, Freed, and Laxus joked that they had eloped.


      The next day came quickly. It was still dark outside when Bickslow left for the guild hall. He was picking up a recipe for a meal that Mira had, so he didn't make a total fool out of himself. After briefly explaining to Mira why he needed it, he went to a florist's and bought overpriced flowers even though he found it foolish to buy a bouquet for so expensive. Bickslow continued preparing.

      Time passed by, and now (Y/N) was on her way to his house when she realized she didn't have the slightest idea where he lived. She didn't know what else to do, so she went to the guild hall. She'd heard stories about Evergreen, Laxus, and Freed the most, she just had to find them. (Y/N) approached the counter, where a small old man was sitting. "Um, is Freed, or Evergreen, or Laxus here?"

"Yes child, they are on the second floor, you'll see them up there." He said with a gentle smile.

      Sure enough, they were up there. Luckily, she knew what they looked like due to a picture Bickslow had brought to her shop of all four of them. She didn't exactly know how to start, so slowly walked up to them, "Hello, I'm (Y/N)."

       "Hi, I'm Evergreen, the man with green hair is Freed, and that's Laxus. Bickslow has told us so much about you, it's so nice to meet you." The girl introduced.

Freed tilted his head, "Aren't you supposed to be at Bickslow's house?"

      "Yes," (Y/N) sighed, "he forgot to tell me where he lives."

"Of course he did. Here, we'll take you there, we've got to get to the restaurant where our dates are waiting anyways." Laxus stood up.

       The walk there was nice, they weren't as (Y/N) had thought. They had asked once about magic, but they didn't dwell on the fact much longer than the 'I don't have any' (Y/N) had answered. Finally, they arrived at his house. They waved and left as soon as she knocked.

       Bickslow answered the door in an apron without his helmet on, "Hey (Y/N), dinner's almost done. Come on in," He spotted a glimpse of Freed's hair in the distance and it dawned upon him that he'd forgotten to tell (Y/N) his address. "Sorry! I can't believe I forgot to tell you where I lived. They're never going to let me live this one down."

     "It's fine, we all make mistakes, they weren't as scary as I thought." (Y/N) stated, "It was kind of nice. Especially talking to another girl, hardly any girls come into the carving shop."

       The oven beeped, and Bickslow led (Y/N) to the table, which had a fancy tablecloth on it, and the bouquet of flowers was in a vase on the table. The lights were dimmed to simulate a fancy resturaunt. Bickslow had cooked a feast, he brought it to the table, and then took off his apron. They talked in between eating, and had a good time all around.

      Once they finished eating, Bickslow put all the dishes in the washer alone, even though (Y/N) protested to help him. "I was thinking we could make sugar cookies together, and watch a movie while they were baking." He explained.

    "That sounds wonderful, love." (Y/N) said, putting on the apron that he had handed her. Every once and awhile, she would flick flour at Bickslow to tease him, and he would do the same to her. The two watched a movie while the cookie dough chilled, and they cut them into cute little shapes afterwards. Then they made frosting after the cookies were baked.

     "Bickslow look," (Y/N) held up a cookie that was decorated like one of his babies, "it's a Stevie." She had frosting all over her face with splotches of flour, but she had the biggest smile.

Without thinking Bickslow stated, "I think I love her." Followed by turning bright red with blush.


        Later they had eaten so much cookies and watched so many movies,that they just fell asleep on the couch. The last movie was a horror movie, so the were in eachothers arms as they slept. The rest of the Thunder Legion came by in the morning and saw this, smiling and taking pictures- not to mention eating a few cookies.


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