Chapter one Grimmwuald place and Sirius bonding

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Draco's P.O.V

It was literal hell having to spend the summer with the wretched piece of filth that is Voldemort but relief came in the form of a strange black owl that I had never seen before there was a letter attached to its leg and it read, "Draco it's been a while since we last spoke and I am aware of your situation, enclosed in this letter is an address go to this location and I assure you will be safe. The rest of your friends are here as well, Astoria, Blaise, Ashley, Hermione, Harry, and the Weasley's. This is a self destroying letter but before that you're probably wondering who is writing to you. Well I will give you a hint I'm a certain convict you meet third year, well goodbye for now and I hope to see you soon." The letter then turned to dust and the residue blew out my open window well this was certainly a surprising development. I began to pack immediately, I was tired of hearing screams echo throughout the manor at night it was enough to drive a man insane.

That's how I ended up in front of Grimmwuald place, it was easy enough to convince my mum since she was just happy I had somewhere safe to go and my father was too busy kissing Voldemort's feet. I knocked on the door and to my surprise Professor Lupin opened it and said, "Draco what a pleasant surprise, please come in" I stepped through the threshold and saw that it was just as beautiful inside as it was out, my tone was curios as I said, "Does this belong to you Professor Lupin?" He shook his head and laughed and said, "Mr. Malfoy I could never afford a place like this and please call me Remus. This place belongs to your uncle Sirius, oh speaking of that most of your friends are here except for Harry." I nodded and heard joyful voices coming from what looked to be the sitting area so after slipping my shoes and light jacket off I walked in. There all of friends were along with uncle Sirius and Molly and Arthur Weasley and Astoria had her hands around Blaise's throat and yelled, "What do you mean you ate all the licorice wands those are my favorites!" She finally stopped shaking him and looked in my direction she must have felt my energy from our shared connection, it allowed me to feel whatever she was feeling. She was beautiful as always, her hair was in a messy ponytail and she was wearing a light blue shirt that had a low neckline and her snitch still hung around her neck. The shirt also exposed her midriff and tattoo. She was also wearing a matching mini skirt that rested on the top of her thighs, if she had to bend down it wouldn't end very well she was also wearing a pair of hot pink knee socks. The moment she saw me she came bounding over and locked me in a searing kiss, it felt like forever since we had done this even though it had only been a few months. We interrupted by a cough that came from Hermione's direction, I finally let go of Astoria only for Blaise to tackle me and hug the stuffing out of me. Hermione soon came up and gave me a hug and the Weasley's gave hugs and handshakes except for the Weasel he just glared and gave a weak hi.

It was soon time to start preparing for dinner and Ms.Weasley practically kidnaped all the girls so that left us guys on our own, I wasn't in the mood for conversation so I decide to take a walk and look around the place a bit. I walked up to the second floor and saw that one of the doors was open slightly so I decided to have a peek inside, the right hand wall was covered with a family tree, my family tree. On my mothers side anyway, the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. I ran my hand down it and looked at every detail closely, I saw my mum and Aunty Bella were on the tree but my Aunty Andromeda was burned off along with my two cousins Nymphadora and Neveah. My uncle Sirius was also burned off. This tree sickened me, the ones who were burned off deserved to keep there places on the tree if any thing my Aunty Bella should have been burned off for being murdering scum. Instead my grandparents burned off two good people simply because they didn't conform to what the pure blood standard was. My Aunty Andromeda married a muggle born and my Uncle Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor and that is what earned their exile. I don't know what compelled me to pull my wand and point it at my picture on the family tree and cast incindio but that's exactly what I did watching my picture burn felt liberating. I was brought out of my own little world by the sound of clapping and I turned and was met with the sight of my uncle Sirius.

He strolled in and said, "I see you waste no time finding something to catch on fire." My tone was slightly ashamed as I said, "I'm sorry Uncle Sirius I don't know what came over me." He bent down in front of me and said, "I'm not upset or disappointed in fact I'm quit proud of you my boy. Not many have the courage to go against their families, even if it the right thing" I turned my head to the ground and said, "I guess Potter must be rubbing off on me, where else would I get this burning sense of courage?" My uncle Sirius smiles and says, "Draco I will tell you a well kept Black family secret. Cissa was almost sorted into Gryffindor but she chose Slytherin because she wanted to make mum and dad proud. She also fell in love with a muggle born much like Andy but my parents forced her to marry that animal Lucius Malfoy. Your courage has always been there Draco it just took someone special to bring it to the surface. I have been watching you and let me tell you something I couldn't ask for a better and braver nephew." He then put his hand over my heart and said, "This is the fierce beating heart of a lion not a sad little snake always remember that Draco no matter what kind of terrible things happen always know you have the heart of a lion." That's when Ms. Weasley busted in and said, "Dinners ready come get it before its cold" I laughed as did Uncle Sirius my my this was going to be a wild and deadly year but as I promised Cedric I wasn't going to run anymore.

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