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Hello readers! It's been two weeks since I last update and you all. Must be knowing the reason. Yes! Because silent readers of my book haven't took the pain to drop a like. You will. Be surprised to know that there more than 900 reads of the previous chapter and the votes couldn't cross even 150. That means only 15-17% people votes for the part.

Still I am updating it for my loyal readers, who always support and appreciate my work.

And to all the silent readers - Have some shame please! I am just requesting you to only vote.


I sat silently on the bed, admiring the beautiful work on the designer dress which was sent by Mr. Rajvansh for our engagement ceremony.

Yes! I am getting engaged today with my boss

For every one it is a romantic tale, where two broken halves came together to form a complete picture, to find a beautiful ending.

Only If they knew the whole truth!

"Wow! Your daddy boyfriend has got an amazing taste!" I yelp in surprise, hand flies over my chest.

This man will be the death of me someday!

"What the hell are you doing here? And wait, how did you enter my room?" I stood up and looked at him annoyingly.

"Oh wife you asked two questions at a time and both of it are stupid, just like your choice!" He mocked at me and settled down on my bed.

Nerve of this man!

"Yeah I think you are correct. My choices are stupid as you were also my choice once." I smirked back at him.

"And I will make sure that I remain one throughout your life." He looked at me intently.

His words caught me by surprise but I kept looking at his direction sounding unaffected.

I can't be weak in front of him. Not after everything I have gone through because of him.

"Sorry to clear your conceptions Mr. Shekhawat but today is my engagement. I have already chosen a man for myself. A man who has accepted me with all my flaws and a painful past. Finally I have got a man who will act like a partner to me and not a superior." I stated.

" Absolutely correct! He has got every quality of a gentleman. He is a  calm and composed man and a doting father too, a perfect husband material you see." His lips split into a gentle smile.

I nodded at his statement and started arranging my accessories. Not much time is left with me. I have to get rid of him soon and start getting ready for my engagement.

I can't keep Mr. Rajvansh waiting!

" But still you are not happy because he is not me, the man you love with your soul. Maybe we both are imperfect but together we both are imperfectly perfect. "

The earring I was observing slipped out of my fingers as soon his words reached out to me. I turned towards him and gave him a pointed look.

"Why do you give so much importance to yourself? And I am glad that he is not like you. I already had enough of an abusive relationship to deal. I don't want more." I said.

"And now if you have got your answer then please leave. I need to get ready for my fiance." I showed him the way.

He slowly got up from the bed and walked towards him. I tried to stay strong but the more he got close to me, the more I felt nervous. I felt my heart running on a marathon once his after shave lotion odour reached to my nostrils.

I closed my eyes as he slowly started caressing my cheeks.

Don't get me wrong I am currently on my periods! maybe that is why my hormones are playing dirty with me.

"Don't do anything which you regret later Sanyu." I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"We both know that you don't want this marriage. You are just doing it because you are angry at me. You are doing it so that you can show me that you have moved on from me , but in this process you are hurting yourself too. Don't do this to yourself, don't do this to us. " my eyes welled out at his honest observation.

Curse my periods!

I pushed him slightly and created some distance between us.

" Fine! I will call off this wedding, but for that you have to do something for me." I looked directly in his eyes.

His face lit up as diwali lightings!

Fuck you periods! You have destroyed my comparison ability too!

"I know you will listen to me. I am ready to do anything for-" Saying this he was about to crush me in his arms when I showed him my hand.

"Just return my baby to me." I stated.

His face lost all the colors and he looked at me helplessly.

"Come-on Mr Shekhawat say something. I am ready to call off this marriage right now. I will forget your every injustice. I will come back with you to your house this instant. But all I want is my baby that you had killed with your own hands." my vocal cords shivered at the mention of my unborn child.

" I am sorry! " His eyes welled up at he hung his head.

" I don't want your sorry! I just want my baby back. And if you can't return my baby then just get out of my house as well my life." I shouted.

I turned around as few tears escaped from my eyes at the thought of my child. I wiped the tears and continued to blink, forcing the tears away.

" Sanyu I know I can't give back your baby. But please I request you just come back to me. I can't imagine my life without you. I know I have been an ass to you in the past. But I will try to mend everything. Please don't do this marriage because if this moment slipped from our hands, then we both won't be able to do anything. Just give me this one chance." He begged.

" And why should I give this one chance to you? " I turned around.

" Because I... I love you Sany-"


I couldn't complete my confession when I felt a burning sensation on my right cheek. I touched my burning cheek and looked at her shockingly.

Yes! I was greeted with a wonderful slap.

" I hope you got your answer. Now get out!" She gritted her teeth.

I looked at her longingly and headed out of her room. My eyes widened when I saw her dad standing at the door, giving me pathetic looks.

I ignored his presence and started descending when I heard his words that were enough to crush my heart.

"How are you able to sleep peacefully after killing your own baby ?"

I forced myself to suck in a breath and turned around.

"The same you are able to sleep after pushing your daughter into this pit. She is not thinking rationally and I think whatever I did to her justify it too but what about you uncle? You know that Sanyukta still loves me. She is doing this marriage just to punish me and still you are supporting her. Remember my words, If this marriage happens then three lives will be spoiled." I said.

Saying this I made my way towards my house.

I won't let this marriage happen at any cost!

I am again requesting you please vote. It won't cost you even a minute.

Target :150 votes. (Hopefully this time I won't be disappointed)

Take care!

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