Chapter 11

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Charlotte's phone buzzed her awake. She squinted at the bright screen and squeezed her eyes shut before submitting to curiosity and checking her messages. Five texts from an unfamiliar number waited for her.

The first text told her it was Kenneth Clement, Raelynn's boyfriend. She had to admit that her interest was piqued since Kenneth was a star on the football team, making him one of the most popular kids in school and therefore giving him zero reasons to text her.

The second text told her that he thought she was hot. No. No. No.

The third asked her to send a naked picture of herself. Her phone shook in her hands. This cannot be happening.

The fourth asked her why she was ignoring him. Why me?

Charlotte pulled her pillow over her face and screamed into it. Of course the boyfriend of her new nemesis just had to text her and beg for nudes. In the pursuit to ruin her life, why wouldn't that exact thing happen?

She read the messages again. Based on the amount of misspellings, she assumed he had been drunk the previous night, and thinking back to her short time at the dance, she was unmistakably certain that he'd had five too many drinks.

The message that had woken her up, however, was different from the rest. Dread clutched dangerously at her heart. She re-read it until the words stopped making sense.

Watch your back, slut.

Charlotte dropped her phone on the bed and punched her pillow. Who's really the slut? she thought bitterly, wishing for the first time in her life for Monday to arrive sooner.

She trudged up the stairs and poured herself a bowl of cereal. She sat down with Jenna and her dad as they watched their cartoons like old times, the drama pushed to the back of her mind. Her mood seemed to improve when she ignored her problems.


Later, Charlotte was attempting to study when she received a text from Anthony telling her to go outside. She smiled and changed into a pair of jeans, not wanting him to see her in sweatpants. She rushed upstairs, wondering what might happen.

She had to shade her eyes from the sun until they adjusted, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. The afternoon sunlight glinted off his glasses and made his hair appear lighter than its usual chocolate color. 

She once again contemplated what he had in mind. "Hey."

Noticing her, he straightened and readjusted his shirt. "What's up?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Oh! Yes, well, our friends wanted to have a pickup game at the park, but since I owe you another date, I was wondering if you would like to go earlier for a picnic." He held up a large lunchbox.

"That sounds great."

With a smile on her face and her heart in her throat, she climbed into the passenger seat.


"You ready for this?" Charlotte taunted, dribbling the ball. She wiped a droplet of sweat off of her forehead.

"Come at me," Anthony replied.

She passed the ball to Max. He dribbled around Becca to the hoop and prepared to shoot, but she blocked his shot and grabbed the ball. They readied themselves to defend. Becca dribbled toward the hoop and Oliver stole the ball. He passed it to Charlotte. She went for the three, which she predictably missed.

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