Chapter three Cher Connery and ugly Umbridge

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Draco's P.O.V

It was soon time for school to start, it had been pretty dicey for awhile though the Ministry of Magic tried to put Potter on trial for casting the Patronus charm in front of a muggle. Their choice to put Potter on trial was stupid for two reasons. One was the fact that he lived with said muggle and the second reason was what did they expect Potter to do let the Dementors eat his soul. The whole Dementor thing didn't sit well with me, they were supposed to be confined to Azkaban unless someone had a specific task for them and even then the foul beasts were supposed to be closely supervised. Then Cornelius Fudge our beloved minister of magic declared that Voldemort was in fact dead and that he was no longer a danger. I love people who think running away from a problem solves it, note the sarcasm. Then you have my father who is a relatively big player in ministry politics and is clearly out to murder all the muggle borns, oh joy. Astoria was sitting next to me on the train and Blaise was across from us munching on cream canaries and licorice wands, it was a relatively quiet trip, meaning no one has died yet so that's a plus.

My attention was pulled away from Astoria when the compartment door slid open and in stepped a blond curly haired green eyed Slytherin girl. She looked to be the same age as Astoria and there was a spark in her eyes and for some reason it sent a chill down my spine. My tone was kind as I said, "May I assist you with something I am the fifth year perfect." She looked me dead in the eye and said in a shy tone, "My friends compartment was already filled and this was the next one, if I'm troubling you I can find another car." Astoria looked up from her book and said in her usual warm way, "Its no problem have a seat next to Blaise he won't bite, well unless your a chocolate frog, then you might be in danger." The girl laughed and then said, "My name is Cher Connery, you don't have to introduce yourselves, your the famous silver trio. Draco, Blaise and Astoria its a pleasure to meet you.

We all returned the greeting and she took her seat next to Blaise and said, "This whole He Who Must Not Be Named thing is pretty terrible, do you three believe Harry Potter." Astoria closed her book and said. "Yes I believe him, Harry isn't one to tell lies." I nodded and said, "So what's your story?" She sighed and began to play with her unusually long nails and said, "I don't really want to talk about it bad stuff happened in my childhood so I live for the now, fighting and clawing for every breath it's just like tearing into a rare steak" There was a tense silence in the car but then she broke it and said, "I'm only kidding about the steak part anyway." We continued to talk the whole way there and she seemed kind enough but there was something off about her, I couldn't quit put my finger on it.

We arrived and strolled into Hogwarts once again, I took my seat as usual so did the rest of our group except Cher she went to sit with a group a little ways down the table, Neveah was soon bounding over and she said, "Blaise it's been so long since I snogged you senseless lets do that later tonight or we could do it now. The moment she sits down on Blaise's lap she's thrown against the back wall and all eyes snap to the teachers table and sitting there is the most hideous creature I have ever laid eyes upon. She was decked out in what looked to be pink cotton candy and she looked to be a bloated toad, all of a sudden my appetite was gone, she was absolutely repulsive. Astoria spoke up beside me and said, "Merlin's bloody spectacles, that is the most disgusting thing that has walked the earth." Hearing Astoria insult anyone was highly unusual and then Blaise rushed over and helped Neveah up and said, "Its incredible after looking at that thing I'm not hungry anymore in fact I feel rather ill." It's official that creature should not exist. Professor Dumbledore was about to start his usual beginning of the year speech but he was cut off by a shrill voice that made our stomachs turn and the creature went to the podium.

She set her beady brown eyes on us and fixed her sad looking pink hat and said, "My name is Delores Umbridge and I'm going to be your new DADA instructor I hope I am able to properly serve all of you" That voice grated on my every nerve it was like nails on a chalk board and it was filled with false kindness. She would serve us alright, serve us to Voldemort on a silver platter a woman that was friends with my father couldn't be good news.

