Cobra x Reader: Soulmates

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     In a world where you had blackened spots in which your soulmate would first touch you, true love was easier to find. When two soulmates touched each other on the blackened spots, the spots would begin to shine with all sorts of colors. That is, if you ever found your soulmate. Thousands of people a year died with the same black spots still on their bodies, and thousands more married people other than their soulmates because they had just given up on waiting.

    (Y/N) was used to being teased due to her black handprint on her cheek. It was the focal point everyone was attracted too when they first met her. Of course, upon meeting her, many would check to see if their hand would make it shine. (Y/N) was always jealous of people whose soulmate spots were somewhere barely noticeable, like on their hands.

    On the mission she was currently on, her path had crossed with a dangerous enemy. Along with being dangerous, this enemy was also somewhat dark, tall, and handsome. But right now, (Y/N) could care less about her soulmate spot. She was currently fighting with Cobra of the Oracion Seis and he was not being kind about the huge spot on her face. "Nice look you got going there, really 'I was just out playing in the mud' chic," he taunted as they continued to battle.

    "Real nice of you to point out, I obviously haven't heard that one before," (Y/N) replied with sarcasm dripping from her voice. "And where is your S-spot? I suppose even the gods couldn't find a match for someone as rotten as you?"

    Cobra continued to overpower the small female mage as they went on taunting each other,           "You know damn well that the gods put matches aside for each and every one of us. I just know my match would be twice as lovely as you. And she won't have some stupid spot on her face."

    "You know what? Just kill me." (Y/N) had had enough of this whole banter and fight, his poison was getting to her, and she fell to her knees. "I've heard too much of your mocking, and I know I won't win this battle. I'm too weak and I'd rather you just get this over with quicker instead of continuing to mock me over my face."

    "I-," Cobra didn't know how to respond, not once had a Fairy Tail wizard ever given up a fight. Heck, most wizards in general never gave up until death. It was obvious that the poison was weakening the girl rapidly, and at this rate, she'd be dead before night would fall. "I don't- I just-," he sighed, also giving up from the fight and walking towards her.

    Cobra knelt down across from her, "I actually think that your S-spot is kind of cute."

   "How sweet of you." (Y/N)'s rolled her eyes, and her voice was getting softer as her skin got paler. "Just please end this fight now.."Cobra reached his hand, his black hand over onto (Y/N)'s face, and colors began to light up the wooded area they were in. Both (Y/N)'s cheek and Cobra's hand light up, and a type of firework-like light shot up into the sky. The two's eyes widened.

    Cobra sat up in horror, "Shit! My soulmate is almost dead because of me!" He frantically recited an antidote spell, trying to make sure the one person on earth who was designed to deal with him lived.

   As he finally got (Y/N) healed, she decided to crack a wise comment, "Do you almost kill everyone you meet? Or just the ones who were made for you?" She smirked.

    "Oh shut up," Cobra crossed his arms and looked away, a slight blush of embarrassment creeping onto his face, "You know, your S-spot looks even cuter in color. I mean it."

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