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"Happy Birthday!!"

Poppers were popped, sending numerous paper streamers flying and landing on her hair. A birthday song was then sung before saying their well-wishes to her. Still stunned at the sudden celebration, Atsushi walked towards her and took her hand, leading her to the birthday cake with candles lit. 

"Hey F/N! Make a wish! Hurry!" Atsushi nudged her, as everyone looked at the investigator with hopeful eyes.


Putting her hands together, she made a wish.

I wish for a day when I am in a relationship.

Blowing the candles, the lights were lit up, as Naomi cut the cake up and giving out the portions.


"What, Ranpo?" She answered while eating the cake.

"I knew what you wished for."

"Yeah? So you used your 'Ultra Deduction' to know what I wished for?"

Ranpo then whispered in her ear.

"No~ You wished for a relationship with Da-zai-san~"

A shade of red covered her cheeks.

"Dazai-san, F/N is  calling you!" Waving at the suicidal man, Ranpo then went off as she flustered on the sudden change in situation.

"What, F/N?"

"D-D-Dazai! E-Ermm-"

"I got it."

Slipping his hand around her waist, he pulled her closer, putting his lips onto hers, answering her question. Breaking the contact, her face was in different shades of red. 

"Please take care of me, F/N~"

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