Freed x Reader: Serious Mistakes

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   "I can't believe you!" You scolded your 'boyfriend' Freed Justine. He'd forgotten your anniversary, because of Laxus. You had given him countless chances: When he forgot your birthday, when he stood you up, and even when he didn't come to your Christmas party. This was the last straw. Freed was just standing there blinking, like he had no idea what he had done.

Freed shrugged, "What did I do this time? Can it wait, I have to get bread for Laxus." Of course! Of course, he had to something for Laxus. It might has well have been Laxus and Freed's anniversary.

"Fine," You cross your arms, "go get that bread. But don't bother coming home tonight, you've made it clear you don't care."

      And Freed did. He went to get that bread for Laxus. The same day that you and Freed became officially a couple, was the same day a couple years later that you broke up with him. It wasn't like that before, Freed used to care so much and he would never forget anything this important. It started about six months ago when he stopped caring. Your guess was that he'd fallen in love with Laxus. Which hurt because you cared so much about Freed for all these years and you got this it return.

---Freed's Pov---

     I don't know what had gotten into (Y/N). It's like did something wrong. Terribly wrong. I'd been distancing myself from her because I was afraid. Afraid of what? I honestly don't know. Let me get this straight, I don't like Laxus. I love (Y/N). But, I've never seen her this angry. She kicked me out of our shared apartment, so I'll go to Bixslow's house. Hopefully it'll be better in the morning. Hopefully Bixslow knows why she's so angry. What did I forget again? Why do I has a feeling of regret? Regret for just about everything I've done these six months since the accident after that mission.

     That day on the mission it was rainy, I remember that much. The rain wouldn't stop pouring, and the dark guild we were facing was strong for us. Evergreen and Bixslow were far away from me fighting different parts of the guild. I had hoped they'd had better luck than me, however I was grateful that (Y/N) had been on a mission with Mira. I was dying that day, dying faster than anything that I'd ever experienced. I was knocked unconscious. It was about three days until I was found by Laxus, who had finished the guild off for us. Ever and Bix weren't as severely injured as me, and had a hard time remembering things.

    As I arrived at the bakery to get Laxus his bread, I thought about how I'd make it up to (Y/N), she never made it easy for me to make amends. (Y/N) was seriously injured in the Battle of Fairy Tail, back when we were all crazy. Porlyusica had to give her an artificial arm, so I really don't blame her for being so unforgiving. If I could, I would go back, and do things differently. If only it would be simple like that. In my life I've made one too many serious mistakes.


     I was at a follow up appointment about the mission and my memories. Porlyusica was fumbling around her cabinets looking for a certain herb. (Y/N) hadn't forgiven me for what I'd done, she was even more furious now than she was before. Forgive me, (Y/N). Porlyusica found what she was looking for and stirred it into the rest of her medicine.

     She then sat across from me and handed me the bottle of medicine, "Freed, I hate to tell you this... I misdiagnosed you six months ago, I said it was just a small bump and that your memories would soon return. Overlooking my notes and your symptoms now, I see what I missed could have killed you, and it might still..."

My eyes widen, "What do you mean?"

"The men who knocked you unconscious also have cursed you. It's a curse that eats away parts of your brain little by little, until you can't feel anything and eventually die." She paused and motioned for me to take a dose of medicine, "This medicine may be able to help, however it might not."

They hover over my wounded body, speaking in some type of ancient language that I can't understand. If I make it out of this, I'll ask Levy to translate. Once they get done they bump my head into a--

"THE ANNIVERSARY!" I jump up and run to the guild in search of my love. She's nowhere to be found. She doesn't know about what happened on that mission. She has every right to be mad. "Laxus! Have you seen (Y/N)?"

"Haven't the slightest idea. How'd the appointment go-"

"No time for that! I forgot the best day of my life!" I sprint out of the guild to try to find (Y/N). She isn't at the apartment.

I begin to feel numb. Now isn't the time for this! I can't die without apologizing. How long did Porlyusica say it would be after the numbness? Nine minutes. I have nine minutes of life left.


     Darkness. I see only darkness. I hear a faint voice, and then a see a blur. The blur goes away and I see (Y/N). There's a buzz in my ear, so I can't quite make out what she's saying. She's leaning over something and she's crying. I soon learn that 'that something' is me. Her voice is clear now.

"Freed! can't be...Porlyusica just told" She sobs in between bits and pieces of sentences. "Maybe it's not too late....Maybe Wendy can...."

No, she can't it's too late for me now.

(Y/N)! Please stop crying....I want to hold her, but something is pulling me back. People start surrounding my body, they're taking it to the guild's infirmary, but it's too late. Poor (Y/N), she didn't know. I didn't know. I made a serious mistake.


(Y/N) sits in a chair, holding a pendant I gave her last year for our anniversary. She's rocking back and forth crying. I can't help her!

"Freed....I'm so sorry...It was a serious mistake I made...I can never hold you again...I'm so sorry.."

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