21 Good News At A Bad Time

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 The police had questions, questions , questions and more questions. Surveillance footage showed Banko taking Kali and shooting Don but why would he take Viola? Why didn't Carter call the police when Banko contacted him? Was it his plan to kill him all along? Why did Banko choose that abandoned house to take his hostages what was the connection?  They didn't seem to care that this crazy mad man was no longer roaming the streets they used the investigation as a chance to try to get something on Carter that would actually stick. Good thing for having an amazing Lawyer. Anything they thought they could pin on Carter was thrown out before they had a chance to finish their first box of donuts. You would think that would at least take some stress off of Carter’s shoulders…. well it didn't.

“You should eat.” Kali handed him a plate of food hoping he would eat it but she knew chances were he wouldn't touch it.

“No thank you babe.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he went back to focusing on the photo he held in his hands. It was picture of Don and Lennox he took a few years back. Lennox was just a pup back then and Don, Well Don was exactly how he was when he died. YOUNG.

Carter knew Don would protect his growing family with his life but it still didn’t make Carter hurt any less. He missed the kid already. Don was spending so much time at Carters he practically lived there. Carter couldn’t help but feel the sudden emptiness now that Don was gone.

Kali walked away with the plate feeling discouraged. He was so down and hurt and she couldn't think of a way to help him. Then again they just Buried Don less than two hours ago there was probably nothing she could do to make him feel better. The service was a lot to handle. Seeing Don’s grandmother cry and pray over his casket was heartbreaking.

“I bet he would at least crack a smile if you told him.” Sasha’s voice almost made Kali jump out of her skin.

“Sasha he didn't even remember I had a doctors appointment today. I bet he didn't even notice I was gone this morning.” That's how spaced out Carter was these days. But Kali wasn't angry disowning your mother, finding out the man you thought was your father really wasn't, killing the man you thought was your best friend and having to plan a funeral would do that to you.

“Finding out he will be having a little boy is good news.” Sasha told her placing her hand on Kali’s baby bump. “He could use some good news right now.”  

“Maybe tomorrow.” Kali just didn't feel like right now was the right time. “How would I even say it? Oh babe I know Don is dead because I didn't want to stay home like you asked but hey we are having a little boy smile for the sonogram!” Its safe to say the guilt was eating at her.


“You should leave.” Luther told Viola. Everybody who came to the funeral was gone and was probably either at Don’s grandmothers house or at Carter’s.

“I have no where to go. you think you could dig me a grave?” Viola’s words were slurred. “I just want to take a little nap.”

“You’re drunk.” Luther shook his head. “A boy was just put in the ground and you're drunk?” She must have been sipping through the service. The stress of both of her kids not speaking to her was getting to her. Tahj would eventually come around but Carter boy did he know how to hold a grudge.

“Carter hates me.” She frowned ignoring the disgusted look Luther had on his face. “He hates you too you know.” She stumbled almost falling onto the tombstone in front of her.

“He’d get over it.” Luther shrugged. Carter was hurting he was upset and most likely confused. Luther wasn’t one to deal with others emotions when or if Carter got himself together and wanted to talk Luther wouldn’t be hard to find.

“He was wrong you know.” Viola murmured as she struggled with her footing once again. Luther reached to grab Viola before she stumbled again last thing he needed was for her to hurt herself here.

“Come on lets get you home.” He couldn't stand this woman but one thing he hated more than he hated her was seeing her so down.

“Luther-.” Viola started what Luther thought would be nothing more than her babbling about nothing. “I didn't keep you at arms length because you are beneath me.” Her words still slurred. “I did it because I am beene beneath you. Everything I touch crumbles. I couldn't do that to you.”

For Luther it was like time re winded back all those years ago when he first fell in love with Viola. So lost and vulnerable needing to be saved. Made him really question if he had a captain save a hoe complex.


“What’s that you lookin at?” Carter asked. Everybody had left and now he and Kali were getting ready to go to bed.

“Oh this? its nothing.” She stuck the sonogram photo under her pillow.

“Its nothing usually means its something.” Carter said getting in spot beside her. “What is it?”

Kali cursed herself for not being able to keep her eyes off the sonogram. Kali sighed. Handing it to him. “I didn't think it was a good time to tell you. But I had a doctors appointment this morning.”

“Kali I completely forgot.” Carter felt like shit.

Kali shrugged “ You were busy. But that right there.” She tapped her finger on the sonogram . “Is our little boy.”

“A boy?” He smiled. “Damn his head is big. Must get that from you.”

He was smiling and making jokes. Maybe Sasha was right good news is exactly what he needed.

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