[Edo] Hughes x Reader: Confess

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     Her father, Faust, had been vanished and her brother Jellal's coordination banquet was now. It marked the end of her evil dad's rule and the beginning of her long lost brother's. (Y/N) was overjoyed that Jellal was back; she was happy all around, today she would confess to her best friend, Hughes. She'd thought of confessing so many times before, but if it were to backfire back then, she would have no one to talk to. Now that Jellal was back, she had the confidence of her brother on her side.

    After the rebuilding of Edolas, everyone in the country was invited to Jellal's coordination banquet. The citizens were having the time of their lives, eating all the food they could consume, and dancing made up dances nobody has ever heard of. Hughes going between eating and trying to get a conga line started with Sugarboy.

    (Y/N) was watching the purple haired man from the distance. Butterflies were filling her stomach with every move he made. "How long are you going to stand and stare, (Y/N)?" Jellal's voice filled the air. It almost seemed he was more worried than she was.

    "I don't know. I know I want to confess tonight, but I don't want to lose my best friend either. "(Y/N) responded, messing with her necklace. It was the necklace that Hughes had given her for her birthday last year, since that day it rarely ever left her side.

    Jellal ruffled her hair, "(Y/N), he would have to be stupid to reject you." the brother glanced down at the necklace she was tugging at; there was no way this would turn out bad.

    "You're supposed to say that."

    "Even if I didn't have to, I would."

     (Y/N) rolled her eyes at the new king as she walked off, it was time. Hughes had exhausted himself by now, he wasn't very active. He was now sitting outside the ballroom, on the balcony. Perfect. (Y/N) arrived outside to be greeted with the brisk evening air; the stars were shining brightly and the moon was twice as big as it had ever been.

     "It's beautiful, isn't it," Hughes said, without even looking back at (Y/N).

     "Yeah," (Y/N) agreed, "Hughes, there's something I want to tell you."

     "Me first?" Hughes asked, gaining a nod from (Y/N), "Good. I've been meaning to tell you this for awhile, but I could never find the right time to tell you, and now seems like the perfect time." Hughes turned face to face with (Y/N) and held both of her hands, "So, I've actually liked you for awhile, and although it would be super mega awesome if you accepted my feelings, I totally understand if you don't. Anyways, what was it you wanted to say?" He rambled all of his words together.

     "Hey, I was going to say that, no fair!"

     Hughes gained a shocked expression, "Wait. You mean you-"

     "How insensitive of you, taking the words straight out of my mouth, jerk." (Y/N) folded her arms in an irritated manner.

     "(Y/N)," Hughes laughed at her state, "that's a good thing. It means you won't hate me if I do this." Hughes wrapped his arms around (Y/N), kissing her passionately. When they seperated, (Y/N) shot Hughes another nasty look. "Let me guess, you were going to do that too."

     (Y/N) shook her head yes, but soon laughed with Hughes. Jellal walked out onto the balcony to see the two of them cackling like maniacs, whilst in each other's arms. He shrugged it off, and walked away without a word, assuming that the confessing went well.


     The new lovers woke up in the morning, still on the balcony in each other's arms. Apparently, they had fallen asleep in there laugh-fest. "Hey Hughes, did Jellal put you up to confessing?"

     "Why? Did he do that to you too? He told me that everyone knew it, and it was just an elephant in the room." He nuzzled his head into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck.  "I'm glad I listened to him."


A/N: Send me Haribo.

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