Face Off!

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Hey readers! Surprised to see me this early? Well all the credit goes to you people. Keeping finishing the target and lets get it done with this book within this month.


I groaned in frustration and rubbed my eyes, as Mrs. Shekhawat stood on my head and called for me.

"What the hell do you want from me? And who gave you the permission to enter my room and wake me up?" I irritatingly looked at her.

"I have no interest in messing up with you early in the morning. I just wanted to inform you that if you keep sleeping like this, then someone else will surely take advantage of it." She said and  started folding my quilt.

"What do you mean?" I stood up from the bed and looked at her curiously.

"Go downstairs and you will have your answer." She collected all my laundry clothes in a bucket and left the room, leaving me all confused.

I immediately walked down towards the drawing room and met Arpita in the way.

"Good morning Randhir! Glad you are awake. Now you can also help us in the preparations." She beamed at me.

"Why are you guys speaking in puzzles? What kind of preparations?" I asked her a bit loudly.

Now these people are getting on my nerves and that too early in the morning!

"Oh! Curious are we? But first you sweeten your mouth." Saying this she stuffed a high calories sweet in my mouth.

Did I mention the word forcibly?

" Stop irritating me Arpita! And I haven't brushed for heaven 's sake." I tried to speak with a stuffed mouth.

" Come - on Randhir bro stop being so fuzzy all the time. This time calls for celebration. We will soon have wedding bells ringing in our house." She did a small dance.

Certified idiot!

" As far as I know Misha has decided to focus on her career and drop this idea of marriage for sometime. So does your Parth is getting married again? My hearty congratulations to you." I smirked at her.

Instead of sulking on my words. She gave me a toothy smile.

" Not my Parth bro! But your Sanyukta is getting married and that too within this week." She smirked back at me and I felt the ground beneath me slipping away.

" What? But how.. I-" I opened and closed my mouth, not being able to form words.

"You aren't happy bro? You wanted this only right? That Sanyukta should get married to Arnav and have a happily ever after with him. So congratulations bro! Finally your dream or I should say nightmare came true." She scoffed at me.

"Come-on at least you don't treat me like this. I have enough people for such treatments and taunts." I said in a low tone.

"Arnav has come to talk to dad for his and Sanyukta's marriage." She said.

So this is what Mrs. Shekhawat meant when she came to wake me up.

"What? But he was in London. How could he drop like this?" I looked at her  shockingly.

"Kishore uncle called him and informed him about Sanyukta attempt. He immediately came here. And now he wants to take Sanyukta back with him soon." She sucked a deep breath.

That man! Why does these father-in-law need to act a villain to their charming son-in-law?

"What did Sanyukta say?" I crossed my fingers at the back.

"She has agreed." She lowered her eyes.

"What?" I shouted.

"What else do you expect Randhir? Anyone at her place will do the same. And now don't act as a victim here. You yourself invited this trouble into your life." She glared back at me.

Do they mean this only when they say hitting the axe on your own leg?

Arpita is right. I have invited this trouble and now I will only kick him out of our lives.

" Where is he?" I gritted my teeth.

"He just left. You may find him outside by now. But please don't do anything to make the situation worse because -"

I didn't let her complete her sentence and left to meet that man. I took long strides and came outside. Fortunately he still had not left but was leaning on the door of his car.

Is he waiting for someone?

His gaze fell on me and he waved at my direction. I walked towards him and stood in front of him.

"Hello Mr. Shekhawat! I was waiting for you only. I know that you will come to meet me." He smiled at me.

Cunning fox!

"If you are so intelligent to interpret things so perfectly Mr. Rajvansh. Then you also must be knowing why I came here to meet you.

" Yeah! Kind of! But I have a suggestion for you Mr. Shekhawat. You have already done enough damage to her life in the past and you tried to do that again in my absence. But now it's high time that you realize that she is not alone now. You always wanted her out of your life, so she is doing that for you. So be a man and let her live her own life. We will be getting married soon and then I will take her away with me but  till then I want you to stay away from her." He looked directly into my eyes.

Nerves of this man!

" You are requesting me or warning me? " I took a step forward towards him.

" Whatever works on you Mr. Shekhawat." He also took a step towards me.

" Too bad then! Because when it comes to Sanyukta I don't even listen to my own father. Then who are you? A fucking manager in my own company. Now let me give you one suggestion." I kept my hands on his shoulder and adjusted his collars. "Sanyukta was, is, and always will be mine. Whatever happened between us is none of your fucking business. Just pack your bags and go back there where you came from." I slightly tabbed his arms and stepped back.

"Don't worry about the tickets. I will get it done for you. Have a wonderful day ahead and wish you a safe journey Mr. Rajvansh." I waved at him and made my way back to my house.

Time to have a meaningful conversation with you wifie!

Target - 160 votes (at least give me one day to write 😭)

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Hope to see you soon

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