Chapter fourteen Chaos, insanity, bedlam and destruction

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Astoria's P.O.V
oreo_liv created the talking text book follow her she's awesome.

We were making good progress putting the stock out when Draco said, "Love I'm going to go get some more talking text books from the back, I think they are going to be a best seller since they give you answers for test." I smiled and said, we have several best sellers here, invis rings for one and doubled dip potion. Invisibility and creating a duplicate of your self is bound to attract customers. Then you have the Weasley limb switcher that messes up your legs and arms by making you move the opposite limb. Then you have metamorphugis candy that lets you change your appearance for an hour." Draco nodded and said, "I hate to say it but Fred and George are brilliant when it comes to coming up with crazy contraptions, well I'm going to get the stock in back. He walked away and I heard the door open, that's odd we shouldn't have any customers yet. I got down off the ladder and that's when I heard Harry say in a amazed tone, "Wow this store is spectacular" Then I heard a familiar Italian accented voice say, "I wonder if they have anything to eat?" I walked to the front of the store and saw Neveah, Blaise, Harry and Ron gawking about, that's when Hermione came down from the top level and said, "Hey guys what's going on?" Ron's eyes turned to saucers as he said, "Bloody hell Hermione, you look like a bloody glow stick" I face palmed of all the compliments Ron could have given, he said that.

Hermione tensed and yelled, "Fred someone is making me uncomfortable!" Fred Weasley came striding down from upstairs and said, "Mione who's giving you trouble?" She pointed straight at Ron who had wandered over to eat a cookie on one of the shelves. Fred smirked and said, "Mione I think he's about to get a sever dose of punishment" That's when he started coughing like no tomorrow that's when I realized he had just ingested a cough cookie. I knew his mouth would get him in trouble . That's when George came downstairs and said, "I don't know about anyone else but all this hard work is making me hungry, who else here wants some lunch?" Everybody's hand flew up in the air and Fred laughed and said, "Alright George and I will go pick up lunch, we trust you'll behave while we're gone" There was a unanimous nod even though I knew things were going to go crazy. They walked out of the store and left us alone, Draco sure is taking a long time I should go check on him.

I walked to the back of the store and what I found was priceless, Draco was buried under a heap of Pygmy Puffs and looked to be losing the battle, Pygmy Puff rebellion who would've thought, when the Puffs realized they weren't alone they began to scatter all except for one tiny purple one. The poor thing was shaking, it was much smaller than all the rest it must have been the runt of the batch. Draco looked like he was going to roll over and that would crush the poor thing so I quickly drew my wand and said,"Accio Pygmy Puff, it came sailing over and landed in my cupped hands. It was so soft and fluffy and it was giving me such a sad look, it's green eyes shimmered with tears, the poor thing was terrified. I began to whisper softly to it and said, "Hey little guy, you don't have to be scared, no ones going to hurt you. We have to name you, what about Pufficus?" It shook its fur and scurried up my arm and onto my shoulder before nuzzling against my neck.

Draco finally got up covered in Puff fur and said, "That's the leader of the Pygmy Puff rebellion don't underestimate him!" I smiled softly and said, "Your just upset because the Pygmy Puffs fought back when you tried to put them in their containers." He looked flustered and went storming out. I pulled a light blue carrier off the shelf and put Pufficus in there and said, "You stay here little guy I'm going to go see if I can prevent chaos. It sighed sadly as if to tell me why bother its inevitable.
I walked back out to the storefront and I saw that Blaise was trying to eat something off the shelf and Draco was attempting to hold him back, I heard Blaise mumble, "Pudding" That's when Draco let him go and pulled his wand in annoyance and sent a hex at Blaise, he ducked and it blasted something through the window instead, yep were so dead. Harry's eyes went wide and he said, "Malfoy you just broke the Weasley twins's store, oh they are going to be mad at you" That's when I looked around and saw that Hermione was missing, which meant we were pretty much unsupervised. I watched as Neveah grabbed Blaise around the neck and caused him to fall into Hermione's love potion display, this was not good.

That's when Harry said, "Hey guys what does this do?" He pushed the button and the latter began to roll which knocked over a high pile of boxes filled with breakables. The boxed the crashed into the light fixture and knocked it from the ceiling, Ron who was still coughing had grabbed something from behind the counter and drank it, he must have thought it was water. Unfortunately it was an experimental love potion that makes you fall in love with the first person you see, or at least that's what it was supposed to do, the twins don't quit have the formula correct yet so its possible to fall in love with objects. That explains why Ron is making out with the potted plant. Violet was currently jumping up and down in giddy abandon, I don't know why since this is her store too. Draco walked over to me and said, "Well this is a lovely mess" I nodded and said, "It's just like any other day in our lives" He nodded and said, "When the terrible twins get back they are going to have a unicorn" I nodded and that's when Blaise knocked a delicate looking glass sculpture off the shelf and it shattered into a million pieces, well that was Hermione's special gift Fred had been working non stop on. Well we were all dead now.

That's when the bell to the shop rang and in walked Hermione and the twins carrying food bags, the moment they saw the *Ahem* situation they dropped the bags and had a priceless look on their faces. That's when Hermione yelled, "Alright who started all this, all fingers pointed to Blaise. Fred sighed and said, "I guess this is karma giving us a kick in the pants for all those pranks we played." I noticed our friends were about to leave, but when they tried to exit a barrier stopped them, I turned my eyes to Fred who was standing over the broken gift and he did not look happy. He growled and said, "Alright who broke Mione's gift?" All fingers pointed to Blaise once again and several hexes came his way and lets just say the details are to heinous to list. He was finally reduced to repairing everything that was broken and everything was running smoothly now. That's when a chill ran up my spine, I could feel the blood lust in the air, I walked over too one of the windows and saw two figures dressed in black standing atop one of the building. I walked out side and they were gone, it must be my imagination. I was just about to walk back inside when a card floating downwards caught my attention, I reached out and snatched it out of the air. It looked to be a normal playing card and it just so happened to be the joker, how odd. I brushed it off and walked back inside and that feeling of uneasiness returned.

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