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"Hey F/N... What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" 

That was our first meeting. Even though I said I was fine, you insisted that I go to the infirmary and let Yosano-san check on me. 

"F/N! We are retreating!"

Our second meeting was when we first worked on a case together as partners. You blocked a few hits for me and got injured because you were worried that I could not handle it. I was grateful.

"F/N, the President wants to meet you."

On the third meeting, I was requested for a meeting with the President. Inside his office, I knew about my sister's misfortune. I was devastated; breaking down and wailing out loud. Then, you entered the President's office, pulling my hand and leading me to the roof, where you didn't care about your precious coat getting stained by my tears. All I knew that you were by my side.

"No! Hang on!"

Our fifth and last meeting was in the woods where I was too late to be saved. Your tears wet my cheeks like a running tap. All I said was just three words before I passed out.

"I like you."

The sixth and first meeting, and yet you were crying in front me. I didn't know what to do aside from fumbling with the ends of the blanket.

"Sorry, but what is your name?"

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