Chapter Six Secret mettings and The D.A

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Astoria's P.O.V

It was the start of a new day, we got our additions of the Daily Prophet early since Blaise's father owned it, there was nothing but bad news a whole slew of death eaters have been broken out of Azkaban. They were the worst of the worst, one was Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco's aunt who just happens to have a taste for torture and murder. She was also know to be Voldemort's mistress, I haven't the faintest clue why anyone would like that hideous creature. Fenrir Greyback also escaped, he is a werewolf with a penchant for human flesh and is highly psychotic. Them you have twins Josh and Jeff Lestrange, they are the youngest death eaters to date and apparently they used to be close friends with the Weasley twins, they are dark pranksters and are fairly talented at dueling. That's just to name a few that have escaped. I laid the paper down on the dining table and rubbed my eyes we were up against serious and vicious competition if there was one slip up we would die. Draco put his hand on my shoulder and brought me out of my thoughts by saying, "Look at Neville he is positively disgusted with the development and I can understand why. My Aunt Bellatrix tortured his parents to the point they went insane. Luna is trying to make him feel better but it doesn't appear to be working. Also look at the Weasley twins." I looked over and saw that Violet was comfortably seated in George's lap and Hermione was sitting in Fred's. The twins were staring at the paper looking regretful and heartbroken, I guess that tends to happen when you find out your best friends from childhood are brutal killers and they betrayed everyone. I turned back to Draco and said, "I can't stand this anymore we have to do something before its too late." Blaise stopped eating and said, "What can we do these insane monsters are out of our league?"

A small piece of parchment drifted over too our table and Draco caught it, he looked around and I saw Harry nod discreetly. Draco opened the parchment and it read, "Come to The Hogs Head at four 'O clock if you want to make a difference" The letter then disintegrated right on top of Blaise's waffles and he said, "Merlin's beard this is awful now my waffles are ruined, its almost as bad as not being able to snog Nevi" I face palmed and turned my eyes back to Draco and said, "What are you going to do?" He looked at me and sighed and said, " I don't know but we should probably talk about it in private" I nodded and continued with my breakfast.

We finished and walked down to the Shrieking shack to have our conversation. My tone was serious as I said, "I think we should go we would finally be able to make a difference" Draco paced a couple of times and said, "We won't win not in the condition we're in now we would need a lot of training" Blaise looked up from the floor and said, "This is going to be suicide." My tone was firm as I said, "When have any of our adventures been safe, the answer is never. If you two are afraid to fight then I will do it myself it doesn't matter if I die fighting with Harry or die after Voldemort wins. I will lose either way because in Voldemort's mind there is no place for people like me." This caused both boys to look at me and Draco said, "I did promise Cedric that I would fight and I'm not going to let you rush into danger alone, I'm in and I can also help if Potters planning training because I know about the dark arts." Blaise grumbled and said, "Neveah will be jumping at the chance to join, so I better go protect her. I also promised to watch your backs so I guess I'm in too" That's when I clapped my hands together and said, "I knew you guys would come around, now off to Hogs Head we go" I then dashed out the door and the boys followed behind. We arrived at Hogs Head and saw our fellow classmates sitting around and then someone said, "Why are Slytherins here" I think it was Ron but I'm not completely sure, oh boy this was going to be a long meeting.

We took our seats and Ron was glaring daggers at us then suddenly the door flew open and in dashed Ashley and Theodore who were panting and Ashley said, "See Theo I knew I was leading us the right way but you disagreed and almost made us late". Theodore coughed and said, "But your the one..." Ashley grabbed his scarf and said, "What was that love?" The look of fear in his eyes was hilarious as he said, "She's right I'm rubbish with directions." They took a seat quietly after that exchange and I noticed all the couples were sitting together with their lady's in their lap, Harry was by himself because he can't make up his bloody mind between Cho or Ginny. You had Ron who had finally snagged on Marie Snow a Hufflepuff with short red hair and bright green eyes rumor has it she about the same intelligence level as the weasel himself. Then you had the explosive couple Seamus and Joesy, a day hasn't gone by without them blowing something up. On each side of Harry was on half of the prankster quartet, you Fred and Hermione on the right and George and Violet on the left. It appeared that both boys had similar taste in girls since one was a Ravenclaw and the other was almost a Ravenclaw. Then my eyes fell on a surprising sight Luna Lovegood was seated in Neville Longbottoms lap, the shy couple was steeping up. I then saw that Dean Thomas was alone and the Patil twins were solo as well. Ernie Macmillan and Collin and Dennis Creevey were in attendance as well.

Harry cleared his throat and said, "Thank you all for coming, I know things look bad right now and some of you have personal scores to settle" He looked over at the twins who had a big score to settle betrayal doesn't sit well with the Weasley's." That's when Ron decided that it was a good time to open his mouth and said, "What are Slytherins doing here they could rat us out to Professor Umbridge." Harry rubbed his eyes and said, "Ron let me tell you something, we don't have the luxury of clinging to house rivalry. The Slytherins here today have proved themselves time and time again. They are ready to go all the way just like us. Not to mention Malfoy is the only one who really knows anything about the dark arts." My tone was indignant as I said, "Honestly Ron don't you think you've done enough damage lately" Draco simply snorted and said, "I agree with Astoria your a bloody fool who can't see the forest for the trees." Ron was about to get up from his chair when Marie said, "Ron calm down they are right you know. You have made a bit of a mess this year" He sighed and resumed a relaxed position. Fred spoke and said, "This is all well and good but do we have a name for our little groupe?" Hermione pulled her wand and conjured a piece of parchment and said, "Of course we do love. We are going to be know as Dumbledores army and to mark our group I have made a magical Pheonix tattoo. This is permanent so if anyone wants to back out you have the chance to do it now"

No one dared move a muscle it was clear that everyone was ready to fight to the death, that's when the door flew open one more time and in walked Cher who looked to be a nervous wreck and she said, "Sorry I'm late but I got lost." We all went to the front of the room to get our phoenix's and sign our names on the parchment I signed and the tattoo didn't hurt at all. Draco walked over and said, "Now my flawless skin is marked forever, I hope your happy." Before I could reply Harry said, "To the room of requirement for our first meeting."

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