Chapter five Bad Broom sticks and Blaise goes bonkers

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Draco's P.O.V

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine Hermione on a broom, but it was happening and it was one of the funniest things I had seen in awhile. Currently they were working on her fear of heights. Fred said, "Alright Mione I'm going to take us up, remember I'm here with you there is no need to be afraid." She says, "I trust you but if I do fall you will get no mercy" Fred gave a light laugh and said, "If I let you fall I don't deserve mercy" He took them off the ground and Hermione finally opened her eyes and then immediately turned around and put Fred in a choke hold, the poor ponce was starting to turn blue. Astoria was sitting beside me and she said, "Oh gosh, do you think she's going to kill him?" I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I hope not because if she does it will be a nasty crash." She nodded and I saw that Hermione finally loosened her grip and began to look around and it seemed fear started to drain from her being, wow that was fast. The landed and Fred said, "Alright now that your flighty fears have been felled its time to move onto the next lesson, flying by yourself" Hermione tensed at this but said, "I'm ready for whatever comes next" He nodded and said, "What comes next is catching the snitch!" Hermione looked like she might die and her knees began to wobble and she looked as though she might be ill. Fred finally slapped her back and said," Hermione you fall for these little jokes so easily, its rather sad" She then brought her foot down on top of his and said, "You are not funny Fred Weasley, you could have given me a heart attack." He simply smiled and said, "Alright here is a broom I want you to try and ride it, if it doesn't go at first don't worry all you have to do is focus and trust the broom"

She got on the broom stick and then something amazing happens the broom started hopping around like a pogo stick, I had never seen anything like it and by the look on Fred's face he hadn't either but he soon regained his senses and began to chase after the pogo broom that had stolen his girl. They finally got it to stop and Fred said, "That gives me an idea for a new joke. Now lets try this again love. Remember focus none of us are here its just you and the broom." Hermione closed her eyes and the broom began to take off it, after it got about twenty feet up it began to spin around and Hermione yelled, "How am I doing?" Fred put his hand on his head and said, "This is positively atrocious and I have never seen anything like it" Hermione then said, "What was that, love" Fred raised his voice and said, "Your doing great Mione keep it up and we can practice more later if you want to stop" I translated that as, "Please stop you're worrying me sick and if you fall i will never forgive myself." Hermione finally came down and said, "How did I do on a scale of one to ten?" Fred goes to open his mouth and Hermione puts up a finger and says, "Be honest with me" Fred frowned slightly and said, "I would give you a three maybe if your luck a four" Hermione frowned and said, "I was positively dreadful then, maybe I'm not cut out for flying." Fred put his hand on her head and said, "Mione your brilliant at everything else, no one can be perfect but you come very close" He then conjured a box of chocolates and handed them too her, she smiled and began to munch quietly. I turned to Astoria who was still cracking up over the pogo broom and I said, "Love its almost time for first period, you have charms and I have DADA, if you can call it that."

After getting dressed I walked to DADA with Blaise who was grumbling and looked to be past death, I could tell he was gearing up for something insane. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Mate, the world bloody sucks, Neveah and I haven't snogged in like two days, I'm dying here" He had been going on about this since yesterday and I have had enough my tone was sharp as I said, "Why don't you do something about and stop complaining what is Ugly Umbridge going to do, nothing that's what the woman is all talk." Blaise smirked and I began to get a bad feeling. We took our seats and I saw that a throne was situated at the head of the room, how egotistical can you get. She walked in with her pink heels clicking against the floor and said, "Open your books to chapter one" Hermione rose her hand and said, "We are supposed to be studying defense against the dark arts not simply reading about it" Umbridge walked over to her and smiled a sickly false smile and said, "You don't need to learn how to defend yourselves the world is a safe place, also mud bloods should learn to shut up" The whole room went silent until Blaise stood from his seat walked over to Neveah picked her up and sat her on the desk. He then began to snog her senseless and Neville and Luna were in the corner talking quietly and his nose was on her neck. I used the opportunity to flip Professor "Ugly" Umbridge with flipendo and this caused her to land on one of the desks and she was out cold. Blaise continued to snog Neveah until she grabbed his tie and dashed out of class laughing like a madwoman. We all took that as our cue to leave.

I was walking back to the Slytherin common room when I saw Neville and Luna snuggled up under a tree whispering things to each other and sharing a gentle snog every now and then, it was quite cute to be honest. I continued walking and saw Hermione sitting on a bench reading, Umbridge had said, something terrible to her and yet she brushed it off like it was nothing, that is something I admire about Hermione, her ability to ignore the terrible things people say about her. That's when I saw Crabbe walk up and he said, "Hey mud-blood what are you doing breathing my air?" Hermione gave a sigh and said, "I'm breathing the air because I need oxygen to keep my brain running, now tell me why you are breathing my air its clear you don't use your brain or perhaps you were born without one." She stood to walk away but Crabbe grabbed her arm and flung her against the wall she went for her wand but he already had his hand raised to slap her, I was just about to pull my wand when someone caught Crabbe's wrist. My eyes met with the sight of bright ginger hair and I heard Fred's growl from all the way across the courtyard. He looked Crabbe dead in the eye and said, "You think your so bloody big and brave for picking on Mione just because she's muggle born well let me tell you something Mr. Big Bad and Brave, the next time you raise a hand to her will be the last time you have hands. Now apologize." Crabbe sneered and said, "Your not going to do anything your a Weasley a goody two shoes." Crabbe is dumber than I thought I heard a crack and I knew Fred was applying a obscene amount of pressure to Crabbe's wrist. He finally mumbled a sorry before dashing off. It has been a wild year. I made it back to the common room and Blaise said, "You need to see this mate" He had the Daily Prophet in his hands, he then folded it up and handed it to me, Astoria walked over and leaned against my shoulder to read it as well. The headline was about a breakout at Azkaban. Voldemort was stepping up his game which meant we needed to do the same.

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