Chapter thriteen Morning Madness and Silly Shops

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Draco's P.O.V

My eyes began to flutter open as the the vile sun rays penetrated the window, I was having such a relaxing sleep too. That's when it registered that something or should I say someone was missing. Astoria was not in bed with me, that's not right I have to find her and ask why she left me. I began scrambling around trying to get untangled from the covers and to my chagrin I landed in a undignified heap on the floor, face first. If Blaise were here he would say, "Look Draco's facing the floor in mortal combat" or something similarly stupid. I finally managed to sit upright and that's when I heard shouting coming from Fred's room, who in the bloody hell would be yelling this early in the morning. I dashed down the hall and I heard Hermione's indignant and embarrassed voice and she said, "Fred Weasley put your bloody cloths back on this instant!" I then heard Violets cheery tone ring in and she said, "I don't know Hermione they look pretty good to me." I could practically feel the eye twitch Hermione had as she said, "Don't encourage them, Fred don't you dare pull your boxers down!" This sounds like a bloody wreck that's when I heard something that really piqued my interest, Astoria said in a dreamy tone no less, "I don't know the boys are handsome, I'm good with not having anything but boxers on" It was time for me to come to the rescue, I burst through the door and sure enough the Weasley twins were in nothing but orange and purple boxers and I hate to say it but they have looks any girl would fall for. Their bodies were built from playing quidditch every year and their crystal blue eyes sparked with mischief but I have heard many a girl say that their smile was their best feature. My tone was filled with annoyance as I said, "What in the bloody hell is going on in here?" Violet smiled and said, "Well you see it all started about an hour ago, the twins decided to be cute and strip down to their boxers and that's when Hermione called me in. Then shortly after that Astoria must have heard our obnoxious argument because she walked in and said, "What in the name of Merlin's mothers bra is going on in here. It just sorta escalated from there."

My eye began to twitch as I said,"Well that's all well and good but we really have to get back to our room, I hope you straighten out your issue" With that I was out the door and back to my room with Astoria. She snorted and said, "Jealous much?" I chose to ignore that comment I can tell when she's trying to bait me into a argument. I'm smarter than the average Slytherin obviously. We made it back down stairs and Mrs. Weasley was hard at work preparing breakfast, I saw that the Weasel was already up and perched at the table, he wouldn't ever miss a meal if he could help it. The only ones left in the house were, the twins, the Weasel, Potter, Violet and Ginny the rest of the family went home, I think Percy might still be here sulking but I'm not for sure. I noticed that Potter and Ginny were still up stairs doing Merlin knows what and they probably wouldn't make an appearance if the noises coming from their room were what I think they were. That's when the fearsome foursome came bumbling down the stairs along with a remote control broom toy. Oh joy, someone was going to get poked in the eye for sure. Mrs. Weasley soon started dishing out the bacon and eggs and the meal passed quietly, that was until there was one piece of bacon left.

The twins, the Weasel and I all had our eyes locked on the last golden crispy piece of hog heaven and I was not going to lose this battle. Just when the staring contest was getting intense a dainty hand snatched it off the plate, I looked up to see Hermione nibbling on the piece of crispy heaven. Hermione gave us a challenging look and ran her hand across Fred's shoulders and said, "Oh, I'm sorry love did you want this?" She knew bloody well that we wanted it, she was now taunting us I looked over and saw the wheels turning in Fred's head. It looked like vengeance would go to the boys team. After breakfast was finished Hermione volunteered to do the dishes for Mrs. Weasley despite the older woman's protest and that's when Fred put his plan into action, I was reading the Daily Prophet with Astoria when the remote control broom toy began to buzz about. We watched as it floated into the kitchen and jabbed Hermione right in the arse. Astoria laughed into her hand and I watched as Fred shoved the controller into George's hand and took a walk out to the garden and Hermione whirled around and gave George a look that would bring Aunty Bella to her knees, it was that look that said, "Do you want to die slowly or quickly" George the said, "Its not what it looks like, tell her Violet!" Violet looked up from her book and said, "George why would you do that to poor Hermione. Show some respect." That's when I saw the Flourish & Blotts gift card stuck in her book, that slick git had planned this. George was then on the receiving end of a very nasty hex that made him have permanent brain freeze. That's when Fred barged back in and said, "George no time to worry about your head now we have dreams to build, hey mum we're leaving!" Ah, it looks like I would be able to finish my paper in peace. That's when George said, "Eh, Astoria want to help with the shop?" She shot up out of my lap and grabbed my arm and pulled me into the fireplace, well so much for my quiet day.

We arrived at the address and it was a beautiful two story red building with a glass front. Fred and George immediately turned on their heels and said, "The first matter of business is to become appropriately attired." They both pulled their wands and conjured a pair of dresses with lights running through the material one was purple and the other was orange. They both had the hoop skirts that puffed out at what looked to be mid thigh and the top was cut in the shape of a silver W. They were strapless and looked to be fun and sexy at the same time. The twins were also holding up two pairs of shoes. They were silver as well and opened toes but the covering for the top had a big silver W on it and the straps that held them on had a W as well. Violet immediately shrieked and grabbed her Orange outfit from George and dashed to a back room. I knew Hermione was much more conservative than Violet and there was a high probability that Hermione would reject the outfit. Fred grinned and said, "Well Mione love what do you think, doesn't it just fill you with excitement" Hermione deadpaned and said in a flat tone, "I'm not wearing it" My tone was quiet as I said, "Twenty gallions says that she's going to reject that outfit" Astoria grinned and whispered back, "I think Fred had a plan so I'm betting on him" That's when Fred smirked and I felt my pocket getting lighter, he pulled out two gift certificates to Flourish & Blotts, he was playing dirty. I would never bribe my girlfriend...oh who am I kidding I totally would. Hermione was still standing firm though, that's when he pulled out another certificate to Madem Puddyfoots tea shop. Hermione finally sighed and said, "Fine but if anyone makes inappropriate comments about me you have to promise to throw them out" Fred's grin turned into a dark smirk and he said, "The first person that makes you uncomfortable will be dead" Hermione smirked and took the dress an heels back where Violet was getting changed.

Astoria stuck out her hand and grinned at me, that cheeky little minx. I dug twenty gallions out of my pocket and handed them to her and she said, "Thank you" That's when Fred conjured another dress that was more modest but also had the flashing lights running through it and handed it too Astoria she went to change with the other girls and that left me alone with the evil twins. George turned to me and said, "Now what should we do with you, little ferret?" I felt my eye twitch that joke still bothered me. Fred then smirked and said, "I think we should bring out those." I wonder what those are, I quickly regretted the question however when a hair band appeared, it had two long antennas on it and each one had a blinking W at the end. That's when I started running with the twins in hot pursuit, I was finally overcome though and the appalling head gear was now situated on the top of my head. Then the girls came out and erupted into rich laughter. I swear I will murder the Weasley twins if its the last thing I do. After everyone gathered themselves Fred put his hand on his chin and said, "Now we have to think of a name" That's when Astoria's hand shot up faster than Hermione's in class and she said, "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes" Fred and George looked at each other and then Hermione and Violet and they nodded. George clapped his hands together and said, "Lets get to work on the triple w ladies and gents, try not to blow anything up" That's what we should be telling them, it looks like its going to be a long day and that Pygmy Puff won't stop glaring at me. It seemed to be plotting something but what?

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