Chapter Fifteen

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"With you- I always end up getting hurt one way or another."  

Carefully slipping through the window, I checked to see if my roommates had appeared during the night, but their beds were empty. I let out a sigh of relief. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.

Coming back to my dorm, I swiftly slipped on a pair of pale pink panties and a strapless nude bra. I picked a black tank top that was lightweight, near the bottom it had a few layers. I paired it with some plain denim jeans and my black ankle booties that had stud detailing on the sides. My hair cascaded down my back in soft waves and I put on some minimal make up that consisted of liquid eyeliner, a few coats of mascara, and quick swipe of my cherry lipgloss.

The creak of a door caught my attention and I saw Angelina sliding through. Her hair was in a messy top knot and she wore a red t-shirt that couldn't be hers.

"Morning, can't talk. I have to take a shower and get ready, don't even bother on waiting for me. I'll probably be late to first period." She quickly told me she grabbed her towel and toiletry bag and proceeded to exit through the door. I hadn't even managed to answer her.

I sighed and followed her instructions. I grabbed my bag and decided to go the coffee shop for a simple vanilla frappuccino and something sweet. As I made my way there, I could smell the faint aroma of freshly ground coffee and various types of sweets. Once I reached it, I ordered a vanilla frappuccino and a warm croissant. Not a minute later Jonathan was handing it to me a genuine smile on his lips.

A thought had popped into my mind. I hadn't seen Logan and before I had the chance to ask him about her he had vanished. I sighed and made my way to Mr.Richards.

I took a seat in my desk and I saw Angelina walk through the door, her hair in a top knot. She wore a simple white t-shirt with a pair of black leggings and seemingly comfy tan UGGS.

Taking a seat by me, I heard her sigh in relief, "Thank goodness I wasn't late. Carter kept me all night helping him study for his French test today." She pulled out her notebook and pen.

"Good morning class." Mr.Richards greeted coming in through the door. A dry erase maker levitated itself into the air and began writing on the board.

Romeo & Juliet

"Most of you know this story. How many of you have seen the famous movie featuring Leonardo Dicaprio?" He asked the class. I raised my hand along with the majority of the class. Cassandra had watched it when she was a sophomore and had been to lazy to read the book. Also she didn't want to see the older version because it lacked Leo. She had made me watch it also, I was only in eighth grade at the time.

"That's quite a handful. I know most of you think this will be a waste of time but William Shakespeare was an amazing poet. It's why we still read his work even four hundred years after his death."

Underneath where he placed "Romeo & Juliet" he wrote 'Tragedy'.

The next second, books were floating in the air and falling onto our desks, making a soft thud.

"Shakespeare begins his play with a prologue that tells us what we should expect in the play." He paused before he called out my name, "Allie. Please read the prologue."

Flipping to the first page, I began to read, "Two households,both alike in dignity,/ In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,/ From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,/ Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean./ From forth the fatal loins of these two foes/ A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;/ Whose misadventured piteous overthrows,/ Do with their death bury their parents' strife./ The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,/ And the continuance of their parents' rage,/ Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,/ Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;/ The which if you with patient ears attend,/ What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend."

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