Laxus x Reader: Flower Crown

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A/N- Okay I absolutely love this picture

Laxus was upset. He had managed to hide his soul mark for so long until now. Gildarts and Gajeel were cackling, drawing more attention to the blond lightning wizard than he wanted. Almost all the attention in the guild was centered toward the three. Some annoyed with the disturbance, others curious. He sulked at the bar, wishing that he had worn long sleeves, gloves, or something. 

Gajeel wiped a tear from his eye, "Oh man, that's good. The almighty Laxus, with a floral tattoo." 

"I know right? And it's shaped as a heart! That's about are girly as they get." Gildarts continued to laugh, rolling on the ground causing more attention to be drawn to them. Lightning bolts began to climb Laxus's body as he got more upset. Of course he was embarrassed, he had a reputation as a bad boy. And now he was caught with his soul mark, he mentally cursed the gods for making his soul mark so girly. 

Mira came over to see what the commotion was about, and also to top off the three men's cups. "Laxus, can I see it please?" He sighed, putting his hand out for her to look at. It's not like the whole guild hadn't heard about it by now. Mira inspected the purple, white, and yellow flowers that made up the heart on his hand. "It reminds me of the new recruit, (Y/N).  She's an Earth Dragon Slayer, so that would explain the flowers. Team Natsu took her on a job almost as soon as she joined." 

Laxus's cloud of gloom lifted a bit. It wasn't everyday someone met their soulmate. Though at Fairy Tail it certainly seemed like it. "Oh yeah? What's she like?"  

"Levy knows her. She's a nerd like her and Lucy, loves those wordy paper thingies." Gajeel commented. "I don't know how she can read them though, they don't have any pictures.


Meanwhile (Y/N) was hanging out with Lucy on the train ride back to Magnolia. "And that's how I met Natsu. I knew he was my soulmate immediately upon meeting him because of the sparks, but he was too dense to realize that I was his until I was in the guild for almost 3 months. Anyways, can I see yours?" 

(Y/N) gave her hand to Lucy. Lucy ran her finger over the yellow lightning bolt, with purple electricity surrounding it. "It reminds me of Laxus. He's a really scary guy, but he's the master's grandson." Erza and Gray shared their memories of Laxus.

(Y/N) shuddered, "That seems a little hardcore for me." 

Flora flew with Happy over to (Y/N) and Lucy. "Imagine how nice it'll be to meet your soulmate!"

"That's the thing," (Y/N) said while unboarding the train, "I don't know that I'm ready to meet someone new. I mean what am I supposed to do, 'hi, I think you're my soulmate even though we've literally never met'. He'll think I'm absolutely insane."


Laxus was up in the S-Class loft when he saw Team Natsu walk in. He scanned around, expecting to see (Y/N), but he didn't. Then again, he didn't know what she really looked like, he just knew the description that Mira and Gajeel gave him. He saw a green cat fly into the guild, but he didn't see the Dragon Slayer that matched the small exceed. The cat flew straight to Master Makarov with the biggest grin. Laxus headed downstairs to the old man. He overheard that cat saying that (Y/N) was planting some flowers near Fairy Hills at Erza's request. 

He went outside to come face to face with the (H/C) girl. She had messy hair, and dirt all over her. She seemed so content as she was planting the flowers and humming to herself. It was like she didn't have a worry in the world. Lucy was sitting near her, as well as Levy. It looked like they were discussing a book. (Y/N) noticed a slight noise and turned to where Laxus was standing, as their eyes met sparks flew around them- as it does when soulmates catch each other's gaze for the first time. He had a bouquet of purple, yellow, and white flowers in his hands. "So, your the one who gave me this soul mark. Do you know how many times I've been teased for it?" He said with slight smile forming.

"Sorry about that," (Y/N) said. "I've heard a lot about you in the fews days I've been here." She shyed away from him as he handed her the bouquet.  

Laxus's somewhat smiled dropped at this movement, "Bad things?" 

(Y/N) shook her head, "Yes and no. I mean, I heard just about everything between attacking the guild through saving the guild from a dark guild and dragon. I didn't mean it in a bad way," she said referring to her former movement, "I'm new to being by people. It used to just be Flora, me, and my plants."

"I get that. I'm not the most sociable person. I like to be alone a lot." Laxus to the sky for lack of other things to do as the Earth mage continued planting. She seemed to be distant, but in a friendly way. He tried thinking of a way to break the ice. 

His eyes flashed to leftover flowers. He grabbed them and began attempting to make a flower crown. (Y/N) finished planting and realized what he was trying to do. "No, that's not how you do it." She scooted closer to him and took his hands, guiding them in the right direction. "Now see if you can do it on your own." She watched as he perfected the flower crown, finishing her one of her own to give to him, and Laxus triumphantly placed his on her head. 

The two stayed in front of Fairy Hills for quite some time, making everything from sashes, to bracelets, necklaces, and more crowns out of flowers. They eventually feel asleep, both of them covered in flowers. Mirajane was probably the happiest ever when she saw them together, cuddling while asleep. She took a few pictures and swooned over how much she loved love.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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