Chapter 15

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At lunch the next day her friends didn't discuss any pranks. Then another day passed without a single mention. Soon a week was gone. And after one more, she assumed the pranks had left their system, so she let out a sigh of relief.

She didn't think she had anything to worry about.


Charlotte admired herself in the mirror. She had curled her hair for their date and even put on lipstick. The doorbell rang and she practiced her smile once before dashing upstairs.

She heard her dad's voice from above. "How are you, Anthony?"

"I'm doing well, Mr. Harris. Is Charlotte ready?" He glanced past her dad and smiled when his eyes met hers. He wore a starched button-down shirt and his curls were extra fluffy for the occasion.

Her dad looked from him to her. "You two better get going then."

"Bye, Dad!" she said as she ran out the door.


She lay alongside Anthony on the frozen ground, staring up at the cumulus clouds. After eating, the two had strolled hand-in-hand down the street, lost in their conversation.

"You say 'pop' and I say 'soda'. It's not that hard to understand," Charlotte had explained.

"It makes you sound pretentious."

"Well, I'm not the one discriminating."

As they approached the park, Anthony had said, "Wanna take a break?" His breath was a visible puff of air in the cold November weather. "This discussion's made me exhausted."

Now, Charlotte pointed into the sky and giggled. "That one looks like a melting snowman."

Anthony laughed.

She closed her eyes and listened to the ballad of the park. The playing children, barking dogs, and blowing leaves weaved together to create a calming melody. She opened her eyes again and met Anthony's gaze. She smiled as he brushed the hair out of her face.

She turned her eyes back to the clouds. Her fears rose to mind as they tended to do when she was beginning to feel too relaxed.

What if they aren't finished with the pranks? What will I do if I can't convince them to stop? Charlotte wondered. She stared up at the sky, searching for answers. The only one she procured was a cloud shaped like a deformed cat.


The relief didn't last long. Right before Thanksgiving break, her friends mentioned the pranks again.

"So what should we do next?" Anthony said.

"What do you mean?"

"Our revolution. The pranks. We need to start brainstorming."

"Do we though?" Charlotte interjected hurriedly. "Don't you think she's learned her lesson by now?"

Her friends stared at her.

Max said, "The other day she told me that every time she looks at me she's reminded of shit."

"But—" She couldn't think of anything.

"You're the one who told us to fight back. Why did you change your mind?" asked Anthony.

"I-I just—It's turning us into her, isn't it?"

"We have the right reasons." Anthony twitched the corner of his mouth and squeezed her hand under the table. "If you don't want to be a part of it anymore, it's okay."

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