Another Heart -Break

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Hello everyone! I know you all must be waiting for me to update the story. but it's not the last time that I am updating this late. This may happen in future too as I use my brother's laptop and he daily takes it to his office and come back around 8 in the evening. Enjoy the update.

Saying this he hugged sleeping sanyukta and let go of his tears. Anamika was his only friend with whom he used to share his feelings. She knew him in and out. They never met each other. But still they used to talk through letters. Initially randhir was not ready for this but there was something in that girl which force him to talk to her daily. He wanted to meet her personally but she never allowed him. And that day when his gang caught him reading her letter they create a scene in the whole college calling anamika with different names asking her to come out from the crowd but no one came in front. After that day he stopped receiving any letter. He knew he had lost his friend.

Morning rays disturbed the sleep of sanyukta who tried to hide her face in the pillow but feel some kind of weight on her waist. She tried to turn but feels like she was hold by someone from back. She lazily opened her eyes and look back to get the shock of her life. Randhir was sleeping while facing her back with a hand on her waist. Her back was glued to his chest. Her heart started thumping more loudly. She thought of waking him up. She was about to call his name when her eyes landed on his face. He was looking so innocent while sleeping. His mouth was slightly parted. His hair were ruffled. And without thinking for another second she kissed him on his forehead.

Sanyukta (whispers): goodmorning randhir ji

Randhir (with closed eyes and same position): goodmorning anamika

And there sanyukta felt that electric current pass through her whole body. She look terrified. Randhir open his eyes and calmly looked at her.

Randhir : what happen sanyukta...why are you so shocked

Sanyukta (nervously): shocked and me no..why will I be but you said said anamika

Randhir: oh anamika..(getting up from the bed): actually you remember when we were in college..i was in the last year and you were in the second year..there used to be a girl who used to write letters to me...

Sanyukta (sweating): why are you telling me all this..i don't know anything about anamika...and I also know nothing about that incident. I am not related to anamika in any sense.

Randhir (smirk): but I never mention that the name of that girl was anamika..and when did I said that you are related anamkia..and why are you sweating so much sanyukta

Sanyukta (instantly wiped her face and get up from the bed): I don't know what are you trying to say. I am getting late excuse me

Saying this she left for the bathroom leaving a smirking randhir behind.

Randhir (in thoughts): well played anamika aka sanyukta..what did you thought that I will never be able to know your truth. But I am here to be blamed. I am such a fool. You were here only in front of my eyes and still I never recognized you. but from today only I am closing anamkia's chapter in my life.

Everyone was busy in the function. After all it was parth haldi and mehandi...they all enjoyed putting haldi on each other and have fun in playing mini holi except randhir and sanyukta. Knowing how randhir is no one dare to get him involve in their pranks but the case was not same with sanyukta. She willingly wanted to play with them and be a part of the ceremony. But due to dadi restrictions she was not able to. Dadi kept her busy in work intentionally. So that she did not come in the eyes of their guest. This was not went unnoticed by randhir. But he kept quiet. He knew his dadi was being unfair but what should he do after all it was dadi and sanyukta personal matter and dadi had her own reasons to hate her.

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