I Will Never Forgive You

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But all his attempt fail to console a broken mother. Sanyukta slept in his arms after crying for hours. Randhir laid her down on bed and caressed her tear stricken face. He covered her with a blanket and kissed her forehead.

Randhir looked at sanyukta who was absent mindlessly watching the movie due to misha insistence. Its been more than one weak since that mishap still sanyukta was not able to cope up with her loss. Every member in the family tried to cheer her up but there there all efforts went infertile. They all were worried for her. Its seems as if ages have passed when sanyukta last laugh or talk with someone.

With every passing day they all were loosing the hope to get there old sanyukta back. Whereas randhir was also loosing his patience. He started getting irritated due to her irrational behavior. It seems like nothing bothers. He walked towards sanyukta and misha who were sitting on bed with a blanket covering them. Arpita and parth were too wrapped up in a single blanket and was cozily settled on a small couch in the bedroom. As sanyukta was sitting on edge and misha was sitting on at another side of the bed he chooses to sit between them. Thus disturbing there comfort zone and earning a frown from misha who then shook her head knowing his brother interest of sitting between them so that he can stay close to sanyukta. Randhir was watching the film disinterestedly as he was not a fan of any romantic movie.

Randhir thoughts :" I never get along with the fact that how people watch this stupid baseless movie for so long. After getting bore from that movie I look at my left to find misha looking at the screen with utmost dedication. I wish she started studying too like this with so much of her self concentration. Then my eyes wanders to our new love birds who were hugging each other while watching the movie. We are facing their side back. Looking at arpita blushing face and parth naughty smile anyone could guess that whats going inside the blanket. Jeez..they should have at least some shame. My baby sister is also sitting in the same room. It seems like parth has become too bold after getting married. Talking about marriage I looked at my right to find my wife looking at the movie without any concentration. God I am seriously waiting for that day when she will forget about the baby incident and will focus in her present..in our present. I don't understand why she is making such a big issue of that incident. It was just a baby who was not even born. I can understand that she was attached to the baby but what is there to mourn so much. It's not like she will never be able to conceive again. The doctor said that we can anytime go for our next baby. Getting bore I thought of talking to misha but guess what I am late as she was already sleeping on one side of the bed facing her back to me. Not having any other option I again concentrated on the screen. Oh shit wrong move dude !! as the the film was showing a steaming make out of the couple. I felt a myelf getting hard. I shift my eyes to sanyukta was again looking at the screen without any interest. I steal a glance of parth and arpita only only to find them sticking to each other. Suddenly an idea struck to me and an evile smile came on my lips. I slowly shifted towards sanyukta without disturbing misha sleep. I put my right hand around her shoulder. Without getting any objection from her side. My hand slowly crawled downwards till the hem of her kurti. i put my hand inside her kurti and started massaging and pinching her belly. I slowly look towards sanyukta who was looking here and there awkwardly. I know she was feeling something due to my touch. I slowly took my hand upwards and started playing with her softness. I know that was the last thread of her patience. After all being her husband I know her weakness point. I was enjoying torchuring her when suddenly she pushed my hand and stood up abruptly. Parth and arpita got startled seeing her like this. And without saying anything she left our room."

From that day sanyukta started maintaining some distance from randhir. She was herself confused on why she was doing it. But something in her always stops her from going close to her husband. She knew she was digging her own grave by keeping randhir away but sometimes we became weak in front of our heart and that's whats happening with her. Her heart...the same heart that only knew to beat for her randhir ji was now not allowing her to get close to him. As if her institutions were warning her about something.

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