Chapter 6: Really

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Secret room

"Oh sorry," Jacob said. The lights turned back on. "I was rubbin my back against the wall and I hit the light switch."

"Nigga don't ever do shit like that!" Robin yelled, slowly lowering his gun. "That shit was mother fuckin scary," he said, under his breath.

After seeing Robin lower his gun, Don did the same. "We cool man?" he asked.

Robin shrugged. "I guess."

Diggy cleared his throat, giving him all the attention in the room. "That's cool y'all are friends now, but what about Stephanie?"

Robin stood up annoyed. "Faggy you can't let nobody have they moment."

"Robin, can you stop with him, it was just a fuckin beat up van. Chill with that shit." Tanya yelled at her brother, highly annoyed.

Robin rolled his eyes and looked at Stephanie with an expecting look. "Well?"

"Well what?" Stephanie asked. Don face palmed. "Oh oh yeah. K, I'll tell my story. Okay so we were in the hallway lookin for rooms when something pulled me back. Next thing I know I'm in here and someone named Davis," Stephanie paused and shivered, "Davis came in here and we..."

Don closed his eyes tightly and put his hands forward, towards Stephanie's direction. "Aight. We ain't need to know the whole story."

Except Bahja wasn't really worried about that. "Where is he now? And put some Gahdam clothes on." Bahja pointed to the pile of clothes on the floor.

Unlike the others, Stephanie had patience so she wouldn't pop off on anyone who was tryna tell her what do. She put on the clothes and looked around. "I don't know where he is."

"You sure you wasn't hallucinating?" Bahja asked.

"Why the fuck would I be hallucinating?!" Stephanie asked, angered and annoyed.

Bahja shrugged. From the minute she met her, Bahja decided she didn't like Stephanie. For what reason, Bahja didn't know. Zonnique noticed this, but she just put it off as jealousy. Little did she know, that Bahja's "feeling" about Stephanie was a right one to have.

All the others looked around at each other, quizzically. They didn't know what to believe. No one would make a story like that up.

"I think," Hope started before yawning, "I think we should go to bed and wake up and figure this shit out in the morning."

No now disagreed with her, except for Stephanie. "Where am I gonna sleep?"

Faith gave her a confused look, "In he-" Faith cut herself off. It was too dangerous for Stephanie to sleep in the room.

"How about she be a drifter?" Breaunna asked.

Everyone looked at each other, as if asking if it was okay. "Sure," Tanya answered for everyone. Everyone else in the room nodded in agreement.

Stephanie ended up sharing a room with Breaunna and Zonnique.


Shyanne, Hope, and Faith

In the morning, Faith woke up and stared out the window in her room. She found herself gaping at what seemed to be a wind vane, but instead of reading N S E W it read K H T S.

Faith decided to put what she had seen behind her and glanced downwards. Faith's eyes widened and her jaw practically hit the windowsill.

She had seen a pool and a jacuzzi through the window of what looked to be, a big shed. Faith stood up and inched in closer to the window to get closer. The jacuzzi had been bubbling and the pool had been still. Faith smiled. Seeing the modern technology on the inn's property had soothed Faith's fears just a little.

Faith excitedly went to tap on her sister's shoulder. "Come look out the window. There's a pool and a jacuzzi out there!"

Hope shot up and her eyes widened. "The fuck? A pool?"

"Yeah!" Faith yelled excitedly.

"I don't believe this," Hope muttered in a grouchy and sleepy tone as she got out of the bed to investigate.

Faith led her to the window and pointed towards the old, pale blue shed, that really looked like a pool house, in the inn's backyard.

Hope looked at the shed. Indeed, there was a jacuzzi and pool in there. "Wow," Hope said in disbelief and amazement. "Let's go tell the others."

Hope turned around to leave the room, but Faith had other plans. "How about not, how about we check it out alone?"

Hope thought about it. "Okay."

Faith smiled in a sinister way. On any usual day, Faith would not be caught dead alone with her sister. This could only mean one thing. Revenge. She had seen the way Robin stared at Hope. She was jealous.

And poor Hope, who always had hope that her sister would change her ways with her.

But Faith had no idea that any of this actually hurt her sister. She always thought that these were little jokes that they played with each other when one of them had done something to hurt the other. Boy was she wrong, and if she went along with her current plan, Faith would mess things up with her and her friends.

Faith and Hope walked out of the room and went to the pool outside. They hadn't known, but Shyanne had been listening to the whole entire conversation.


Robin and Don

Robin had been in a deep sleep but Don was wide awake, thinking about last night's events. He had trouble wrapping his head around how Stephanie could have had sex with someone no one else in the house had encountered, or even knew existed.

Don started looking out the window of his door when he saw that Hope and Faith were walking around outside. Those two together alone usually meant trouble.

Don looked back and forth between Robin and the window, unsure if whether he should go check it out by himself or with Robin.

"Nigga wake up!" Don made his decision.

Robin slightly rolled over, but still, somehow managed to stay in his bed. "Whatchu want?" he groaned, cranky that he had not gotten to sleep as long as he wanted to.

Don pointed out the window where Faith and Hope could be seen walking together, except Robin and Don did not see that they were walking to an old pool house.

Robin looked at Don in a worried way. He quickly ran over to his sandals and slipped them on. "We needa go out there."

Don nodded and did the same. After they had gotten out of their room, the two stormed down the hallway.

The loud hammering of feet lured everyone out of their rooms to see what had been happening. Without a word, everyone started following Don and Robin down the hall.

"Where are we going?" Zonnique asked.

The gang banging pair ignored all questions directed towards them and kept running until they found themselves down the stairs.

The two ran with everyone trailing behind them when they heard the scream.

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