22 Baby Boy Harris

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“Kali you know you're not supposed to be in here!” Carter barked. Kali waved him off. Carter was in full on daddy mode especially now that she was ready to pop. Her Due date was in just a few days and Carter Has been going crazy about the nursery not being ready. “Come on Kali just take a few steps back!”

Kali rolled her eyes taking three steps back until she was right outside of the room. Man she couldn’t wait until she gave birth. “Sasha and I were just wondering if you guys are hungry.” Kali said she still didn't understand why it would take three grown ass men to paint one room anyway.

“Hell yeah I’m hungry.” Nate was the first to drop his paint brush. He hadn’t eaten in hours. Carter put them to work early this morning standing in Home Depot trying to find out what was the safest paint to use for a baby nursery. Nate could feel himself falling asleep when they started to use words he didn't understand. And the confusion didn't stop there because Carter just couldn’t seem to decide on what shade of blue to use. To Nate blue was blue but apparently it wasn’t. Carter stood there eyeing the swatches like he was making an extremely important strategic decision.

“Well come on down then.” Kali laughed moving aside so Nate could go down and get himself a hot meal. Followed by Tahj. “Carter if you don’t get your behind down stairs-” Kali warned.

“How else is this supposed to get finished?”

“It’ll get done after you eat. Now come on.” Kali ordered. “Your helping me wobble my fat ass down those steps.”

Carter did as he was told some things you just didn’t argue with a pregnant woman about.

“Viola called.” Kali said as they slowly started to come down the staircase. Carter remained silent. He wanted nothing to do with his mother. Its been months since the last time he spoke to Viola. It’s not that she didn’t try though. Viola had come by plenty of times called so much Carter changed his number now Viola resulted to calling Kali. She thought getting in good with his baby’s mother would get her back into his life. Carter made it his mission to prove it wouldn’t.

“Carter I know you heard me.” Kali glared at him. “You know she only called me because she wanted to talk to you. right?”

Carter shrugged. “I have nothing to say to that lady.”

“She is your mother.” Kali felt the need to remind him

“And now she is your best fucking friend huh!.” Carter snapped at her in a tone Kali didn't appreciate.

Kali wasnt team Viola but after the kidnapping with Banko and Viola pretty much getting ready to sacrifice herself Kali started to see her in a different light. “Im just saying she is trying. Dont forget she was willing to sacrifice herself for me and your son!”

“She knew I wasn't going to let anyone die.”

“Oh yea cause you’re faster than a speeding bullet. Check you out superman.” Kali spoke sarcastically before she rolled her eyes again. “Ohh you're getting on my nerves.

“Kali she lied!” They had finally reached the last step and Kali  started to wobble away from him and made her way toward the kitchen.

“What happened?” Sasha asked but they both ignored her.

“So fucking what she lied to Tahj to and he speaks to her now. “Everyone lies Carter you're acting like she’s the first person on the face of the earth to do so!”

Carter sighed heavily walking behind her. “I don't know what you expect me to do!”

“Parents make mistakes. and that's all she did Carter she made a mistake I see how you dismiss her how you ignore her existence. Call her that lady well let me tell you something if that lady didn’t cheat on her husband your ass wouldn't even exist and if she didn't lie about Luther being your father you would have never fought so hard to be where you are today. Look at this house take a look at that the vehicles you have lined up in the driveway. You have all this because you wanted to be better than DeAngelo. All of this is because she lied. That lie didn’t ruin your life that much if you ask me.” Kali went off now everybody was looking at her like she was crazy. “WHAT!” She snapped.

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