Thunder Legion x Reader: Decisions

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The day (Y/N) and Mystogan came back from their mission, it seemed like more than a sleeping spell had been cast on the guild. To be more exact, it seemed like a love spell had been cast on the male members of the Thunder Legion, including Laxus. (Y/N) was Mystogan's long time best friend, they were alike in many ways. Mystogan had fallen sick with the flu, so they had to stay in Magnolia for a few weeks. The was fine and dandy for him, but for (Y/N) that meant making friends at the guild. Something that she was far to antisocial to do, that's how they had become friends in the first place.

    Even if that was the case, (Y/N) had managed to make three extremely fine men fall for her in the short period she'd been there. So far, two days had passed. The first day, she spoke to Master Makarov all day, and today she was forced to actually socialize. The boys saw her sitting at the bar across from Mirajane and jumped on the opportunity to speak to her. Bickslow speed down the stairs, tripping in the act, which is why he was barrel rolling down the steps. He got off the ground, patted the dirt off his clothes and walked over to (Y/N), "Hey, you're Mystogan's partner, aren't you? It's strange to see you around the guild."

    "Yeah. And you are? Bickslow, right?" The mage asked with her head tilted.

    A tall, blond, muscular man came up behind her, "Yeah, Bickslow, I'm Laxus, and this one is Freed." he motioned the a guy with long green hair.

    "Ah," (Y/N) nodded, "Mysto has told me all about you guys."

    "Well, we were wondering if you would care to hang out with us until Mystogan got better," Freed explained.



     Evergreen and (Y/N) were up in the S-Class loft reading the newest edition of Sorcery Weekly. The two had became instant friends since the others had talked to (Y/N). Currently they were reading an article on the top ten strongest female wizards, and Fairy Tail had snached three of the top spots.

     "Hello girls," Freed just got back from getting lunch for the group, "you guys look happy, what are you guys reading?" He set down the bags of food and leaned behind the two to see what they were reading. Evergreen, Erza, and (Y/N) had all been on the list, becoming the three strongest wizards in Fiore. "I'm so proud of you two!" Freed smiled and put his arms around them, "I send you my praise."

     Bickslow walked over to the bags that Freed had brought in and started raiding them, "What are you guys celebrating about? Did Laxus win the hottest wizard contest again, is that why you're happy Freed?"

     Freed made a face at Bickslow and responded to his insult, "Actually-"

     "(Y/N), congratulations, you too Ever. I just got off the phone with Mystogan, he told me about you guys being one and three on the list," Laxus went over and patted (Y/N) on the back.


    A week had passed since (Y/N) and the Thunder Legion started hanging out. They were having a blast being together, but all good things had to end. The boys decided that they would all confess and leave the rest to her, since Mystogan would be better soon, and they would be back on the roads. Laxus had confronted Bickslow and Freed, telling them that Mystogan was out of the infirmary, and would be taking another mission soon, so they would have to act fast.

   (Y/N) walked into the guild that morning to say goodbye to her newly made friends. She didn't expect to be greeting by all three of them standing before her, each with a bouquet of flowers. Bickslow had tulips, Laxus had irises, and Freed had the classic roses. "Um, (Y/N) we actually have a confession." Bickslow stated,while turning red.

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