Chapter eighteen Finale face down part 2

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Draco's P.O.V

Well this another fine mess that saint Potter has gotten us into and it all could have been avoided if he just listened to me but does anyone ever listen to me, of course not. I was running down one of the isle with Violet Hermione and Astoria when the Lestrange twins sandwiched us and Jeff laughed and said, "What are you going to do now, there is no annoying Pygmy Puff to save you this time. Voldemort dosent want you dead yet so we are simply going to put you out of commission for awhile." That's when Josh smirked and said, "Why hello ladies, its been awhile" My tone was sharp as I said ladies remember what we learned from dueling against Fred and George." The girls smiled and when the twins cast Stupefy we all ducked and their spells hit each other so they were both knocked flat on their backs, it was quit amusing really. We made to a huge rock with a gigantic portal on it and it was a dead end. That's when black clouds of smoke began assaulting us and Potter and I were the last ones left standing. My father had his wand to my throat and said in his usual superior tone, "It looks like you have chosen the wrong side, Draco and you shall pay for that later but right now, I just want the crystal ball. Potter what's it going to be the prophesy or your friends?" My tone was serious as I said, "Your not going to give in this easily are you Potter?" Father jabbed his wand into my throat and said, "Thats enough out of you I'm disgusted to even call you my son" I saw Potter's eyes drift from one distressed friend to the next and I knew he had made his decision. Potter handed the ball to my father and he smiled a twisted smile and that's when a bright white flash of light appeared and uncle Sirius appeared and punched my father right in the face. He rolled off the rock and dropped the crystal ball. That made me smirk Voldemort was not going to be happy about this I hope father gets a particularly nasty punishment. The rest of the order arrived shortly and a furious battle erupted I watched as Nevieah got hit by a flipendo from Bellatrix and she went tumbling down the rocky structure. I dashed over to her side along with Blaise and Neveah said, "Did anybody get the licenses plate on that dragon?" Blaise began trying to pick her up but she said, "Don't move me I think my legs broke and if your not careful you could make it worse" Thats when Kingsley Shacklebolt arrived and said, "I will take Miss. Tonks and Mr.Zabini back to Hogwarts. Good luck" He levitated Neveah and Blaise grabbed onto Shacklebolt's dark blue robes and they aparated away and it was time for me to get back into the fight.

I watched as the Lestrange twins cornered Potter but to my surprise Hermione yelled, "Hey, what about your revenge wouldn't you rather kill us!?" The boys turned on their heels and went in hot pursuit of Hermione and Violet. That's when Potter rushed over and said, "Malfoy what are you and Astoria standing around for go help them. I don't think the Lestrange twins are going to have any mercy. I grabbed Astoria's hand and dashed after the two girls and I saw that they had been disarmed and the twins were slowly advancing on then. Violet had a slightly shaken tone as she said, "You won't hurt us your Veela blood makes it too difficult" Josh smirked and said, We have different ways to get rid of you than flat out murdering you ourselves, isn't that right Josh" They both summoned a black firework and tossed it and two pitch black gigantic snakes erupted out of the sparks and began slithering towards the girls, and just as I was about to cast a spell two fireworks exploded in the sky and created two lions one was orange and the other was purple. I also saw that Hermione and Violets necklaces were glowing. Astoria gasped beside me and said, "A tracking charm of course, oh those slick gits." The lions pounced on the two snakes and tore them into a million sparks they then roared and exploded in a brilliant light show. That's when Fred and George arrived and gave the girls their wands back. The Lestrange twins made a hasty retreat since now they were heavily outnumbered. Hermione ran over to me and said, "What are you two still doing here, you should be helping Harry. We'll be fine now go!" I grabbed Astoria's hand and we raced back to where the main battle was being held and spells were still flying everywhere and Potter and Sirius were locked in a duel with my father and a another death eater and they were winning too. After they defeated both I gave a sigh of relief but then horror Aunty Bella appeared and cast Avada Kadavre and it hit Sirius. I felt my heart break I might not have been the closet too him but he was still a big part of my life. He taught me that my courage was mine and mine alone I watched him stagger and then drift into the veil but not before smiling and giving me a thumbs up and for the first time I was on the same page as Potter in shock and horror.

I watched Aunty Bella dash away and Potter followed in close pursuit despite Remus attempting to stop him. Remus looked over to me and said in desperate tone, "Draco, Astoria go after him and make sure he doesn't get himself killed, please" I grabbed Astoria's hand and began dashing down the hallway, I had no time to grieve the loss of my uncle because the battle was still on. We reached Potter who had already tripped Bellatrix and had her at his mercy. I grabbed Potter and said, "Potter if you murder her you will become no better than she is, do you think Sirius would want that?" Potter threw me off and yelled, "How would you know what Sirius wanted?" I sighed and said, "Potter you think your the only in pain, well let me tell your not he was your godfather but he was my uncle, I loved him too but revenge is not the way, we should seek justice." That's when I blocked a stunning spell from Greyback and Astoria blocked one from Bellatrix. Astoria looked around and said, "Where's Cher?" That's when I saw her running up behind us and she drew her wand and before I could react she had hexed Astoria from behind and left a huge cut on her side. Crimson liquid began to flow across the ministry's cold floor. I was just about to retaliate when Greyback knocked me to the ground and pressed his wand into my throat. Cher walked over to where Astoria had fallen and picked her up by the hair and said in a dark and cold tone, "Your so stupid you trusted me fully without knowing anything about me. Well let me tell you who I really am because Cher Connery is a complete lie, my real name is Chinua Greyback. I saw tears slip down Astoria's cheeks and Chinua laughed at this and said, "Oh, now the poor baby's going to cry, suck it up you pitiful fool, I betrayed you get over it." She let go of Astoria's hair and walked over to where the rest of the death eaters were gathered and I watched as her cloth changed to the same black leather outfit as the rest of her group but it was sleeveless and it was rather low cut. She had a mini skirt instead of pants and her boots were heeled and had wolf buckles. Her midriff was exposed as well. That's when the flue network activated and in walked Dumbledore and Voldemort. The rest of the death eaters retreated.

It was a fierce battle and there was nothing I could do to help except move Astoria out of the way and stop her bleeding as best I could. Then Voldemort took over Potters body but he lost too the love flowing through Potters veins. That's when Cornelius "Coward" Fudge and Percy "Shame" Weasley showed up and had a slight heart attack. Voldemort then disappeared. I watched as my father was led away in chains that meant the moment I got home Voldemort would be waiting for me to take the responsibility for my fathers failures and I would be forced to take his spot. The only thing that was on my mind however was getting Astoria healed up. It was going to be a long night.

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