Forbidden Feelings

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Hi readers! I am actually very much frustrated right now. you won't believe I have written this part yesterday  in the morning itself but when I was about to post it wattpad deleted it completely and now I have to write it again.

Arnav lazily flipped the pages of the file whereas sanyukta was looking at him with a grin. Arnav shook his head knowing how she must be doing a happy dance mentally. He placed the file back on the table. He knew she has done her home well in this one week time period.

Sanyukta (enthusiastically): sir I am very much aware with all the data and reasons and I am even ready for the face to face questions. You can ask me anything from anything.

Arnav (rolling his eyes): you don't need to tell me what should I do and what I shouldn't. Now you may get back to your work.

Sanyukta (smirking): that means I have completed my task-1 perfectly...right sir

Arnav was about to mouth something when his secretary knocked. He looked at her who was sweating profusely even in the air conditioner cabin. He could make it out that something was right.

Arnav: what happen Liza?

Liza (stammering): sir actually Mr. Jacob called few minutes back and he told me that he is cancelling the deal that happen between us three days back.

Arnav (shouts): what? How can he do that? It is completely unprofessional...he can't back out like this...we have done so many projects together

Liza: sir actually Alex group of company approached him and showed and convinced him that they have better quality of material than us and in that deal they are providing high profit margin to Mr. Jacob. So he said dealing with Alex group of company would more beneficial for him.

Sanyukta : I am sorry for interrupting in between but how is it possible? According to my knowledge Shekhawat groups of company always sealed the deal with an agreement deed. They must have signed the agreement papers where they are not allowed to back out otherwise they have to bear the penalty. So why don't you use them?

Liza (looking away): There is no agreement deed happened between our company. So we cannot blackmail them to return us the deal.

Sanyukta (suspiciously): but why? It is been three days and still you haven't made them sign the deal.

Liza (rudely): Ms. Sanyukta I very well knows how to do my work. Unlike you I am not a newbie here.

Arnav: but liza she is was solely your responsibility to make them sign the deal papers on the very first can you delay it for so long?

Liza (panicking): I am so sorry..It actually slipped out of my mind...

Arnav (frustratingly): your sorry might cost me my project is so irresponsible of you...if you cannot handle the position of my p.a. then you may resign because I don't want any looser here sitting on my head.

Liza: sir please don't do this with me..actually there is one more thing. I somehow convinced Mr. Jacob to give us one chance and he said he can rethink about his decision of we proved him tomorrow that we are better than Alex group of company. He has asked both the companies to once again prepare a project and represent it to him tomorrow and then he will decide who is better.

Arnav: you just get out from here before I lose my mind and you lose your job.

Liza ran out of his cabin. sanyukta picked up her file and started to leave the cabin. She knew arnav needs some time to tackle this unseen problem of the company. She was about to move out when she stopped hearing his words.

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