Puzzle : Misunderstanding Or Planning

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Hey readers! Thank you so much for the votes and special comments. Please stop asking me to not put targets. Because apart from the readers even some ghosts too read my story, who never care to vote even after all my requests.

Sanyukta was moving towards her room still involved in aprita's words when someone caught her wrist and forcefully dragged her inside a dark room. The person shut her mouth by placing his palm on her mouth preventing her to screem. She started struggling in order to push the person aside but nithing could work. Tears formed in her eyes when she felt that person touching her back inappropriately. But soon the lights off the room got switched off and she felt a sudden push from the person. Her eyes widened in shock see the person in front of her. Her eyes then travelled to the door only to find mayank mom standing there with a blank expression. She again looked back at the person.

Sanyukta (whispered) : mayank

Mayank mom (cold voice) : what are you doing here?

Sanyukta (panicking) : aunty trust me i didn't came here intentionally. It was

Mayank mom (interrupting sanyukta) : I am asking something from you mayank. What are you doing here?

Mayank (ruffling his hair) : mom actually i was looking for misha

Mayank mom: this is not her room mayank and misha is downstairs with the family members. Then why did you came here?

Mayank (closing his eyes) : first of all i am really sorry sanyukta bhabhi. Actually i came here because I thought misha is coming after me as I signaled her to come upstairs. And then I thought of playing with her. So I just grabbed your hand and all that happen as I thought of you as misha.

Mayank mom: mayank is this some kind of joke?

Mayank : i am so sorry mom! I was just trying to prank misha and I didn't knew that in all this sanyukta bhabhi will get trapped.  (holding his ears) I am so sorry bhabhi... Trust me i didn't know it was you. It was just a misunderstanding.

Sanyukta wiped her tears and ran away from the room. She was about to enter her room when she collided with a huge figure.

Randhir (stabling her) : careful! Can't you see and walk properly?  Just Now you could have fallen down and this whole family would have run after me blaming me to intentionally making you fall. By the way I was looking for you only. Everyone is asking for you as it is already dinner time.

Sanyukta: I am not feeling  hungry and tell mom thay I am going to sleep due to headache.

Sanyukta looked down in order to hide her tears and pushed Randhir aside and walked inside the room.

Randhir : strange woman!

He shook his head and went downstairs to have his dinner. Sanyukta closed the door and started crying by clutching her hair.

Sanyukta (wiping her tears) : no sanyu! He told you right that this was all a simple misunderstanding. Why are you reacting so much? He thought of you as misha. Otherwise you know him, he is a nice guy and he loves misha a lot. Please don't anything stupid that can be problematic for misha's future. But I think I should once talk about it with misha.

She went inside the washroom and got freshen up. She was keeping her clothes in the cupboard when her gaze fell on the parcel. She confusingly looked at that parcel and then took it out. She opened the bag and was shocked too see that same lehenga she saw in the mall that day.

Sanyukta: this lehenga is so pretty but wait a minute who bought this and kept it here? I didn't purchased it that day because it was so expensive then who got it here?

She then saw a chit attached to the parcel. To dear sanyu, with lots of love - misha. Her eyes glistened when she came to know that this lehenga is gifted to her by misha.

Sanyukta: God! What should I do with this idiot? She think of me so much and here I was doubting her choice. It has to be a misunderstanding and I don't want to create any dispute between mayank and misha. So lets drop this topic. (looking back at the lehenga) thank you so much misha.. Tomorrow I will wear this lehenga in the engagement and surprise her.

Her trance was broken when she felt her phone ringing. She saw it was arnav. She kept the lehenga aside and picked up the call.

Sanyukta : hey arnav! How are you?

Arnav: I am good sanyukta! You tell me how are the preparations going?

Sanyukta: all good. See tomorrow is her engagement too. Time runs so fast.

Arnav: true! How is Pia? I am hope she is not being a trouble maker in my absence.

Sanyukta: no not all! In fact she is having lots of fun with so many people around her. But yes she is missing her father a lot.

Arnav: I know! Even I am missing her so much. This is the first time I am being away from her from so long. But i am relieved because I know she is in safe hands.

Sanyukta: when are you going to come back? You promised to return soon.

Arnav: I know but some. Emergency really needs my attention here. Don't worry I will be there on the wedding day. By the way now tell me what happen? Why are you upset?

Sanyukta (surprised) : upset and me? Who told you? Everything is fine here.

Arnav: if everything is fine then why have you skipped your dinner? Pia called me few minutes back and complained to her papa that her shanyu Mumma is not having her dinner. So now tell me what is troubling you.

Sanyukta narrated him the whole incident whereas arnav listened to her patiently.

Arnav: sanyukta are you fine now?

Sanyukta : yes arnav but I am so confused. I don't want to spoil misha's marriage but on the same time I am worried about her future too.

Arnav: I know misha is really close to you and all this can really be quite disappointing for her. But sanyukta you need to talk to misha and discuss the details with her. This is about her whole damn life. We don't want her to go with a wrong man right?

Sanyukta: but she will be so dishearten and I don't want to upset her when she is having her engagement the other day.

Arnav: sanyukta you are doing the same mistake you did back. By trying to save yourself from temperory heartache , you destroyed your whole life. Do you want misha to go through the same pain of having a wrong person as her life partner? Do you want her to go through all those humiliations and pain that you have seen?

Sanyukta : No! I don't want her to suffer like me. You are right arnav I am going to tell everything to misha.

Arnav: good and then leave everything on her. Let her decide what she wants. I am not saying that mayank is a wrong person. This can be a misunderstanding too but misha should know everything. And now what you need to do?

Sanyukta (chuckles) : I need to go downstairs, have my dinner, apologize to Ms. Pia rajvansh for skipping my dinner, and then have a meaningful discussion with misha.

Arnav (chuckles) : all the best Ms. Agarwal. Good night and see you soon.

Sanyukta kept her phone aside and made her way downstairs only to find everyone having their dinner. She gave a soft smile to everyone and sat back on her seat.

Sanyukta (looking at Pia) : i am sorry piu. I am not going to skip my dinner ever.

Pia (grinning towards parth): parth chachu i told you right that she will be here in another 10 minutes. See that's my dadda's magic. (looking back at sanyukta) it's okay Mumma. You are forgiven.

Randhir (murmur) : wow! Till yesterday it was me who used to convince her for anything and everything and now that man has full control over mind. Huh! Why do I care?

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Target for another update : 200 votes.

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