War Begins

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I opened the door and walked in, thankful that I didn't meet mom, as I didn't want her to worry about my state. Anyone who would see me would surely know that something happened.

I dashed to my room, entering it and slamming the door behind me. I walked towards my bathroom, looking myself in the mirror. A sad girl looked back at me, looking through my soul. Her brown eyes looked dead, emotionless from all the pain.

I took a step in the mirror, looking deeply at myself.

I hated how I felt. I hated how I looked miserable. This wasn't right. This feeling of self hatred wasn't right. I had to do something to come out of this misery.

I turned on the sink, splashing the water on my face. I looked back at the reflection, I forced myself to suck in a breath and close my eyes, my mind started replaying my destroyed life in front of my eyes, all the pain, humiliations, sufferings, over and over again, till I was begging for it to stop, wanting to forget about them for just one second. But it was surely impossible.

No! No!

This is not true!


I clutched my hair tightly in a fist and murmured as those hurtful words again started playing with my mind.

I opened my eyes and pushed all the bathroom commodities that were kept on the nearby slab.

I know I was losing myself.

I sat down on the floor and hugged my knees close to my heart.

I was being foolish to actually think that I have a chance to start my life again, that I can also move on in my life leaving all my bad luck behind. It was only an idiotic dream of mine that I had to wake up from.

Another ghost tear slipped out my eye and down the cheek, I raised my palm and roughly wiped the tear and kept my hand on the floor. I looked down when I felt something sharp beneath my palm.

I removed my palm to carefully examine the shiny object. It was a shaving blade.

May be i was meant to live alone

And die alone too!

No Sanyukta! Don't be stupid! At least think about your family. My subconscious mind warned.

Family? I have no family. Everyone hates me. I have only been a troublemaker in everyone's life. Even Misha hates me now.

This is the only way to peace.

I keenly looked at the sharp object and felt myself getting numb. 




I looked down at Misha, who was now sleeping peacefully in my lap. I caress her cheeks slightly. Finally everything got sorted. Misha finally understood what a creep that Mayank was and it wasn't Sanyukta who should be blamed for her broken marriage.


I hope you are fine! Please stay strong.

I adjusted Misha's head on the pillow and looked at Misha's phone that was kept on the nearby table, it vibrated with Sanyukta's mom number.

Why is she calling Misha at this hour?

I immediately received, ignoring all  the negative vibes that were nagging me from so long.

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