Gray x Shy!Reader: Here You Go

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       "Come on (Y/N)," Juvia had done everything to get (Y/N) out of bed today. It was Valentine's Day, and (Y/N) originally wanted to confess to Gray. She'd made chocolates for him, but her shyness was keeping her in bed instead.

      For years (Y/N) was to scared to tell Juvia that she too, liked Gray. Much to her surprise, apparently Juvia already knew, and Juvia was trying to help. It turned out, all the years Juvia had been trying to make Gray and easy target for someone as normal and shy as (Y/N).

"I can't," (Y/N) was muffled from underneath the pillows and covers of her bed, "I'm scared of what he'll say!"

       Juvia started pulling blankets and covers off the bed, "I've spent years wearing him down. I'm sure he'll settle for someone normal, like you." Once Juvia grinned once she finally saw (Y/N)'s face.

"But what if he doesn't. What if he rejects me, just like he's done to you all these years." (Y/N) mumbled.

       "I wanted him to reject me. I was fixing him, making him think he had a crazy stalker. If his crazy stalker's best friend confessed to him, he'd be overjoyed. I'd stop bugging him for your wishes. It's perfect!"


       So, Juvia successfully got (Y/N) out of bed and to the guild hall, which in the long run, did nothing. (Y/N) was just sitting at the bar, with her bag at the seat next to her. She was moping around with her head sitting on the bar.

"Mira, I don't get it. How do people confess like nothing? Anytime I get near a boy, I can't get any words out or anything. I just stutter and turn bright red." (Y/N) complained.

      Mira smiled, "Well, that's because you're shy. The only people you ever really talk to are me and Juvia. You'll be able to confess, I know you will. Hold on, Laxus probably needs a refill on liquor. "

      (Y/N) continued to mope around, "Mind if I sit here?" a mysterious, deep, and soft voice said from the side of her. She tilted her head at the sudden voice, and then turned around her head to see Gray Fullbuster, her crush. (Y/N)'s face violently turned red at the sight of him. The man she'd been avoiding all day; all week to be exact. She snapped out of her thoughts.

"Erm-, uh-, well-"

Mira came prancing back to the bar, "She doesn't mind!"

    Gray shrugged and sat on the bar stool, "Hey Mira, can I get a strawberry chocolate smoothie? Hey (Y/N), how are ya today?"

"-Gray, your clothes."

"Oh come on!"

       After Gray ran off to collect his missing clothing items, and a pep talk from Mira, (Y/N) got the chocolates out. Upon his return she would give them to him. Little did they know, Juvia was giving a similar talk to Gray about being nice, and giving (Y/N) the little stuffed animal he'd sewn. Gray was also awkward to the ways of love. Gray came back and sat down next to (Y/N) again, hiding the small stuffed animal in his other hand.

      (Y/N) decided to go for it, even though she was blushing beets, "Hey Gray," she had started out so confident, but now she started to mumble, "I made you some chocolates for Valentine's you go.."

     Gray was shocked for a minute, then he acted, "Awwe, thanks (Y/N)." He patted the top of her head, "Actually, I also have something for you," he took the tiny stuffed animal, which had a bow on it out. "Here you go, too." he smiled a genuine smile, his cheeks starting to get dusted with pink.

Happy popped out of nowhere, like he normally did. "You like~ each other! Oh, I know! You guys should kiss!"

"Happy!" (Y/N) weakly protested, still blushing.

"I think you had a good idea for once, Happy." Gray stated, leaning toward (Y/N) until gently melting into a kiss.


       Juvia and Mira were hiding behind the bar counter, watching their match made in heaven unfold. Mira was being over dramatic, of course, dabbing a tissue at the corners of her eyes. "It's like having to antisocial cavemen learn to love!"

"I know! I think it's great that we hired Happy to do that thing at the end, though." Juvia laughed.

Mira sighed, "It was great, but after today, that cat's going to be rich!"

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