Chapter four Blaises Depression and Hermiones Horror

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Astoria's P.O.V

The magical alarm clock started to ring like crazy and it was time to start another day, I began to get up but there was something holding me in place and that's when I saw a pair of pale muscular arms wrapped around my mid section and that's when I remembered where I was. It was going to be impossible to get up with out waking him so I began to tickle his bare sides and he began to stir and swat at my hands it was pretty cute to be honest. He finally opened his eyes and said, "Is it time to go to class already?" My tone was light as I said, "No we have a free period before our first class starts Dumbledore said it was a treat." He shot up and said, "Astoria I'm not going to take a shower until the right at the end of the free period, I think I'm going to spend the time practicing quidditch" With that he kissed my cheek and I exited his room seeing him naked once was enough to last me awhile. I took a quick shower in my room and got dressed, I walked back out to the common room and it looked like Draco was still busy in his room so I took a seat by Blaise who looked to be forlorn. My tone was gentle as I said, "What's wrong your not eating like a madman?" He looked up from the floor and said, "Professor "Ugly" Umbridge is making like difficult for Neveah an I she has a enchantment on us that lets her know if we are about to start activities, its awful" I simply patted his shoulder and said, "Its alright Blaise you'll be back in her arms before you know it" That's when Draco walked out dressed in his quidditch uniform and said, "Blaise it isn't that bad you'll be back with my cousin before you know it, you'll be snogging in the halls and shagging in the closets." Blaise smiled slightly and stood as the three of us walked to breakfast and whatever morning drama awaited us.

We took our usual seats with our backs facing the golden trio and now Fred, boy he plays it close.He doesn't have his hands on her or anything but their bond is tangible, she has known Fred just as long as Ron, I guess the hidden feelings started to bubble to the surface. I watch him as he leans in and whispers something in Hermione's ear that makes her flush and hit him with her book, but she's laughing while doing it. I turn my attention to Pansy who has been relatively quiet this year of course what can she really do. Now that Draco and I are bonded, she can't do anything to either of us without threat of death and creative dismemberment. I was just about ready to dig into my pancakes when I heard Ron's obnoxious voice say, "Hermione do you want to go out with me?" This caused our two groups to freeze and look toward the scene of unfolding horror.

George who was on his way back from visiting Violet chose to go back to the Ravenclaw table to avoid the ensuing chaos. I noticed Fred was clutching his dining wear so hard his knuckles were turning white and believe me Fred Weasley has a strong grip, it comes from all those quidditch practices and since he was in his own quidditch uniform you could see the muscles move underneath the fabric. It was clear why so many girls like the Weasley twins, they are intelligent, funny, handsome and kind. I held my breath like the rest of the group and Harry said, "Ron, Hermione already has a boyfriend and I don't think he appreciates the way you treat her sometimes, so I suggest you start showing a little common sense" Hermione looked to be three seconds away from tears when Ron said, "Hermione who are you dating because I'm probably better than him" Oh that was ill advised. Hermione stood from the table and said in a disgusted tone, "How dare you ask me to be in a relationship now when I waited five years and you couldn't even see me. Well Ronald I'm sorry but you lost out, you want to know who my boyfriend is ill give you a hint he's sitting next to me." Ron then said, "Your dating Neville wow Hermione that's kind of sad"

Neville walked over too the Ravenclaw table to sit with Luna Lovegood I have already predicted they will become a couple who knows maybe they already are. Hermione tone was exasperated as she said, "No Ronald" Draco finally unfroze and said, "Wow Weasel are you really that stupid, she's dating your brother you bloody idiot" Ron looked at Hermione horrified and said, "You and Fred really, so you have been shagging my brother" This caused Hermione to freeze and I saw her heartbreak, she is not one to take relationships lightly and she is not one to engage in inappropriate activities. Ron was implying she did stuff like that all the time, Ronald Weasley had once again hurt one of his best friends. She ran from the hall crying which is rare usually Hermione doesn't like to cry in front of people. Fred had finally snapped his utensil he then grabbed Ron by the jumper and said in a menacing tone I didn't even know he was capable of, "How dare you say that to Mione. She waited for five years for you, why do you think I waited so long to pursue a relationship with that wonderful witch. I was hoping you would come around and make her happy but I guess I was wrong. She's your best friend, now how many more times are you going to hurt her. I will tell you how many none because the next time you hurt her will be the last time you hurt her and being my brother won't get you any mercy." I watched him dash off after Hermione Fred Weasley was a amazing creature, he could go from laughing to bloody angry in the course of two seconds yet he could flip right back to gentle.

We decided to head down to the pitch to watch Draco practice and I saw that Fred and Hermione were already there oh this was going to be fun to watch.

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