We were soon dismissed from the hall and I saw Blaise and Neveah snogging against a wall like there was no tomorrow and too my horror Professor "Ugly" Umbridge came along and broke them apart, who was she to come inhere and mess with our relationships. I was highly satisfied by the fact Neveah and Blaise discreetly cast incindio and her pink fluffy sweater dress caught on fire, right on her bum too, talk about a hot seat. I was just about too go into the common room when Professor "Happy" Snape stopped me and said, "Mr.Malfoy Professor Dumbledore would like to see you, the password is licorice wands" I was just about to say something when Astoria literally pushed me aside and said in a excited tone, "Licorice wands where, point me to them before Blaise finds them" Professor Snape and I both looked at each other and he raised a eyebrow as if to say, "She's your problem, I don't want to deal with this" He then turned and swaggered/glided away. I turned back to Astoria and said, "Love you head on to bed the Old Dragon wants to see me." She looked at me funny and said, "Professor Dumbledore what could he want?" I simply shrugged my shoulders and gave her a quick snog. I then began the long walk to the Old Dragons office. It was just as grand as I remembered, there was no one around though so I went over to stroke Faux and wait for the Old Dragon to return. A rhythmic voice caught my attention and said, "Well if it isn't Mr. Malfoy up to no good I assume" I looked around but saw no one and that's when the voice said, "Up here" I looked up and saw that the Sorting Hat was talking to me so I said, "What do you want sorty" The hat smirked and said, "I believe I placed you incorrectly when I sorted you, Mr.Malfoy" I crossed my arms and said, "How so" It wiggled and said, "You should have been a Gryffindor, you were Slytherin back then but now you should wear the red and gold" I scoffed and said, "I wouldn't be caught dead in those filthy colors, it would shame me." It laughed and said, "I bet if miss. Greengrass was in Gryffindor you would jump at the chance to join her" I blushed and said, "That's not fair you bloody hat" It just chuckles and stills once again and I heard Professor "Ugly" Umbridge and the Old Dragon locked in deep and heated conversation. When they saw me they stopped.

The Old Dragon cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Malfoy I'm sorry for this impromptu meeting but Professor Umbridge would like a word with you" The old had walked toward me and stopped mere inches in front of me, her overpowering perfume assaulted my sense of smell and I could see every wrinkle on her aging face clearly she began to speak with a sickly sweet tone and said, "Mr. Malfoy Professor Dumbledore has made me aware of your magical bloodline and it surprises me that he lets a beast like you walk these halls. I mean Veela are dangerous animals that could pounce on any unsuspecting female. I understand you do have a partner but try and control yourself, or I will be forced to take extreme measures. We are done for now Mr.Malfoy" She turned and walked away like she owned the school and then the Old Dragon began to speak and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy she insisted, you are free to go." I was happy to hear that, all I wanted was to be in bed with Astoria and relax. I walked down the hall and I saw that the newest couple was walking towards the Gryffindor common room. They stopped walking so i decided to listen in on the ensuing conversation.Hermione stopped and said, "Fred I want to learn how to ride a broom" This caused Fred to go still and he said, "Mione your terrified of flying. If this is about the comment I made I'm sorry but don't put yourself at risk just to prove me wrong." Hermione shook her head and said in a firm tone, "This isn't about the comment you made, its time for me to conquer my fears and I can't think of anyone better to help me. Your a great quidditch player and I know you won't let me get hurt, I also know you won't laugh at my inability just my mistakes. I trust you Fred" He nodded and picked her up piggy back style and said, "Where to my princess?" She put her arms around his neck and said, "Bed would be nice I'm tired, you have to remember to tell me a goodnight joke" He chuckled and said, "Your wish is my command since in the Weasley family the women run the show. Hermione Weasley, I like the sound of that don't you?" Hermione smacks him lightly on the back of the head and says, "Not anytime soon I hope. There are things we have to do first like graduate." He laughed and said, "Of course Mione, now hold on tight" He then shot off like a rocket down the hall and I could hear Hermione yell, "Are you insane?"

I walked into the common room and I saw Ashley snuggled up with Theodore Nott, not that it surprised me. He was a kind and shy boy who was often picked on for not being the traditional Slytherin. She could do worse though so I had no room to complain, I was to tired to argue anyway. I shuffled my way into my room and saw that Astoria was already fast asleep, I quickly changed cloth and slipped in with her. Finally I would have some peace and a decent nights sleep, I would need it to face the horror that was ugly Umbridge and Hermione on a broom.

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