Chapter 7

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Her eyes narrowed. " 'Hi, I'm Charlotte Harris and I'm an ugly demon slut that will open my legs to anyone.' "

Charlotte shook her head. "Creative," she stated drily.

She deleted the post, knowing it was in vain and changed her password.

"Who posted that?" asked Sam, but Charlotte was already storming to the perpetrator's locker. There was one other person who knew her password.

Becca was digging books out of her locker but glanced at Charlotte when she cleared her throat. Her green eyes seemed to light up when they saw her but dull as they flicked to Sam.

"Why did you do it?" Charlotte demanded.

Becca didn't have to ask what. She had seen the post. Everyone had. She stammered, "I-I didn't do that."

Charlotte smirked. "Yeah, right," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe you didn't post it, but you are the only other person who knows my password. . . ." The pieces clicked together. "You gave it to Raelynn, didn't you?"

Becca's eyes avoided her. "I'm sorry."

Charlotte glared at Becca. She had no words for her. Sam placed a hand on her shoulder and suggested, "Let's go, Charlotte. You deserve a better friend than her."

As they walked down the hallway, Charlotte ignored the gossip and stared pointedly ahead. Sam headed to her own class, leaving her to endure the unwanted attention. She sat in a desk at the front of the room and pretended not to hear the whispers and laughter behind her.

Raelynn was going to pay for this.


Jenna's excitement was building. It was almost time for recess. She couldn't wait until she would be able to show the other girls what she knew about dance. She sat by them at lunch. They ignored her but she knew that it would change the next day. The time went by gradually, and not even her daydreams of popularity could fix that. Finally, the teacher stood and led them outside.

Jenna hurried to the swings. She found all but one occupied and sat down. She was going to be the center of attention today. She would be accepted by the other girls.

Her bubble was burst by a single cough. She swiveled around and saw Madi standing there. Madi shooed her with a hand motion, and Jenna slowly did just that, albeit reluctant. There went being the center of attention.

There was a brief silence. Jenna saw her chance and took it. "I know a lot about dance even though I'm not in it."

Madi considered her, pursing her lips. "Really?"

Jenna nodded fervently, ready to prove herself to them. 

"Show me second position."

Jenna brought her feet away from each other and lifted her arms to a shoulder-length height.

Madi nodded. "Close enough. Show me first."

Jenna put her feet together as she had practiced. She raised her arms in front of her sternum. Nailed it.

"Good. Do a plié."

Jenna bent her knees then straightened them again.

Madi smiled. It was a mean smile, but Jenna ignored it. "Show me fifth position then go up on relevé."

Jenna brought her arms above her head and rose up on her tip-toe. The girls snickered and Madi smirked. Jenna lowered herself and wondered what she had done wrong. Her heart went haywire in her chest. This was her chance. They had to accept her. They had to like her. What had she done wrong?

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