Chapter 5: Jhu Crazy

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After Hope blew up and Ray finally did his part, the teenagers finally gave up and went to sleep. Since there were only eight rooms, people had to pair up with someone.

"We're actually sleeping here?" Faith asked.

Don looked at his sister, annoyed. "Of course we are," Don started shaking. "N- n- no bi- bi- bitches t- to- tonight," he muttered to himself.

Hope smacked her brother upside the head. "Why the fuck are you so soft?"

Don's eyes went a little loopy for a second, but he finally recovered from his episode and the smack. He cleared his throat. "You right."

When they got to their rooms they split like this: Robin and Don, Jake and Ray, Diggy and Craig, Chresanto and Jacob, Zonnique and Breaunna, Tanya and Bahja, Hope, Faith, and Shyanne.

There was still one more room left, but no one wanted to sleep by themselves. Especially after what happened to Stephanie.

Everyone got settled in their rooms. Except for Don. The lack of bitches that night was taking a toll on him. He kept his sobbing quiet long enough for Robin to sleep for an hour and a half.

Eventually, Robin got tired of his tears. "Nigga get the fuck outta here with that crying. You is too old for that shit. Get out before I shove my foot up yo pussy ass," Robin said sleepily.

Don did as told and left. No one messed with Robin's sleep. Robin even shot a nigga for disturbing his sleep.

Don went to the empty room. He checked the time. "II" the old Victorian clock read.

As Don entered the room, he saw a purplish light. He wiped his tears so his vision was less blurry and he could be sure of what he saw. Indeed, there was a purplish light in the room.

Don approached the direction at which the purple light had been coming from. When he got to where he had arrived in front of a wall. The wall had a small crack in it, revealing the same purple light Don had seen when he first walked in the room.

Don started reaching around in his back pocket for his gun. He found it and pulled it out. He held the weapon in front of him NCIS style.

Don pulled the crack in the wall. When he did, he revealed a secret passageway. The

passageway's walls floors were made of grey stone, with chips and cracks in it.

Since he had no shoes on, Don made sure to tread carefully. He would step on a few of the chips, but none major enough to cut him.

Don had been walking along the path for a while until he found something that made his blood curl.



😤Robin POV😤

Robin jumped out of his bed with a start. He looked over at the other bed to his right, but Don wasn't in it. That nigga musta gone to the other room, Robin thought to himself.

Robin grabbed his gun and walked silently to the empty room. Suddenly he heard the creaking of a door behind him.

Robin turned around quickly, aiming at the direction of which he heard the door open.

Robin sighed. It had been Faith. Her arms had been thrown up in a "surrender, don't shoot" kind of way.

"Don't scare me like that!" Robin yelled at Faith.

"Nigga who the fuck you talkin to?!" Faith asked. "Hope's gonna be out soon."

Robin rolled his eyes. He hoped that Hope wouldn't act ghetto.

Robin decided to wait for Hope to come out so she wouldn't be alone.

Hope left the room without her glasses on, making it easier to see her beautiful, sea green eyes. Robin's eyes widened a little at her appearance. Hope had been wearing pink pajama bottoms with hearts all over them and a bright green tank top.

She never look this sexy. Robin thought to himself. I should tap that. Nahhh. Don would kill me.

It was true. Don had been closer to Hope and she seemed to be the more fragile sister. And in a strange way, Hope was nicer than Faith. At least when she had a problem, she would say so, unlike Faith.

Hope noticed Robin's staring. "Whatchu staring at?"

Before Robin could answer that, doors opened simultaneously. "Did y'all hear that?" asked a sleepy Chresanto.

"Five minutes ago," Robin snapped back, sourly.

Without another word, the teenagers preceded to the empty room with Hope and Faith on each of his shoulders and the trail branching out from there.

"Where's Don at?" Tanya asked stopping the trail of people behind.

"Watchu stop for?" Diggy snapped.

"Ay faggy watch how you talkin to my sister," Robin snapped.

Poor Diggy. Just cause he called their van broke down.

The train of teenagers continued into the empty guest room and saw the same purple ray of light Don had seen. They exchanged glances. They had arrived in front of a wide open part if the wall.

Robin eventually led them into the passageway, with his gun pointed in front NCIS style as well.

"It's cold in here," Hope shivered.

"That's yo fault. You shoulda put somethin on over that," Faith snapped. She had seen the way Robin stared at Hope before and she did not like it.

"Listen here you little sh-" Hope started, but was interrupted by a chorus of shhs.

She made a face but didn't say anything back.

Eventually, Robin and the gang were reaching the end of the dark corridor.

"Yooooo!" Chresanto exclaimed.

They had seen Don standing over a half naked Stephanie. Her left hip had a scar on it and so did both her thighs.

Don threw his arms up. "Yo I swear I ain't do shit!"

Robin pointed his gun at Don's forehead. "It's a coincidence how you was the only one sleepin here, how you was complainin about not gettin any bitches tonight, and we find Steph basically naked with you standin over her."

Don pointed his gun at Robin's head as well. "Listen up nigga, you best not be pointin yo gun at me," Don growled.

"Yo yo we ain't gotta point these guns at each other," Diggy said, stepping between them.

"Faggy move!" Don and Robin both yelled, simultaneously.

Without hesitation, Diggy backed out of their standoff.

Suddenly, there was a sound of slow moving and ragged breathing in the room. Stephanie was awake. "What the?" she asked in tired tone, scratching her head and scrunching here eyebrows.

All the girls rushed over to Stephanie. Don and Robin lowered their guns.

"What happened to you?" Shyanne asked.

"Davis," Stephanie muttered indistinctly.

The girls exchanged glances. "Who the fuck is Davis?" Hope asked, finally speaking up.

Before Stephanie could even answer question, there was a shutting of the door and all the lights flickered off.


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