Every Coin Has Two Sides

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The drive to the home was a silent affair as Randhir took driving in pretext of drifting his mind away whereas others kept quiet seeing his grumpy and sulky mood. They all reached home and decided to call it off night.

Next day mayank and his mom came early morning to take misha with the for the wedding shopping. They all were seating in the huge hall whereas sanyukta was serving them tea.

Mayank: dad actually I was thinking why don't sanyukta too come along with us.

Sanyukta: no mayank ji there is no need of me to accompany you guys!

Mayank: sanyukta you are her best friend and I know how you girls are crazy about your best friend wedding so please don't fill shy and come with us. We too will fill good if you will join us.

Harsh: misha take sanyukta too along with you.

Misha (excitedly) : yes dad! Come sanyu let's go

Mayank mom: yes sanyukta please join us and why only you let's take Randhir too with us.

Mayank mom said when she saw Randhir approaching them. He confusingly looked at her and then his dad.

Randhir: where will you take me aunt?

Renuka: they are taking misha with them for the shopping. So you and sanyukta will also accompany them.

Randhir: but what will I do there between ladies and I am sorry aunty but shopping especially with ladies sucks (he chuckles)

Mayank: it is okay bhaiya if you don't..

Harsh: you are going with then Randhir and don't worry mayank ji will too be there with you.

Randhir half heartedly nodded his head and they all proceed towards the shopping mall. Misha was busy in selecting saaris with her mother-in-law whereas Randhir and mayank were busy on their own. Sanyukta stood up from the place and started roaming around where her gaze falls on the mannequin wearing lehenga. Her eyes got mesmerised seeing the elegant lehenga and she instantly decided to buy it for her wedding. She looked around for the sales girl and instantly signaled her.

Sales girl: how may I help you ma'am?

Sanyukta: what is the price of this outfit?

Sales girl: oh this outfit ma'am... It will cost you around only fifty five thousand ma'am.

Sanyukta (widening her eyes) : only fifty five thousand? No thank you so much I don't want to buy this.

Mayank mom: sanyukta beta what are you doing here? Oh my god such an elegant piece of work. You are buying it for yourself? I am sure it will look absolutely great on you. What say misha?

Misha: actually mom this is so beautiful. Sanyukta you should buy this.

Sanyukta: yeah it is beautiful but aunty I don't need it. Actually it will only be purchased and kept in cupboard when will I wear it?

Misha: what do you mean by when? Offcourse in my wedding! And I am not taking no for an answer. You are buying it and that's all.

Sanyukta (nervously) : actually I already bought a dress for your wedding and I am planning to wear that. I admit this dress is beautiful but that dress is also not less so I am sorry but I don't need it.

Mayank mom: it's okay darling no need to feel guilty. I am sure you will look beautiful in whatever you wear. Come-on misha let's go to the jewellery section and get some earrings for you.

Sanyukta heived a sigh of relief seeing them leaving but soon her breath got hitched when she saw Randhir smirking towards her.

Randhir: such a perfect lier

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