Truth Out!

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Hello Everyone! Thank you for the love and support. I have tried to keep the chapter as lengthy as possible. The target is mentioned at the end of chapter.


I tried to uplift my eyelids, feeling a huge weight on my head. I cringe at the awful smell surrounding.

Oh god! Does hell smell so bad? Maybe that is why it is called hell.

I tried opening them again, and did it successfully this time. I glanced around curiously with a hope to see the devil, standing with his punishment rod but found none.

Instead I found myself surrounded by a nurse and an overjoyed Misha.


What is she doing here?

I looked around and slapped myself mentally. I was in a hospital.

I sigh.

I got saved.

And suddenly I felt my palms getting cold as I remembered what landed me here. I closed my eyes as I felt my heart getting heavy with the pain.

"Sanyu are you okay?" She looked at me.

I just nodded my head, sat up slowly and concentrated on my lap. The nurse did a few check ups. Once the nurse left I felt the bed dip and soon I was hugged with force by Misha. My hands itched to hug her back but my mind didn't even me bulge.

I maintained my posture till I felt my gown getting wet. And it was no rocket science that Misha was weeping on my shoulder.

"I am sorry Sanyukta! I didn't mean that, and you know this. I can never point a finger on your character and honesty towards me." She sobbed.

"But you did Misha. I thought out of everyone at least you will trust me. But you just finished everything." I closed my eyes, holding back the tears that threatened to fall.

"I know I made a mistake. I was so heartbroken at that moment that I didn't know what I was saying. I got blind in his love sanyu. But later when bro talked to me, I understood what kind of rascal he was. I am really sorry Sanyu." She held my hands.

"No Misha! You should not apologise to me but to yourself. You were doing unfair to yourself. You got so weak in that man's love that you were ready to ignore his doings. And trust me that hurt me more. Seeing you become another Sanyukta broke me." I said grabbing onto her hands.

" I promise you, I will never do this to myself. I will never let you and my family down. Please give me this one chance." She begged.

" I am happy that finally you got some sense." I slightly patted her forehead.

"Now time for getting some senses to you too." She chirped before hitting me tightly on my face.

"Ow... Mumma! You stupid girl what did you do?" I rubbed my cheek that was still stinging with her slap.

"I hope it did justice to the pain that everyone out there has felt seeing you lying on your deathbed. For once also you didn't think about us?" She looked at me furiously.

Was this girl begging me a few minutes ago?

"I am sorry Misha! I don't know what got into me that I took such a drastic step. But that feeling of being a complete loser was not letting me breath even for one second." I confessed.

"You are not a loser. You might be an over emotional idiot but not a loser." She stated.

"Thank you for the clarification." I rolled my eyes over her.

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