Chapter twelve Giddy gifts and Cute confessions

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Astoria's P.O.V

Dinner had been interesting, Mr. Weasley decided that was the proper time to inquire about the function of a toilet plunger. The Grangers were stunned to say the least and for a few moments I didn't know if they were going to survive. Percy decided to have his dinner in his room, his ego had been heavily damaged this evening, serves him right though. Then when the order arrived Mr. Granger said, "Why that fellow with the black hair looks like an escaped convict." That's when Mr. Weasley proudly stated, "Oh, yes Sirius is an escaped convict" The room was silent for a few moments and then panic erupted of course who could blame the Grangers. I would be in panic mode if someone said, "Yes he is an escaped criminal" I think more explanation was needed. They finally managed to get everyone calmed down though and finally the Grangers began to relax. That's when Draco stole a roll off my plate and said, "Wow this has been a experience and I'm not quite sure I want to repeat it" My eye began to twitch as I said, "I know you didn't just take my last roll, you blast ended skewert." I watched him eat it unashamedly oh he was paying for that one, next time he had ice cream it was mine. The Grangers soon departed. They said it was because of personal business but I think the Weasley family in its entirety is too much for normal people to handle. That's when we all shuffled into the living room for gift giving giddiness. This was going to be interesting if we all survived, there was a distinct possibility of us drowning in wrapping paper.

We arrived in the living room and took a seat wherever one was available Draco and I took a seat on the floor as did Ginny and Harry. Charlie and Bill were sitting in the arm chairs and Mr and Mrs Weasley were on the sofa. Ron and Marie were comfortably situated at the dinning room table still eating and Percy had pulled Aubrey into his room with him. He still refused to come down to the lions den. Mrs. Weasley began to hand out gifts and I opened mine eagerly, there was a beautiful green and silver sweater contained with in. It had a huge letter A embroidered on the front. Draco had gotten the same thing except for the fact it had the letter D on the front. Violet had gotten a blue and bronze one with a V on the front and everyone else got red and gold. That's when Sirius stood up and said, "May I have everyone's attention." We all turned to look at him with the exception of Ron who was still shoveling his face. Sirius cleared his throat and said in a slightly sad tone, "It was once my dream to open a joke shop with my beloved friends but that dream is now unachievable because of tragic circumstances but I'm ready to give my dream to the next generation. It has come to my attention that there are hard core pranksters here tonight and since they have graduated I believe they deserve a special gift."

Sirius pulled his wand and gave it a gentle flourish and a document appeared and he said, "I bought a piece of property in Diagon Alley it's an empty building but with the right amount of hard work and heart I know it can become something great. Fred George as soon as you sign your names on this document the building becomes yours but you need two additional signatures that was the deal I made. So who is going to be your business partners?" Fred and George looked at each other for a moment and then gently grabbed Hermione and Violets arms and helped them to their feet and said in sync, "These two wonderful witches" Sirius chuckled and said, "Are you picking them because their your girlfriends or because they have great business sense?" The twins grinned and said at the same time, "Both" I saw Fred take the quill and sign his name followed by George and Violet but Hermione hesitated. Fred turned to Hermione and said, "What's wrong Mione?" Hermione sighed and said, "I don't know if I'm ready for a big step like this, I won't be able to help when school starts back up and I don't want to leave you hanging. I don't want to leave you at all" Draco pulled out his wand and conjured a tub of popcorn and said, "Since we're seeing drama I figured it would be appropriate, want some I can add butter"

I just look at him astounded before sticking my hand in the tub and stuffing the popcorn into my mouth. The show then continued I watched as Fred put his huge hand on Hermione's cheek and he said, "Love you won't leave me hanging there is no one I would rather share my dream with than you. Also it would mess up the naming game because it wouldn't be Weasley, Weasley, Weasley and Weasley anymore. You are a huge part of my dream Mione, please help me make it a reality." There was a course of awws and Charlie yelled, "Get some" Hermione whipped her wand out and gagged Charlie before taking the quill and sighing her name the document then disappeared and Sirius said, "I hope you gentlemen succeed where we Marauders failed, I think I'm leaving, goodnight everyone." The rest of the Order got up an shuffled out as well. At least the number of people was manageable now. That's when Hermione said something that took us all by surprise she said in a soft and shy tone, "Look Fred there's mistletoe but before that I have something very serious to tell you." Draco poked my side and said in a humors tone, "I bet she's pregnant" I gave him a good whack to the side and continued to watch the scene in front of me. Hermione turned her eyes downward and said, "I love you Fred Weasley" The whole room was silent, Hermione was not one to say things without putting thought into it first and up to this point it had always been like not love. It was getting real.

Fred put both his hands on her cheeks and said, "I know this is a serious matter and I'm not usually a serious person but, I want you to know that I would die before I hurt you. Your part of my life Hermione a bigger part than George even and I will love you until the stars stop shinning." That's when he pulled her in for a kiss and everyone was cheering except for Ron who was sulking. That's when the twins pulled out a pair of identical boxes from behind their backs and handed them to the girls. They opened them slowly and inside were beautiful scarlet and gold necklaces, they were like heart fragments but instead of only having two parts it had four. Violet and George had the right half of the heart and Fred and Hermione had the left side of the heart. The necklaces had names on it so Hermione wore the piece with Fred's name and Fred wore the piece with Hermione's name. Draco started to tug on my arm and drag me away from the heartwarming scene and lead me upstairs to the room we were sharing , I wonder what he had planned?

He pulled me into the room and shut the door before taking a deep breath and saying, "That was the most chaotic, disorganized, insane thing I have ever been apart of. I hope I can do it again next year and seeing how it is close to Christmas I got you a gift" He pulled out a neatly wrapped pale pink box and handed it to me and inside were two things there was a picture of the D.A and another box. I opened the next one and a beautiful emerald pendant was contained within it had a solid silver dragon on top and hanging from the dragon were two round emeralds linked in a chain." Draco smiled and said, "This has been in my mothers family for years and its enchanted so that when we have children a diamond for each child will be added to the chain. When our future children go off too Hogwarts the diamond will turn into either a ruby, sapphire topaz or emerald depending on which house they get sorted into." I smiled and hugged him close and said, "Thank you Draco I have yours too, its a mini pensieve and I already added my favorite memories to it so when you feel sad you can alway relive our shared memories. " He pulled me in for a passionate snog before promptly falling over and going to sleep. I smiled and feel right next to him. My last words before falling to sleep were, "Sleep well my dragon" with that I was off to dreamland.

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