[Edo] Gray x Reader: Elsewhere

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      "Hey Gray," (Y/N) walked over to Gray, and leaned on his chair. "Are you going on a mission today or are you free?"

     Gray looked back to her, "I'm free unless Natsu decides to drag me off. Why, what do you need?"

     This is where the blushing comes on, (Y/N) was a relatively confident person. She hung out with Natsu when she was younger, so his personality rubbed off on her.

     "Uh, I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me." (Y/N) wiped some sweat from her brow, then tilted her head and awkwardly smiled. Gray remained silent, with a face of stone. (Y/N) continued speaking, "You know, like a date."

     Gray stood up and faced (Y/N), "I'm sorry, I don't think I can date you. You remind me to much of a sister." He then pushed his chair in and walked off.

    To keep from tearing up, (Y/N) sprinted out of the guild and to her house. She sat on her couch emotionless for hours. (Y/N) kept wondering what it would be like if it was different. What if she never formed that crush on Gray all those years ago? What if it was Gray who liked her? All of those questions twisted inside the poor girl's head. If only she could go somewhere else, where Gray loved her as a lover and not a sister.

Little did she know, elsewhere, things similar where going on.


      "Gray Surge! This is the fifth time this week you've asked me out. I thought I told you no." (Y/N)'s voice trailed off. She never was overconfident, Natsu certainly had rubbed off on her. She was a sweet, shy girl. (Y/N) had always hated turning down people, but she was too afraid of getting hurt.

     Gray frowned, "Okay," the ravenette moped off, bringing the whole guild atmosphere down whilst doing so. (Y/N) sighed, calling Gray back. She told him that she was willing to go out with him if he promised not to hurt her intentionally. "Yes! Thank you (Y/N)! I won't let you down."


     When (Y/N) arrived at the restaurant, she found that Gray had shed a couple layers of clothing, he was in a simple suit and tie. He was seated near the windows in the front, and he looked rather dashing. The resturant Gray had chosen was pretty fancy, it had dimmed lights, red silk tablecloths that hid the legs of tables, the tables were tall and they had dark gray tall leather booths as seats. On each table there was a glass vase that held a single pale yellow rose.

(Y/N) went into the restaurant to where Gray was seated, "Hey Gray."

     Gray's face immediately flushed, "Um, (Y/N), I have a small gift for you." he took out a small white box with a light blue ribbon tied around it.

     "Awe, thanks Gray." (Y/N) smiled gently at Gray, then proceeded to open the box to reveal a necklace with her birthstone on it. "You said it was small! This isn't small, it's an expensive gift Gray."

"But it's small in size." Gray winked.

      (Y/N) facepalmed, "Of course you would say that."

    (Y/N) felt horrible, she had been raised around Gray her whole life, he was practically a brother to her. She felt with time, that maybe those feelings of him being a brother would end. Maybe if they went on enough dates. (Y/N) liked Gray, but not in the same way he liked her. She couldn't help but think, maybe elsewhere there was a place where Gray didn't like her as a lover, but as a sister. If she could journey to the elsewhere, then she would be happy.


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