Getting married

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Shekhawat villa was not less than a palace, but the wedding decorations have given it a look of a new bride. Lightening, flowers decoration, giggling sound of the ladies, gathering of all the male members of the family at a place discussing the funny consequences of after marriage that how wives becomes dominating once they get in their house, laughing sound of the young people who have got a needed break from their routine life and are now enjoying by hanging around with their cousin, notorious kids running around the whole house enjoying themselves and troubling their mothers. Everything was just like a perfect picture but wait a minute where is the person because of whom they all are having so much fun..who is none other than our groom.

"no misha don't even think of doing that..." randhir said irritatingly to his beloved sister.

Misha: but bro this is a have to do it.(she said stubbornly )..and by the way you are not the only guy who will do this every person no matter if that person is a boy or girl apply Mehendi before the wedding ...

Rd: i just don't care about all this....and you know i am least interest in this marriage forget about these useless the morning also you forced me to apply haldi but not this time.

Misha( with puppy face): bro won't you do this for your little sister..(in a dramatic voice). till today i have only heard this but today you made me believe too that after wedding a brother forgets his wife. guys only love their sister till they got themselves wives after that they don't care for their poor sister.

Rd( frustrated by her talks specially about that girl because of whom he was facing all this): enough misha(he shouts) don't take my silence as my weakness. i am listening to all your shits from day one only because you are my sister and i love you. i even agree to marry your best friend just because you forced me. otherwise it would be in my hands i will never marry a middle class pig like her...but thanks to you and your bloody family i have to bear that looser for my entire life....misha may be today you she is looking to good to you all.,..(pointing his finger ).but one day you all will realize your mistake. But I fear till that time come we don't get bankrupt.

Misha:(with moist eyes) stop it much do you hate that innocent soul..she is not like what you think of her..she really values her morals and principles...and you think that she is after your money ?.. ...i too fear bro that till the time you will realize her worth she will go far away from you..and yea if you don't want then i will not apply mehendi to you but please god sake don't insult her at least in front of me.

Saying this she left with heavy heart and seeing this randhir bang his fist on the wall.

Randhir: damn agarwal..because of you i scolded my sister..i will make you suffer for this..i will make your life hell....

All the rituals were completed one by one. Somewhere someone was performing them reluctantly whereas other person was enjoying them wholeheartedly, somewhere someone was waiting for them to get over whereas someone was living them, someone was completing them for the sake of the society by considering them just a waste of time whereas someone was learning them and trying to understand the meaning of each and every ritual.

Finally the most awaited day arrived, their wedding day. Everything was just like a fairy tale dream for sanyukta. A big fat Indian wedding, just like every girl dream of. Filled with renown people of India as it was the wedding of the son of a rich business tycoon. To her surprise, all the rituals of the wedding completed peacefully. As she was expecting some sort of drama from randhir side, like he always do...Irrespective of the fact that after that she was always subjected to many not so decent questions..Either by her parents or by her relatives.

After vidaai. she sat with randhir in his car. She was constantly sobbing whereas he was busy in phone. Due to her constant weeping he looked at her. He picked up the tissue box and offered to her. She looked at him in surprise.

Rd: take this and stop crying

Sanyu ( somewhere happy with his concern tries to pick one tissue from it but before she could pick one he snatched away the box)

Rd (smirking): why are you looking me like this. you know i am so worried about you that if you are crying like now how many boxes of tissue will you require once you entered in my house(serious tone): you can fool others with your crocodile tears but not me. what were you thinking that you will cry in front of me and my heart will melt seeing you. then i am sorry to disappoint you that i bloody don't care about you. for me you live or die is just a same thing( and again got busy in his phone)

Sanyukta somehow composed herself. She know that the path which she has chosen won't be that easy. After sometime they reached shikhawat villa, where all welcomed them wholeheartedly. That house wan't new to her..being misha's best friend and a employee in shikhawat company..she used to visit it frequently...but this time the things are entirely different, now she is the daughter-in law of this house. After all the teasing session and after marriage rituals both retired to his room.

Sanyukta was feeling a weird kind of it was her first night with the love of her life..with the person who was now her husband. Being in love with him ...she has always dream of her and randhir romantic moments. Randhir and romance..the mere thought was giving her goosebumps in her body. All her thoughts came to an end with the cracking sound of door.

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