TASK - 1

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Hello readers! Thank you so much for your love and support. I read everyone's comment on previous part and I can very well see that some people want me to punish randhir and make sanyukta move on in her life and some want me to make randhir realize his mistake and make sandhir end only. All could I say is just trust me. I will not disappoint you people.

Sanyukta murmured some curses for that man and then entered her cabin. She was awestruck seeing the architectural work of her cabin. She was busy in consuming the beauty of her cabin when a knock got her back from her dream world. She looked back to find a peon standing at the door.

Peon: ma'am Mr. Rajvansh is looking for you.

Sanyukta: oh so he is finally here. Let's go!

Sanyukta excitedly moved towards his cabin as she was very much excited to meet him. She has heard many praises about his hard work and decent nature from harsh. She knew it will be a completely amazing experience for her as she will be working under his guidance. The peon left her outside his cabin. She looked at the glass door where there was a small plate indicating the cabin of Mr. Rajvansh, CEO of the company. She knocked on the door twice to hear a "come in". She held the knob of door and pushed it inside. She walked inside the room and felt someone sitting on the chair facing his back to her, whom she guessed to be Mr. Rajvansh. She cleared her throat to gain his attention.

Sanyukta: good morning sir! I am sanyukta shek..agarwal from India. I am here to work as the Managing director of the company but before that I will be working under your guidance so that I can learn from you. I actually feel myself very fortunate to work under your guidance. I ...

The chair turned around and she found her voice stuck into her throat only. Her eyes were ready to pop out of her socket. Even the man sitting on the chair has a frown on his face. Both were glaring each other.

Sanyukta: YOU! What are you doing here and that too in Mr. Rajvansh's cabin? And how dare you to sit on his chair...get up from there..People like you don't deserve to sit on such prestigious place.

Mr. Rajvansh: (pointing towards his head) does this work?

Sanyukta (confusingly touching her head): what? Off course it does

Mr. Rajvansh: good! Then you should know that this cabin along with this chair belongs to me...before you start with your useless talks let me tell you I am only Mr. Rajvansh here....Arnav Rajvansh...the CEO of the company and the one who is being asked by Mr. shekhawat to work as your mentor for coming months...am I now clear Ms. Agarwal?

Sanyukta meekly nodded her head.

Arnav: in words...

Sanyukta: yes sir

Arnav: good...now let's have a clear talk. You can have seat here. I had a conversation with Mr. shekhawat where I clearly told him that I won't let any nobody come and sit on this post. I have invested six years of my life in this company and I won't let any papa's princess to come and play with the prestige of my company. But Mr. shekhawat assured me that you are not only his daughter but a hard working and dedicated person with an intelligent mind. So we had a deal that I will only appoint you here as the MD of the company if you manage to prove your brilliance to me.

Sanyukta: To be very honest, the moment I realize that you will be the one mentoring me I knew that it won't be easy. And somewhere I respect your decision so I am ready to prove you that you will not find someone better than me.

Arnav: nice! So you want to accept my challenges to prove me wrong? Just because we didn't have a pleasant meet?

Sanyukta: no sir! I accepted your challenge just to prove my father right. I want to prove him that he did nothing wrong in keeping his faith in me.

Arnav: good to hear your thoughts Ms. Agarwal but unfortunately our company don't run on only thoughts. I have decided to give you five tasks which you have to complete without any one's help. If in any case you feel you cannot work up to, you are free to resign from this post and get back to India. So as it is your first task I won't be very hard on you. It is very simple and basic. You have to analysis the financial conditions of the company from past ten years and make a report explaining the financial statement of each year along with reasons and solutions. If there was abnormal loss in a particular year, you have to find the cause and explain it to me what you could have done at that time to prevent that loss at that time and if there was some super profit, you have to identify the merit points. And for this you have exactly a time period of one week.

Sanyukta (widening her eyes): but sir..

Arnav: ahan I am not yet done Ms. Agarwal and I don't like to get interrupted. Get this thing in your little head. So as I said you have exactly one week. You can take support from staff, internet or those dusted files in the store room, I don't care. But all I care about is on next Monday the report should be on my table with a well informed you. While cross questioning you if I found that though you have managed to gather the data but you lacked with the self education part, I won't mind sending you back on the day itself. I have a meeting now, you can get back to your task.

Sanyukta nodded her head with a disappointed face and moved out of the cabin. She went to her cabin and sat on the chair with a thud and kept her head on the table.

Sanyukta: why me god? Why always me? I thought here I will get to start my life with a new beginning but no...here another randhir was waiting for me to spoil and trouble my life. I thought he must be someone with great heart but I forgot with great success comes great ego...jo iss insaan mae kut kut ke bhara hai (this person is full of ego) ..but I promised myself before coming here that I won't let papa down...okay Mr. Akdu Rajvansh if this is what you want then I am ready to fight for myself..Bring it on...mai bhi dikha dungi tumhe ki mai kaun hoon (I will also show it you that who am I) but there is so much of work to do? From where should I start?

She started biting her nails when arnav words' rang in her ears. She smiled brightly and opened her laptop.

Sanyukta: internet is the best option in this case. This is such huge firm. There must be something about it on internet that can help me with my task.

She opened her note pad and got busied with her work, unaware of two pair of eyes looking at her with a smirk on his face. Arnav shut down his laptop after seeing her working from installed camera and leaned on chair.

Arnav (with closed eyes): Ms. Agarwal the fun has just begun. I hope you enjoy the journey too.

Sanyukta stretched her body feeling tired when her gaze fell on the clock. It was six o' clock. She packed up her stuff as it was the time to get back home. She walked outside the office and called her driver. After some time, she reached her apartment and got freshen up, cooked some pasta for herself.

Sanyukta : ghar par bhi sab office se agye honge...sabki evening tea ka time hogya hai...pata nahi randhir ji ko kisi ne coffee di ki..(Everyone must have come back from office till now. it's evening tea time for everyone at home. Don't know if anyone would have given randhir ji his coffee or...)

She halted in her thoughts when she realized randhir no longer lives with the family. He is in jail. A place where he hardly must be getting three times decent meals forget about beverages. Their life would have been so different only if he hadn't taken that step. Though she knows that he completely deserves but still couldn't stop herself from wondering about his struggles and hardship of living amidst a bunch of criminals. But he is a criminal too how can she neglect this truth. She brushed off his thoughts when her gaze fell on her laptop reminding her about the task which she need to complete in 7 days. She quickly finished her broth and again got busy with her report.

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