Accept Me Or Leave Me

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Thank you so much guys for your lovely comments and encouraging votes. But today I want to dedicate this part to my some of the special readers. You know guys I have around 300-400 followers and now with god's grace I have started getting 50-100 likes on my each story. but when I was in need there around only 20 readers who actually came up to help me. I know it must have taken your time and energy in installing the app, making your ID on sweek and then looking and voting for my story. but you did this just to help me. And trust me guys this means a lot to me. Maybe this time I will not be able to win the competition as there is a boy who is leading the competition with 500 followers and I am no where near him. but better luck next time. I am happy with the kind of response you guys showed to help me.

So according to the promise these following readers want me to update this part of the fiction so here you go:










Thank you once again guys. Keep loving and keep reading!

Thinking for few minutes randhir shocking looked towards sanyukta who gave him a sarcastic smile.After wiping him she called hari prakash to help him for dress up.

After getting dressed in casuals, randhir was idly sitting on bed and watching t.v..when he noticed renuka entering in the room with a food tray. Randhir look at her and then again concentrated on t.v

Renuka: randhir beta..see maa (mother)is here with your breakfast..

Randhir ignored her words and then again look at the t.v..renuka felt bad but she know how her son is..he never let anyone get close to him. She sighed and kept the tray in front of him and took a seat facing him. Randhir closed the t.v. and started looking in the phone.

Renuka (caressing randhir hair): I completely understand that you don't want to talk to me but why are showing your anger on food. Eat your breakfast randhir. see I have got your all time favorite cheese omelette..

Randhir (removed her hand and started shouting): sanyukta...sanyukta..

Renuka: she is in kitchen randhir. infact I only told her that today I will prepare your breakfast.( forwarding the fork to to his mouth): now be a good boy and open your I will feed my baby

Randhir threw the fork and pushed the tray..making renuka startled

Randhir : don't you get it at once ...that I don't want to eat anything made by you or you feel nice only after being insulted by me.

Renuka (getting up from the bed): randhir son I just thought(interrupted by randhir)

Randhir: what do you thought? That poor guys is bed ridden now so why don't I use this opportunity to shower him with my sympathy. listen to me very carefully Mrs are no one to me..SO PLEASE DON'T TRY TO BECOME MY MOM(he shouted)

Renuka (weeping): randhir I was...

She stop seeing sanyukta standing at the door..she wiped her tears and left the room. Sanyukta was looking at empty expression finally broke the ice

Sandhir Dark ff : When Dreams Become Nightmares (✔️) Where stories live. Discover now