Sting x Reader: I Won't Fail You

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"Hey, (Y/N), what are you guys doing after we get back to town? Today is Valentine's Day." Rouge asked the couple, who was holding hands walking slightly ahead of him.

"Hmm, I don't know," (Y/N) tilted her head and looked at Sting, "What will we do?"

Sting smirked, "You'll see. It'll be amazing, I swear."

      Rogue and (Y/N) facepalmed at Sting's reply. They knew he was planning something, they just didn't know what. He'd always been that way from asking him what they'd have for lunch, to asking what mission they'd go on. It was always 'It'll be amazing, I swear.'


      (Y/N) arrived at Sting's house to finally see what he had been planning the whole time, once she used her key to open the door, she found a whole pillow fort built, and no sign of any life in the house. She shrugged, figuring that Sting was at the guild, dropping off Lector like he had said. (Y/N) plopped down in the fort and turned on the a show to wait for his return.

"Hey (Y/N), you enjoying the fort?"

(Y/N) looked up to see Sting laying besides her, "Wait...When did you get here?"

"You were so tuned into your show, you didn't hear me get back home or see me snuggle up next to you? Wow, that's a new new level of crazy, even for you."

"SHUSH! I want to see who the killer is you idiot! Sweets is interrogating someone now." (A/N: Bones Reference Again)

~5 minutes later~

"Now what was it you were saying, Sting?" (Y/N) looked at him.

"Ugh, nevermind." Sting groaned and rolled atop (Y/N).

"Get off of me you stupid! (Y/N) tried pushing him off, "WHY ARE YOU SO HEAVY!"

Sting scoffed, "This is all 100% muscle."

"Doubt it. Wait, Sting is this what we're doing the whole night?" (Y/N) made a face expressing her unamusement.

"Actually," Sting got off of (Y/N) and sat up "I have stuff planned."

"Damn you Eucliffe! I need to know, I'm bored." Sting leaned down and kissed (Y/N).

"I know, I'm sorry. With all the guild mastery stuff, I forgot to plan something. I'll figure something out. All I had time to do was make a fort, buy some chocolates and hope for the best. I'll see if any restaurants have open seats."

    Sting got up and went to the other room, making some calls. (Y/N) continued to watch her shows as Sting had asked. He had been a lot more stressed ever since he became guild master, and less time to do things with (Y/N). It hadn't bothered her, she understood, but she also wished he would have told her that way she could have planned something.

     (Y/N) got out a lacrima and called the guild hall, where Rogue was in charge. She told him about all that had happened and then asked if they could do something with the Fairy Tail Guild, like a dance of some sorts. Rouge had called Master Makarov as soon as she brought it up, and the guilds planned it immediately. It was to be at the Fairy Tail guild hall.

"Hey Sting~" (Y/N) called from the door frame of the room Sting was in, "I've got something planned, so just get dressed in something somewhat nice and we'll be on our way."

"Awe, thanks honey, you didn't have to do that."


     Sting was puzzled the whole time, especially when they arrived at Fairy Tail. When they walked in, red and pink streamers blasted in their faces. Followed by Natsu laughing his butt off. "Rogue had this planned even before (Y/N) called. Apparently he noticed the Sting's scatter-mind-ment and contacted Master."

Makarov nodded, "Nobody that young should have such a responsibility. Definitely, someone with Natsu's attention span."

"HEY!" Both Sting and Natsu said, "It's not like that!"


Later that night back at the Eucliffe residence after a night of fun, if you know what I mean, Sting hugged (Y/N), "You never fail to surprise me will you?"

(Y/N) kissed Sting's nose, "I won't fail you. Ever."

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