Served You Back

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for completing the target votes. The target got completed just half hour back. And here is the update.


"What are you doing here? You must be with Sanyukta." I asked with a faked anger tone.

Oh God! I am just playing my luck

"Actually bro I just came to inform both of you that Sanyu has finally gained her consciousness and the doctor said that we can take her back by the evening." Misha said.

I let go of the breath that I was holding. She didn't hear anything. I looked at Arpita who blinked her eyes in assurance.

" That's great! Misha you do one thing. Now you go home and have some rest. I will be back with Sanyukta by the evening and take Arpita with you." I looked at both of them.

"But Randhir it's fine. How will you manage all alone?" Arpita argued.

"I can and I will. It's just a matter of a few hours. You both go and I am informing dad about Sanyukta. Misha you drop a message to Sanyukta's dad too." I took out my phone to inform dad, and left for Sanyukta ward.

I slowly entered the room, and found her staring at the roof blankly. I cleared my throat to get her attention but it didn't work.

What is she thinking now?

" I don't think the fan will be able to hold your weight. So drop this idea." I said sitting down on the visitor couch.

"Huh.." She looked at me cluelessly.

"What I mean is if in any way you are thinking of hanging yourself to the fan this time. Then it's a bad idea, because I don't think the fan will be able to handle your heavy body." I pointed towards the fan on the wall, that she was staring from long.

"I wasn't planning a suicide with this fan." She scoffed.

"Oh! So you plan your suicide only with knives and blades?" I asked her sarcastically.

"Can you please stop taunting me. Misha has already done her work. I don't need more lectures, especially from you." She twisted her face in irritation.

"Really? But I don't think that Misha's word did anything fruitful to you. How can you be so stupid? I told you right not to do anything idiotic and act in a responsible way. And what you did? You tried to take your bloody life. This is how you handle your problems?" I yelled at her.

I didn't know what got to me. I didn't plan to shout at her. I thought when I will see her once she regains her consciousness, I will hug her tightly and shower her with kisses. I will hold her tightly in my arms, and will not let go until she promises me not to do such a stunt again.

But when I saw her again, lying on that bed, the view of her  lifeless body came in front of my eyes, thus sending a shiver through my body.

"Just shut up okay! You don't have any right to shout at me. This is my life. It is me who is going to decide how to live or end it. You are no one. Did you hear well? You are no one." She said.

Guts of this woman!

I fisted my palms and got up from the couch and made my way towards her bed. She slightly shrinks at my advances.

Good for her!

"Why are you coming here? Go back to your place." She looked at me nervously.

I slightly bent down on her and rested my hand on the side of her bed.

"I may be a no one to you. But you my dear, are everything for me. And yes! This is your life but it belongs solely to me. If next time, you perform such a stunt again, then I will show what happens when someone messes with Randhir Singh Shekhawat." I whispered in a low, yet cleared tone.

I got back to my previous position and stuffed my hands in my pant pocket.

"Did you hear me well?" I didn't wait for her answer because her face said it all and made my way towards the washroom.


I smiled softly at my mother who was now caressing my hair, while crying softly.

"Mom I am fine now. You please don't act like you came to visit my funeral." I said jokingly but instead got a smacked by my mom.

"Good one aunty!" Misha chirped as she sat right beside my mom.

Finally the doctor gave his permission to take me home. My dad left me alone with these to complete some hospital formalities whereas Mr. Shekhawat went out to get my medicines.

I glared back at Misha, and them shifted my eyes to the door as dad and Mr. Shekhawat entered together with a sour face.

What happened to both of them?

"Anju  you give me her bag, and you help her to walk to the car. Everything is done now." Dad forwarded his hand.

My mom was about to hand over the bag to dad, when that bag was abruptly snatched by Mr. Shekhawat.

"Thank you so much aunty. But Misha will do the needful of helping Sanyukta to walk towards my car." He said.

What? His car.

"Sanyukta is going to her home. She will leave with her parents." Dad gritted his teeth.

"Yeah right. A home where she was not safe. Your daughter attempted a suicide under your nose and you didn't know anything. I am taking her back to my house." He answered back

"Mr. Shekhawat mind your words. He is my father and I will not entertain anyone misbehaving with them. And by what right I should come to your house? For your kind notice, I am not your wife anymore and I don't live in a stranger's place. " I glared at him.

" This stranger was once your husband. And this stranger sister and family treat you as their own kid. So for their sake, come with me. You can return to your house once you are completely fine." He looked at  me hopefully.

"I love them too, and I will visit them when I want. Right now I just want to go home. This is the final decision so please." I rubbed my forehead getting irritated.

He reluctantly nodded his head. Dad took my bag and went out. Misha helped me to get up from the bed. I signalled my mom and she handed me a bag.

I slowly walked towards him and forwarded him the bag, whereas he looked at me curiously.

"What's in this?" He asked

"This is the same dress that you kept that day in my room. Earlier I thought that this was a surprise gift to me by Misha but later I got my doubts confirmed with Misha. Thank You for your charity Mr. Shekhawat but I don't need anyone's pity." I looked at him directly.

" Bro you gifted that designer dress to Sanyukta?" Misha looked at him shockingly.

" I didn't do any charity. You liked that dress and I bought it for you. I knew you wouldn't take it from my money. That is why I kept it in your room that day without telling you. Don't insult my feelings by-"

" Feelings? You have them? I am surprised." I mocked.

"Sanyukta let's go. You dad must be waiting." Mom said.

I nodded my head and left for home.

I hope I served you right Mr. Shekhawat!

Target : 140 votes. (not increasing the target)

I have one request to everyone. My previous chapter as decided got 140 votes. But the other chapters only have 120-130 votes. This means some readers intentionally or unintentionally didn't voted on them. I have around 1k reads for every update. Can't I get half of the votes also? I am requesting everyone to kindly go back the previously updated chapter and drop a like. Its a request please🙏

Don't forget to vote and comment.

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