Chapter sixteen Cold conversations and cute crittiers

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Draco's P.O.V

The looks on Fred and George's faces were horrified, but then again this situation would force anyone into a terrified state. It was something out of a horror story two death eaters that want nothing more than revenge on you have your significant others at wand point and two of your friends are being held at wand point as well. George cleared his throat and said, "Jeff, Josh its been, what four years since we saw you last?" Josh pushed his wand into Violets cheek and said in a venomous tone, "Four years of our lives were spent in that accursed prison because you ratted us out, I thought we were friends!" Fred drew his wand and said, "We were until you tortured and murdered two of our friends in cold blood, how could we let you get away with that?" Jeff sighed and rolled his eyes and said, "They were mud-bloods why should it matter if they die or not, oh wait that's right your blood traitors who like to bring the disgusting creatures into your home." Jeff had a hold of Hermiones arm and he twisted it around so that the scar was visible and laughed and said, "It looks like we have a filthy little mud-blood here with us now, so which one of you does she belongs too?" I saw that Jeff was watching them both very carefully to see who's body language changed, Fred's grip on his wand tightened and Jeff gave a dark chuckle and said, "So the filthy little mud-blood belongs to you, eh Fred?" That's when Hermione spoke up and said, "I belong to no one" Josh laughed and said, "You'll belong to Voldemort soon." Hermione snorted and said, "He's too ignorant to own anyone or anything and I would sooner die than belong to him!" Bellatrix screeched and said, "You take that back you filthy mud-blood, oh and nice headgear nephew" I wanted to fire off a retort how dare she insult my antennas but I bit my tongue, now was not the time or place. That's when I felt Fenrir sniffing me and he growled and said, "I'm hungry I haven't been able to eat anyone in a while, you look pretty delicious Mr.Malfoy" I began to get a terrible feeling, I would rather not be lunch. Then another feeling washed over me it looks like another set of Veela's had found their partners but this was one of the most messed up pairings I have ever seen. The boys felt it to because they loosened their grip on the girls and Bellatrix looked to be disgusted. That's when Jeff said, "Your a filthy mud-blood but your a gorgeous mud-blood. Hopefully I will have time to play with you the way I want." Josh smirked and said, "Your a half-blood which is more acceptable, I bet we could have a lot of fun together." That when they ghosted their fingers across the girls thighs and I could tell Fred and George were about to explode.

That's when an alarm sounded through the shop I looked over and saw Pufficus backed into a gigantic red button that said, "Death eater alert" Fenrir snarled and said, "Bella we have to go, the Order will be here shortly!" Bellatrix nodded to the boys and they pushed the girls forward causing Fred and George to catch them which created a distraction and let the foul fools escape. I'm now grateful for the little fluff ball. Fred pulled Hermione close and began whispering sweet nothing's in her ear and George was doing the same for Violet. Astoria looked at me and took a deep breath before saying, "That was lucky, I have a feeling they would have killed us." My tone was serious as I said, "I think a couple of Veela found their partners today, I don't think they like them though" Astoria's eyes went wide as she said, "You don't think that Hermione and Violet..." I nodded and said, "I don't think I know but its not anything to worry about a supernatural bond never opposes its self above free will, I don't think Hermione and Violet are going to go running to the Lestranges." Astoria nodded and said, "I bet your happy about my evil little fluff ball now" I smile and said, "Maybe just a little bit" I then took on a more serious tone and said, "Astoria I think there is a traitor in D.A, our little rebel army were the only ones who knew about the store." Astoria looked shocked and said, "Who do you think it could be?" I dead panned and said, "Cher" Astoria looked at me funny and said, "Cher that's hilarious, now tell me who you really think it is" I simply sighed and said,"No one ever listens to me" Astoria smiled and said, "Did you say something love?" My eye began to twitch once again. It would soon be time to return to Hogwarts and face up to "ugly" Umbridge.

We all made it back to Hogwarts in one piece and were currently enjoying a nice lunch when our pets came in bearing mail. Taurus swooped in and landed on my shoulder and hooted repeatedly and dropped a cake box in my lap before landing on the table. He began to swagger about and walked over to Sugar Cookie who was grooming her feathers and hooted. Sugar Cookie stopped grooming herself and tilted her head before hooting back. Taurus the waddled away looking rejected and Astoria was cracking up. My tone was curious as I said, "What's so funny love?" She smiled and said your owl just got rejected big time. Taurus walked over and said in owl, "Hey sweetheart what are you doing tonight?" Sugar Cookie responded with, not you?" I laughed and said, "Your lady bird is hard to please, why do think my owl walks so funny, its like he's swaggers everywhere I wonder where he gets that from?" Astoria smiled and said, "I wonder.." I watched as Taurus strutted over to the double dumb and their pet pug and Goyle said, "What do you want you bloody chicken?" Taurus then flew into a rage and began to attack the idiots. That's when I heard someone say, "Eww" I looked over and saw that a owl had its head in the pudding bowl it then lifted its head and I saw that it was CoCo. Everyone started to give Blaise dirty looks and he said, "I don't know who's owl that is but it isn't mine!" That's when a sleek black cat hopped up on the table and began stalking toward the pudding bowl I recognized it as Neveah's cat Artemis, her green eyes were trained on Coco and before anyone could move, she batted Coco over to the Gryffindor table and he landed right on Ron's plate and Blaise yelled, "My owls about to get forked!" What a month this has been. We finally finished dinner and we also saved Blaise's owl from getting forked. That's when Potter came dashing down the hall shouting his head off and he said, "You have to come quick Sirius is in mortal danger, he's being held at the Ministry where the prophecy is kept." I rolled my eyes great here we go again.

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