Chapter 20: Psyche and Eros 4

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Psyche (Stephanie)

When Psyche awoke in the morning, she found the once great love goddess standing above her. 

Seeing Aphrodite how she was now was sort of sad. Her blue eyes had no sparkle, there were wrinkles that could be easily seen on her face, her fair blonde hair had gray in it, and she seemed to have put on weight.

Aphrodite crossed her arms. "My my girl. You're already sleeping. Night has just fallen upon us. Luckily for you, I have a task that will give you something to do for the rest of the night and until dawn."

Aphrodite reached behind her and rolled out a large cart. The cart was overstocked with wheat, barley, poppy seeds, chickpeas, lentils, and beans.

After Psyche got a good look at the cart, Aphrodite smiled wickedly.

Without a warning, Aphrodite knocked the cart down, causing it's tiny contents to spill all over. Once everything was on the ground, Aphrodite began kicking the seeds around madly until they were all scattered.

Aphrodite smiled triumphantly. "When I get back from the feast I want to see each seed in the right pile and no pile with a different kind of seed."

Psyche lied in her spot, staring at the work she was meant to complete. In a weak voice she asked, "What if I cannot do it?"

The goddess smiled. "Then you wouldn't be able to see my son anymore."

Aphrodite turned and pranced out the door, laughing psychotically.

Psyche sat up from where she was lying and got a better look at the task ahead of her. There was no way she would get it done before dawn. 

Psyche wouldn't give up though. She began with the poppy seeds. 

But she didn't even organize half of them in a pile when she grew tired. This was not a job for a princess.

Psyche began sobbing. At first her sobs were silent, but as the thought of never being with her one true love again they grew louder and louder.

Psyche leaned forward, causing her face to fall into the pile. She didn't want to bother with such a task when she knew she wouldn't be able to complete it.

She wasn't aware of the approaching mob of insects until she noticed a significant difference of the contents in the pile.

Psyche sat up immediately and dragged herself backwards until she touched the wall. 

The insects worked efficiently with each other and eventually finished the pile of seeds.

It was slightly amusing to Psyche that Aphrodite's domain had so many roaches, ants, and other flying bugs.

Psyche thanked the six-legged creatures and went back to sleep.


"How have you done it?" Aphrodite yelled in a crazed voice.

Psyche opened her eyes and was alarmed by the state of Aphrodite. Her eyes were red and her face was glazed with sweat. 

Psyche could tell by the way Aphrodite swayed in her walk that she was drunk. 

Aphrodite stumbled towards Psyche with an accusing finger out. "It doesn't matter whether or not you completed my first task." Aphrodite smiled to herself. "You will not complete my second successfully."

It seemed that Aphrodite was commanding her to fail instead of just predicting what she would do.

Once Aphrodite was in front of Psyche she grabbed her chin, digging into Psyche's skin as she did so. "What is that pretty face going to do for you now? I doubt anyone believes you are more beautiful than me anymore."

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