Chapter nine Astoria's Assement and D.A's destruction

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Draco's P.O.V

The D.A was in its last meeting before Christmas we have all come so far and Umbridge still doesn't have a clue what we're up to. I watched as Astoria practiced her Patronus charm with the twins and Hermione. The twins had monkeys as their guardian animals it was very fitting. Hermione had an otter and it was telling the monkeys what to do, figures. Seamus and Joesy both had foxes sly and sneaky creatures. Potter had a stag because he was so thick headed but a stag represents leadership as well. The Weasel had a Jack Russell Terrier, they were know for chasing otters. Luna had a rabbit and that represented her here there and everywhere personality. Ginny had a horse that represented her wild spirt. Neville had a lion, which represented his new found courage and self confidence. Neveah had a bear like Blaise. I saw Cho eyeballing Harry and he appeared to be blushing like a fool. This was sickening Cedric hasn't even been departed a year and now she's trying to sink her claws into Potter. I looked over in the corner and saw that Ginny was looking at Potter longingly he was about as oblivious as the Weasel. Astoria growled beside me and said, "I'm not going to let this stand, Ginny as been waiting patiently for years. I'm going to go remedy the situation, excuse me." She strode over to Potter and put her wand to his throat and began to speak in a menacing tone and said, "Harry you know I don't like to interfere with relationships but this is ridiculous, Cho doesn't really love you. She is just so caught up in her grief over Cedric that she's trying to find some one to fill that roll. Look over in the corner there is a girl who has been in love with you since you first meet. Don't pull a Ron and wait until its too late. Don't waste your time chasing a relationship that will be based on pity and guilt."

Blaise walked up beside me and said, "Wow mate your girl is super crazy" My tone was excited as I said, "I know isn't it great. Also you have no room to talk Neveah is absolutely bonkers." Blaise smirks and says, "She knows all sorts of crazy things and that's what makes her exciting. Her Veela side really shines through and she already marked me." He pulled down his collar to show me and began to speak again and said,"Her snogging skills are off the charts and don't even get me started on the..." That's when I put my hands over my ears and began to hum loudly. I saw Potter say something to Cho and she ran off crying and then he walked over to Ginny and offered her a hand and said something that made her eyes light up and Potter pulled her in for a snog, thank Merlin that love issue is solved. I also saw Weasel looking longingly at Hermione, he should just get over it. Astoria walked back and said, "Well my job is done what do you boys say we head back to the common room for some well earned relaxation." We both nodded and followed her out of the room. We were just about to enter the common room when Professor Mcgonagall came strutting down the corridor and said in a annoyed tone, "Professor Umbriged has requested your presence in her office." She then turned and strode away all while mumbling obscene things about Umbridge.

We arrived at the door to the pink mouth of hell and knocked a shrill, "Come in was heard from the other side" The first thing I noticed when I stepped through the threshold was that Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were in attendance and I saw that Cho was fidgeting in her seat. My tone was brave as I said, "What did you need us for Professor Umbridge?" A smirk crawled across her face as she motioned with her long talon like nails and all of a sudden Pansy had her wand to my throat and Crabbe had ahold of Blasie and Draco was restrained by Goyle. Professor "Ugly" Umbridge walked right up to me and said in a sickly sweet tone, "Miss. Chang has said some very interesting things, not of her own free will I assure you. A shot of veritaserum will make most anyone give up their darkest secrets especially if its mixed in with a nice cup of hot tea meant to comfort a weeping girl. She told me that you were spying on me for Mr.Potter and that their is a whole army of you rebel rousers and we can't have that now can we." My tone was sharp as I said, "Your not going to get anything out of me!" She laughed and said, "I bet a few crucios will loosen your lips" Draco's desperate tone caught my attention and he said, "Wait I will tell you everything just please don't torture her." Professor "Ugly" Umbridge removed her wand from my cheek and said, "Well this changes things lead the way, Mr. Malfoy"

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