3 Handle Business

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"Please Carter we can get you back your money!" A boy by the name of Murf tried to plead for the lives of he and his friends, all four of them sat up knees in the dirt and hands tied behind their backs tears in their eyes as they watched Julian, Hassan and Don dig graves. His girl Steph said this guy Ju was a random low level corner boy he had no idea the guy worked for Carter. "We ain't know it was your stuff I swear." Didn't know bitch he should've.

"Now you know." Carter smiled and not the kind of smile that cleared the tension in the air and made you comfortable. The smile Carter gave did the exact opposite. It let Murf know the end was near.

"I'll do anything." Murf gave begging another shot. "Please don't do this I don't wanna die." The graveyard they were dragged to at gunpoint was cold and here he was shirtless at the verge of pissing his pants. All he knew was if he got out of this alive he was going to make Steph suck him off one last time before he blew her brains out. This was all her fault!

"It's alright my friend Luther here will make sure your bodies rest peacefully. Won't you Luther?" Carter turned to Luther who didn't speak at all he just gave a head nod. He didn't have to speak or say anything to put the fear in anybody. Some would say Luther was fear itself.  He even gave Nate and Banko the creeps and they have been knowing the man for years.

"Stop digging." Tahj ordered for them to stop. Seconds later Banko and Nate handed the Trap boys guns for themselves.

"Finish em." Banko ordered and boys hesitated. They have done plenty of unholy things but none of them have gone as far as taking another mans life.

"Maybe they don't have it in them." Nate whispered to Tahj. He thought this was a bad idea anyway. They weren't ready for this.

"Naw they wanna be men right?" Tahj asked and Nate nodded. "Well-"

"Men handle business." Carter finished the saying for him.


"You're a man now Carter and men...." DeAngelo looked his younger son in the eyes. Three years earlier he taught Tahj how to be a man now it was Carter's turn.

"Men handle... Business." Carter finished fighting the lump in his throat hoping the awaiting tears wouldn't fall down his face. 'I'm a man now and men don't cry either.' he thought to himself  just before his father forced the gun into his hands.

"Good now handle that." DeAngelo pointed to the crying man who sat on his knees now begging for his life. 'Was this supposed to be my gift?' Carter wondered because this certainly wasn't what he wished for when he blew 16 candles off his birthday cake two hours ago. He didn't expect this when his father and his fathers friends  carried him out the house with happy birthday cheers. Carter expected for them to take him out to the garage sneak him a drink or let him puff on those Cuban cigars DeAngelo loved so much. Instead they ended up here a old abandoned house a few miles away from home down to the basement where this man waited in fear, eyes full of tears pants stained with piss.

Carter lifted the gun with shaky hands and his stomach in knots. "this is not being a man Carter. This is you making the mistake of thinking you are God.." That's what his Nanna would be saying. But right now He wasn't in the presence of that lovely little old lady who made it to church every given Sunday he was in the presence of the DeAngelo Harris and Carter feared disappointing him far more than he feared God.

It's not like this was his first time shooting a gun. His father has been taking him to the range since he turned twelve. But this was a actual person and when he shot him there will be real blood, blood everywhere. Everyone stood around  thinking Carter wouldn't do it a few thinking 'this lil nigga gonna fuck around and shoot himself in the foot'. They probably wanted to laugh but wouldn't dare let a chuckle escape their lips especially not in front of DeAngelo. So instead they stood in silence waiting for the sixteen year old boy to man up. So he did it. Carter stood up straight calmed his jittery nerves and POW. One shot  he aimed for the head he had no beef with this man there was no need to make him suffer. Moses one of his fathers guys bent down to examine the body. "Right between the eyes on your first try. Impressive" When those words left his mouth Carter noticed his father beam with pride. "That's my boy!" DeAngelo shouted as if Carter just hit a home run during a baseball game.

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