Chapter seven Disasterous Dueling and Weeping Weasleys

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Draco's P.O.V

We were back in the room of requirement ah, memories. Potter had us line up on both sides of the room and began to talk like some kind of battle hardened auror and said, "We will have meetings here to train ourselves the Pheonix tattoo on your wrist will glow faintly when we have a meeting. Our first order of business is to learn how to properly duel and for that we have a hat with names in it. Hermione is going to draw a pair of names and you will stand at either end of this long strip. Is this all understood." There was a resounding yes. Hermione put her delicate hand in the hat and pulled out two strips of paper and said loudly, "Blaise Zabini and Neveah Tonks, please step forward." There was a few moments of silence but neither came forward, I turned around and saw them snogging in the corner, figures. Hermione pulled her wand and a little sparking ball of light appeared and flew over two the lovebirds and exploded right between them with a loud pop and they flew apart like they had been stunned. Blaise scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry we weren't listening could you repeat that?" Potters eye began to twitch and he said, "Stand on either end of this strip and prepare for a duel" They both walked forward and took their places before drawing their wands.Blaise swallowed hard and said, "Now love this is just practice remember your not trying to kill me." Neveah smirked and said, "Blaise darling you know I take everything seriously now stop babbling like a blithering buffoon and lets get on with it." She didn't even wait for a response before she started fling spells in his direction, he managed to block most of them and even fire back a few of his own. Blaise wasn't the best but he wasn't the worst either. She finally hit him with a spell that sent him flying against the wall and he slid down slowly, like the way a single raindrop slides down the window.

I walked over and poked his cheek and Astoria whispered, "Is he dead. If he is I hope he left all his candy to me" She knew he wasn't dead he was only unconscious. Neveah walked over and put her hands on her hips and said, "Its not my fault he should have been faster at blocking" My tone was exasperated as I said, "So what should we do, just shove him over in the corner?" She clapped her hands together and the bells on her choker began to ring as she said, "That sounds like a wonderful idea, I think I will have a seat in the corner too. Just in case Blaise needs someone to protect him." That translated to, "He's unconscious now I can do whatever I want and eat my candy in peace." She grabbed Blaise by the leg and began to drag him over into the corner so we turned around and waited for Hermione to draw another set of names she did so and said, "It looks like Ron and I are up.

Harry make yourself useful and hold the hat." They walked up to strip and Weasel said, "Don't worry Mione I'm going to easy on you" I noticed Fred tensed at the use of his pet name, the Weasel was officially trying to get himself killed. The thought of him going easy on Hermione was laughable he would have to go all out just to block one of her spells. He went to raise his wand and she yelled, "Stupefy" The Weasel was then launched across the room and I saw George hand Fred some money. Potter cleared his throat and said, "Since Hermione is so skilled and we have a uneven number of people she will duel against one more person." Potter put his hand in and pulled out another piece of paper, we were all holding our breath who would be forced to go against the brightest witch of age." Potter unfolded the paper and a tiny smirk came to his face and I knew who she got before Potter even announced Fred Weasley's name.

Fred walked to the other end of the room and it dawned on me how tiny Hermione was compared to that ginger giant, Fred's wand was fourteen inches mine was only ten. Hermione smirked and said, "Are you going to go easy on me too?" Fred laughed and said, "Love going easy on you is a death wish" She smirked and said, "Well at least your smarter than your younger brother, now lets go" Fred bowed and said, "Ladies first" Hermione shot a stunning spell at him and he deflected it flawlessly and said, "What's wrong Mione run out of steam" She didn't take kindly to this and redoubled her efforts but to everyone's surprise he was able to keep up. Then something shocking happened a bunch of ribbon slithered up Hermiones body and tied her up forcing her to drop her wand, she lost her balance but Fred cast a spongify and made the ground soft where she feel. He waved his wand to undo the ribbon and said, "Mione I would be happy to find you under my Christmas tree." He offered her a hand and she took it but the moment she got up she said, "You are not better than me Fred, I was just distracted now come on people are staring" Fred put his arm around her and said, "Of course they are love your so beautiful how could they not." This caused Hermione to flush a brilliant red as she went to stand next to Harry once again and prepared to call the next set of names.

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